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Auto Actions

419 bytes added, 19:09, 18 February 2019
Note: Confirmation message will send automatically to the guest. You can customize them in SETTINGS ->GUEST MANAGEMENT->CONFIRMATION MESSAGES.
Email sending works per account.
Auto Action Emails which are sent automatically by the system are sent from the EMail address of the account that created the Auto Action. This is the account set up in in SETTINGS-ACCOUNT-OUTGOING EMAIL.
Automatic actions will trigger every 15 minutes.
'''Manual sending:'''
== Examples ==
'''Example 1''' - ===Automatically change the status of all "Request" bookings to "Cancelled" after three days:===
Trigger tab
*Booking Status = Cancelled
'''Example 2''' - ===Automatically change the status of all bookings which have been imported from Ical to "Request" :===
Trigger tab:
Booking changes are applied before the mail is sent.
'''Example 3''' - ===Automatically set a flag for a booking coming from a certain channel :===
Trigger tab:
Booking changes are applied before the mail is sent so that the flag template variable can be reflected in the email.
'''Example 4''' - ===Automatically send an Email to the guest when the status of a booking changes to "Cancelled" :===
Trigger tab:
'''Example 5''' - ===Automatically add a fee to all bookings from a channel:===
Trigger tab:
*Trigger Event = After Booking
'''Example 6''' - ===Apply a flag when a payment was made:===
Also see Example 14 for payments/deposits prior to Check-in
'''Example 7''' - ===Apply a flag when a booking is cancelled:===
Trigger tab
*Trigger Event = After Booking
*Trigger Time = 1 Hour
*Trigger Window = 365 days
*Flag Colour = Set as required
 '''Example 8''' - ===Send an email or SMS to Guest when booking made more than 10 days in advance:===
Trigger tab:
'''Example 9''' - ===Send an email with a key code for a specific unit one day before check-in:===
Trigger tab:
'''Example 10''' - ===Send an email to guests from Channels:===
Trigger tab:
'''Example 11''' - ===Automatically set a flag for a bookings from a a channel which have breakfast included :===
Trigger tab:
'''Example 12''' - ===Automatically send a message (email or sms) to guests that have Checked-out 30 days or more :===
Trigger tab:
'''Example 13''' - ===Automatically send a Request for payment to your guests for all bookings :===
Trigger tab:
Booking changes are applied before the mail is sent so that the flag template variable can be reflected in the email.
'''Example 14''' - ===Automatically send a Request for payment to your guests XX days before arrival :===
Trigger tab:
'''Example 15''' - ===Apply a flag when deposit is was made prior to Check-in :===
Trigger tab:
'''Example 16''' - ===Apply a flag when booking is fully paid :===
Trigger tab:
'''Example 17''' - ===Send SMS in a certain language (if it is the language of the booking) or a default language===
This uses a smart template variable. In this example we check whether the guest booked in French. If yes, then we send a French text. If no, we send an English text.
*Phone Number = [GUESTMOBILE]
*SMS Message = [IF=:[GUESTLANGUAGE]:fr:French_text|English_text]
===Automatically assign invoice numbers===
Trigger tab:
*Trigger Event = Check-out
*Trigger Time = Immediate
*Any Booking Info Code = CHECKOUT (optional only if you use the check-out function, if not leave blank)
Invoice tab:
*Assign Invoice Number = yes
===Group check-in ===
This requires the master booking to be checked-in via the check-in function.
Trigger tab:
*Trigger Event = After Booking
*Trigger Time = immediately
*Trigger Window = 365
*Booking Source = All
*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
*Group bookings" = Trigger all on master
*Info Code = CHECKIN
Booking info tab :
*Info Code = CHECKIN
== Troubleshooting ==
'''If Auto Actions do not send:'''
In The list in the "TestMail" tab of the Auto Action booking will tell you can check why an Auto Action was not executed. Common causes are:
*Is your outgoing Email address working? Go to SETTINGS->ACCOUNT->OUTGOING EMAIL and click on "Send Test Email".
*Is your Auto Action set to send automatically?
*Is the guests Email address valid ("Mails" tab of the booking)?
*Is the booking set to allow automatic Emails Allow Auto Actions ("Mails" tab of the booking)?
*Do all trigger events apply to the booking?


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