Custom Gateway

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Custom Gateway
This page is about the menu   (SETTINGS)  PAYMENTS > PAYMENT GATEWAYS > CUSTOM GATEWAY and explains how to connect with a payment gateway of your choice.

Required skills: html, programming


1 Introduction

You can create an interface to an external (not integrated) payment gateway.

The booker will be shown a button which will take them to the specified URL with the value from "Post Data" included as an HTML POST.

2 Transfer to Custom Gateway

The post data is sent to the custom gateway with a POST method as if it came from a normal HTML form being submitted on a web page.

Both the URL and POST fields can contain template variables to include values from the booking.

If the POST fields are empty, a GET request is made to the specified URL.

A special template variable [PAYMENTAMOUNT] will contain the value of the deposit when booking and the value of the payment request when used for payment requests.

Example: deposit=[PAYMENTAMOUNT]&bookid={BOOKID] will post fields deposit and bookid to the external gateway.

  • The custom gateway POST data is posted from the users browser when they click the pay button.
  • This means the POSTED data will be visible in the page source code and should not contain any secret or private data.

3 Confirmation Page

The payment gateway should show the payment status to the booker confirming the success or failure of their payment.

After the booking (and sending the webhook to notify of payment success) the booker can be returned to the page booking.php?page=bookconfirmed which will show the booking they just made.

The booking is a stored in a session variable, which means that the confirmation page needs to be on the same domain as the booking otherwise it wont work or if it's in incognito mode and might time out after 15 minutes.

4 Webhook to notify of payment status

A notify URL is available for the external gateway to report a successful collection of the deposit.

The notify will add the deposit to the booking invoice and trigger updates to booking status and email notifications to guest and host.

The notify must post a key field with a value that matches to setting and contain at least 6 characters.

The data should be sent as HTML POST form data

Notify URL:

The notify should contain the following POST fields:

key= value in custom gateway key setting

bookid = the bookid of the booking

These POST fields are optional:

status = booking status, 0 (cancelled), 1 (confirmed), 2 (new), 3 (request)

amount = amount of the deposit collected

description = description of payment for invoice item

payment_status = status of payment for invoice item

txnid = unique id for this payment to prevent false duplicates

A success will have HTTP 200 response with no text. If there is any text content in the response, it will be an error message which means it was not successful.

5 Payment gateways with specific requirements

The payment values can be first posted to your server. Your server can process the data and convert it into the format required by the payment gateway. Finally redirecting the guest to the payment gateway with the data in the required format.

Examples where this may be required are adding authorization headers or passwords or transforming the data into a specific format required by the payment gateway.