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Questions and Answers

655 bytes added, 15:59, 23 March 2020
Yes, Bookings can be changed or moved to another room if required.
Open the booking and go to the Summary tab, then change the room/unit and click SAVE.
Go to BOOKINGS > Booking Grid and you can drag and drop a booking from one room to another.
'''Can I (owner) cancel bookings?'''
Yes, you can provide guests the option to view and cancel bookings but not change them.
If the booking was made a Channel, suggest the guest contacts the Channel to cancel the booking, this ensures that your availability is updated and the dates re-opened.
'''Can bookings be grouped together?'''
If your guests book multiple rooms, you can 'Group' the bookings together, you will see the list of 'grouped' bookings when you open any one of the bookings in the Group.
Open the initial booking (Master), go to the Invoice tab and scroll to the bottom, then add the new booking into the 'Add Existing booking to Group'.
'''What information is gathered during the booking process?'''
You can set which information you require your guest to enter when they make a booking. You can set optional/mandatory information, additionally you can set Custom Questions (if required).
Go to SETTINGS > PROPERTIES > BOOKING QUESTIONS you can identify the Standard Questions and define any additional questions in Custom Questions.
'''How can I change the details in the first line of the Charges & Payments and/or Invoice tab of a booking?'''


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