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Terms and Conditions

59 bytes added, 16:11, 24 October 2022
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The system has multiple options to inform guests on terms and conditions or booking rules.
For the responsive Version of the booking page you can enter your policies in SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->DESCRIPTION. They will display on the booking page if you activate the policy modules in SETTINGS-> BOOKING ENGINE -> PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE->LAYOUT. These can also be added to booking confirmations or auto action emails using [[Template Variables|template variables]]
'''Display descriptive information on all pages of the booking page'''
Information entered in SETTINGS-> BOOKING ENGINE -> PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE -> CONTENT "Page Header" and "Page Footer" or "Property Description 1" and "Property Description 2" will display on all pages of the booking page.
'''Display descriptive information only on first page of the booking page'''
Information entered in SETTINGS-> BOOKING ENGINE -> PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE-> CONTENT "Price Calendar Header" will appear only on the first page of the booking page where the guest selects dates and rooms. It will appear at the top of the page under the property header information.
'''Display descriptive information only on the page where guests enter their details'''
Information entered in SETTINGS -> BOOKING ENGINE -> PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE-> CONTENT"Guest Details Header" will appear only after the guest clicked "Book" on the booking page showing the upsell items and guest booking questions. It will appear at the top of the page under the property header information.
'''Information on credit card collection'''
If you collect credit card details as a security or to process a deposit payment though your own merchant account you can explain the procedure in SETTINGS -> BOOKING ENGINE -> PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE -> CONTENT "Guest Details Header"
'''Link to terms and conditions'''
A link to the terms and conditions can be placed in the descriptive areas of the booking page: SETTINGS -> BOOKING ENGINE -> PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE -> CONTENT "Page HeaderProperty Top" and "Page FooterProperty Bottom" if you are using the adaptive booking page or on "Property Description 1" and "Property Description 2" if you are using the responsive booking page and enter your policy or your link.


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