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Custom CSS

1 byte added, 11:31, 19 April 2019
===Change the blue Login button on the initial Beds24 page (resellers only)===
.pagetypelogin .b24btn_Login{background-color:#xxxxxx;}
=== Hide the "Make a Charge using Stripe" button ===
=== Hide property name in the BOOKINGS GRID ===
.bookgrid_rowpropname{display: none;}
=== Hide a certain colum in the BOOKINGS Table ===
.pagetypebookings .bookingtable tr > *:nth-child(X) {display: none;}
=== Hide a certain colum in the RATES Table ===
.pagetyperates .bookingtable tr> *:nth-child(X) {display: none;}
=== Hide a certain colum in the Departues Table on the dashboard===
.mobiledeparture tr > *:nth-child(X) {display: none;}
=== Hide potential issue "Less than 12 months available"===
.warninglessthan12monthsavailable{ display: none}
=== Hide 'Template 2' from Guest Management > Booking Templates ===
.pagetypecommunicationbooktemplate #settingformid .background_boxprop:nth-of-type(2){display:none;}
===Hide dropdown for rooms in the CALENDAR===
.dashgrid_rowroomname .dropdown{display:none !important;}
=== Hide the "Make a Charge using Stripe" button ===
=== Hide property name in the BOOKINGS GRID ===
.bookgrid_rowpropname{display: none;}
=== Hide a certain colum in the BOOKINGS Table ===
.pagetypebookings .bookingtable tr > *:nth-child(X) {display: none;}
=== Hide a certain colum in the RATES Table ===
.pagetyperates .bookingtable tr> *:nth-child(X) {display: none;}
=== Hide a certain colum in the Departues Table on the dashboard===
.mobiledeparture tr > *:nth-child(X) {display: none;}
=== Hide potential issue "Less than 12 months available"===
.warninglessthan12monthsavailable{ display: none}
=== Hide 'Template 2' from Guest Management > Booking Templates ===
.pagetypecommunicationbooktemplate #settingformid .background_boxprop:nth-of-type(2){display:none;}
= Reports =


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