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9 bytes added, 12:31, 11 January 2021
To use the API you need to allow API access. Go to This page is about the menu {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT -> ACCOUNT ACCESS and allow API access. The API is available at The XML functions can be accessed with your Beds24 username and password. The JSON functions can be created with a API and prop key which you set yourself in the Beds24 control panel This page is about the menu {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT and This page is about the menu {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ACCESS
== Create a website connected to my with the content in your Beds24 account ==
We have an integration with Rezintel which allows users/developers to create a website with the data you have in Beds24.
Go to [ Website builder] for more details.


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