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This page is about the menu CALENDAR

1 Overview

This is a table giving you a complete overview on your bookings, rates and occupation and inventory. By clicking on "Filter" then ticking the boxes you can select what you want to display.

  • bookings are displayed in red- hover the mouse over individual bookings or rates to show more information about them or click on them to open them in a pop up.
  • rates in green for each room - click on them to open them in a popup.

Inventory: The number of rooms remaining to sell is also shown and they can be edited to quickly change your availability. Click to open a popup and save the changes in your inventory.

Add Booking: To add a booking click on the person+ icon.

Daily Prices: You can set simple room prices here. Click in on the day the rate starts to open a popup and set price and date range and click SAVE. You may modify individual dates as required.

To remove a price set it to 0 (numeral zero)

These daily prices are offered per room per night. Alternatively you can set prices using RATES in the RATES section in the top menu. Rates offer more flexibility to charge different prices for extra people, minimum stays etc.

The price offered to the guest will be the lowest from your Daily Prices and your Rates which match the requested stay period.

Override Dates

  • BLACKOUT will close the room so it is not available for booking
  • NO CHECK IN - guests can not check in on this day but guests checking in before can stay on this day
  • NO CHECK OUT - guests can not check out on this day but guests checking in before this date can stay on this day
  • NO CHECK IN AND NO CHECK OUT - guests can not check in or check out on this day but guests checking in before can stay on this day
  • EXCEPTION will apply the booking rule for the "Exceptional Period" set in SETTINGS -> PROPERTIES -> BOOKING RULES
  • NONE - the booking strategy is as defined for the property

Min Stay: Set a minimum stay.

Price Mulitplier: Adjust all rate by a percentage.

Diary Note: Click on a date to add a diary note for this day.

The-CLAENDAR.png view large

2 Customise Display

Adjust-CALENDAR-VIEW.png view large

Set preferences

Customise-CALENDAR.png view large

Customise room display:

Define-Room-Display.png view large

3 Show Groups of Properties

Properties can be opened as groups in the calendar. Use the SETTINGS-> BOOKING PAGE-> MULTIPLE PROPERTIES-> PROPERTY SETTINGS "Group Keywords "setting to assign keywords to each property. These keywords will appear in the property selector and show all properties having that keyword.

4 Enhance Performance

If you have many properties and/or slow internet you can do the following:

  • Show less date e.g. a week only
  • Turn off all rows which you are not using via the "Show" selector"
  • Avoid opening all properties. Instead open individual properties or create property groups

Pages in category "Calendar"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total. download this selection of articles as a PDF book