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Custom CSS

6,536 bytes added, 11 June
<div class="heading">Custom CSS</div>
This page gives custom CSS examples which can be used to customize the booking page or the control panel.
= PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE Booking Engine === Property Booking Page ==
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Custom CSS can be added in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE DEVELOPERS > "Custom CSS"
=== Force the Iframe to have a certain height ===
/* Style for Extra Large Screen */
@media (max-width:1199px) {
iframe {
height: 292px;
/* Style for Large Screen */
@media (max-width:991px) {
iframe {
height: 2000px;
/* Style for Medium Screen */
@media (max-width:767px) {
iframe {
height: 2200px;
/* Style for Small Screen */
@media (max-width:575px) {
iframe {
height: 2500px;
=== Bigger room name ===
<code> .roomoffercalendarmonth{pointer-events: none;}</code>
====Disable clicks only on dates not in pointer selection====<code> .roomoffercalendarmonth .daterequest, .roomoffercalendarmonth .dateavail {pointer-events: none;}</code> === Mark dates days when check-in and/or check-out is not allowed (i.e. for rentals on a weekly basis)in the offer calendar===
To use this option you will need to set your check-in/check-out rules in the CALENDAR. It will not work for check-in and check-out restrictions only set in rates.
NOTE: Limit the check-in and check-out in the CALENDAR (click on "Override") to use this function. To highlight when Check-out is not allowed :-
<code> .datenco{background-color:#f4f4f4; color:#cccccc;}</code>
To highlight when Check-in is not allowed :-
<code> .datenci{background-color:#f4f4f4; color:#cccccc;}</code>
To highlight specific days then set the day with the appropriate colour :-
<code> .daymon{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
<code> .daytue{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
<code> .daywed{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
<code> .daythu{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
<code> .dayfri{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
<code> .daysat{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
<code> .daysun{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
=== Background Image ===
=== Add a border around the selected dates===
<code>.datestay{border: 1px solid #2f2f2f !important;}</code>
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> If you use split dates the CSS is:
<code>.prevdatestay, .datestay{border: 1px solid #2f2f2f !important;}</code>
=== Hide option to collect credit cards from Booking page if you want to use this option only for requests via Email===
<code>.bp2bookcollectpayment .panel-pay-card{display:none;}</code>
=== Hide "Print Booking" on the confirmation screen===
=== Hide "Click here to make another booking" on the confirmation screen===
=== Adjust alignment for RTL languages (Arabic, Hebrew)===
float: right;
</code> === Change colors of warnings===<code>.alert-danger { color: #7e7602;background-color: #fcf8bd;border-color: #fcf8bd;}</code>
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Custom CSS can be added in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > BOOKING PAGE > MULTI BOOKING PAGE > DEVELOPERS > "Custom CSS"
By default this list goes up to 99. You can limit it with the following code. Substitute X for the desired number + 2. So, if you want the drop-down list to be limited to 10 then X=12.
<code>#inputnumadult option:nth-child(n+X6){display:none;}</code>
<code>#inputnumchild option:nth-child(n+6){display:none;}</code> === Adjust alignment for RTL languages (Arabic, Hebrew)=== <code>.rtlinject{float: right;}.colorbody-he, .colorbody-ar {text-align: right;}.colorbody-he .b24-prop-module,.colorbody-he .datepicker, .colorbody-he .roomoffercalendarmonth td,.colorbody-ar .datepicker, .colorbody-ar .roomoffercalendarmonth td{float: right;}.colorbody-he .at_propnametext,.colorbody-ar .at_propnametext {padding-right: 10px;}</code> === Hide Property Name ===This will remove the individual property names from the Multi Property booking page.  <code>.at_propnametext {display: none;}</code> == BOOKING WIDGETS ==
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> CSS needs to be added directly in your web site
<code>.book-widget .ui-datepicker td .ui-state-active, .book-widget .ui-datepicker td .ui-state-hover, .book-widget.ui-datepicker td .ui-state-active, .book-widget.ui-datepicker td .ui-state-hover {background-color:#ffffff!important; color:#000000!important}</code>
===Make only Saturdays clickable in the datepicker calendar ===
<code>.book-widget .ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(1), .book-widget .ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(2), .book-widget .ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(3), .book-widget .ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(4), .book-widget .ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(5), .book-widget. ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(7){pointer-events: none;}</code>
<code>#iconedit {display: none;}</code>
=== Align all table content right ===
<code>.conf_subheadercenter, .conf_numbercenter{text-align: right !important;}</code>
*Click on the 'User' icon on the top right and then on 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNT in the top right) then on ACCOUNT LIST > MANAGE ACCOUNT to apply for a specific sub account
== Calendar Navigation=====Hide SUPPORT button===<code>.navbar-top .btngroupdropdown{display: none}</code> ===Hide page help icon on the right===<code>.opener-right{display: none}</code> ===Change header background color===<code>.fixed-top {background-color: #cccccc;}</code> ===Hide "Settings" icon in left column===<code>.#c3sidebarCollapse{display: none !important;} {display: none;}</code> ===Hide "Price Checker Tool" button===<code>.b24btn_PriceCheck {display: none}</code> ===Hide "Try the new calendar" link===<code>.tryTheNewCalendar {display: none;}</code>
===Hide 'Add Booking' button===
== Dynamic Multi-Calendar ==
===Hide "Intelligence" icon===
<code>.sticky-left .row-intelligence-button{display: none;}</code>
===Hide "Help" icon in left column===
<code>.sticky-left .row-help-button {display: none;}</code>
===Hide Drag&Drop option===
<code>#dragDropButton {display: none;}</code>
===Hide "Notes" icon in left column===
<code>.sticky-left .fa-comment-alt-plus, .sticky-left .fa-comment-alt-lines {display: none;}</code>
===Hide "Intelligence" icon===
<code>.sticky-left .row-intelligence-button{display: none;}</code>
===Hide Group booking icons===
<code>.fa-circle{display: none;}</code>
===Display occupancy as color instead of number===
<code>.calendar2 .property-stats-wrapper
{margin-top: 5px;}
.calendar2 .property-stats-wrapper.empty {
display: inline-block;
background-color: #7AAB0A;
height: 10px;
width: 10px;
border-radius: 50%;
color: transparent;
.calendar2 .property-stats-wrapper.medium {
display: inline-block;
background-color: #fe746c;
height: 10px;
width: 10px;
border-radius: 50%;
color: transparent;
===Change the backgound color of weekends (Saturday/Sunday)===
<code>.th-sat, .th-sun {background-color:#ffceaf !important;}</code>
===Change the backgound color of past dates===
===Hide Intelligence button===
<code>.sticky-left .row-intelligence-button{display: none;}</code>
===Hide contect help===
<code>.sticky-left .row-help-button {display: none;}</code>
===Change color of unavailable dates ===
<code>.inv0 { color: blue }</code>
===Change color and background color of daily prices===
<code>.price { background-color:#7cc576; color:white;}</code>
===Make inventory row read-only===
<code>.calendar2 .row-room {
pointer-events: none;
===Make Daily Price row read-only===
pointer-events: none;
===Change background and font color for "Unallocated" bookings===
<code>..pagetypecalendar2 .overflow-unit{ background-color: #FEE0DD; color: #9E4843;}</code>
===Hide the option to create or change views===
display: none;
===Disable the option to create or change views===
<code>#view-templates-button, #saveViewButton{
pointer-events: none;
== Old Calendar ==
===Hide "Show" in the CALENDAR===
<code>.dashgridshowfilter {display:none;}</code>
===Hide suitcase icon (add booking) from CALENDAR===
<code>.icon-suitcase, .fa-suitcase {display:none}</code>
===Hide button 'Add Booking' from CALENDAR===
.widgettype-units .roomrowclassXXX {display: none;} /* replace XXX with the room ID*/
===Hide column on the dashboard tables===
Change the child number in brackets to the desired column.
<code>.dashboardtable th:nth-child(9) {display:none;}</code>
<code>===Hide Edit button in the Notes component===Change the child number in brackets to the desired column.dashboardtable td:nth-child(9) {display:none;}</code>
=<code>#dashboardnotea .btn {display:none;}</code> ==Align the content of a column right===
<code> .bookingtable td:nth-child(8) {text-align: right;} </code>
=== Hide a certain row in the "Info" tab on GUESTS===
<code>.pagetypeguests .viewguest .table tr:nth-child(x) {display: none; }</code>
== Bookings Menu ==
=== Hide room name in the BOOKING GRID ===
<code>.bookgrid_rowroomname{display: none;}</code>
=== Hide room name in the BOOKING GRID ===
<code>. pagetypebookingsgrid .todaydate{font-weight:bold;}</code>
=== Hide a certain column in the BOOKING LIST Table ===
<code>.pagetypebookingslist .bookingtable tr > *:nth-child(12) {display: none;}</code> will hide the first column which is 'Number'.
<code>.pagetypebookingslist .bookingtable tr > *:nth-child(1011) {display: none;}</code> will hide the tenth column which is 'Email'.
===Hide column on the BOOKINGS table===
Change the child number in brackets to the desired column.
<code> .bookingtable th:nth-child(12) {display:none;} </code>
===Hide cancelled bookings BOOKINGS list===<code> .bookingtable pagetypebookingslist td:nth-child(12) .cancelbooking{display:none;} </code>
=== Hide cancelled bookings in the BOOKINGS Table ===
<code>.bookingtable .cancelbooking {display:none;}</code>
=== Hide "ExportBookings" button buttons ===<code>.b24btn_ExportBookings bookingfilterheadline .floatright .btn {display:none;}</code> ===Disable moving of bookings===<code> .pagetypebookingsgrid table {pointer-events:none;}</code>
== Rates Fixed Prices Menu =====Hide column on the rates Fixed Prices table===
Change the child number in brackets to the desired column.
<code> .ratetable th:nth-child(9) {display:none;} </code>  <code> .ratetable td:nth-child(9) {display:none;} </code>  
== Reports Menu ==
<code>.pagetypeproperties .b24btn_delete{display:none;}</code>
=== Hide the "Delete" button for rooms ===
<code>.pagetyperooms .b24btn_delete{display:none;}</code>
==Booking Popup==
Please note: This will not hide the title column (Vat %). See for yourself if you can live with it.
====Prevent invoice items being deleted====
<code>.tr_invoicee .btn-danger, #groupinvoicebulkaction option[value="1"] {display:none !important;}</code>
====Prevent manual entry of charge items ====
====Hide the 'Assign Invoice Number' button====
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .b24btn_AssignInvoiveNumberb24btn_AssignInvoiceNumber{display:none;}</code>
German control panel:
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestemail{display:none;}</code>
==Add Booking==
====Prevent price to be changed====
<code>..pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-unitprice, .pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-price { pointer-events: none;}</code>
==Reports ==
<code>.pagetypelogin .b24btn_Login{background-color:#xxxxxx;}</code>
=== Hide the "Make a Charge using Stripe" button ===
=== Hide the Stripe "Refund" button ===
If your are using the control panel in another language than English you might need to replace the word Refund with what you see on the button.
=== Hide potential issue "Less than 12 months available"===
<code>.warninglessthan12monthsavailable{ display: none}</code>
=== Hide potential issue "Too many guests in booking xxxxx"===
<code>..warningunitnotassigned{ display: none}</code>
=== Hide 'Template 2' from Guest Management > Booking Templates ===
=== Hide the option to unlock invoices===
<code>.menusetting-invoicelock {display:none;}</code>
===Hide SUPPORT button===
<code>.navbar-top .btngroupdropdown{display: none}</code>
===Hide page help icon on the right===
<code>.opener-right{display: none}</code>
===Change header background color===
<code>.fixed-top {background-color: #cccccc;}</code>


Navigation menu