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Host PMS

The connection is maintained by Host PMS.

For further information please contact Host PMS support.

To use this integration you need to have an account with Host PMS

Host PMS can send daily prices to Beds24 and import bookings from Beds24 into Host PMS.

Following set up in Beds24 is required:

1. Set up your properties and rooms

This help page explains how to set up properties and rooms.

2. Connect channels

Go to SETTINGS->CHANNEL MANAGER in the Beds24 control panel and connect the channels you want to use. You will find specific set up instructions for each channel when you click on HELP or habe a look here. Set up in Beds24 is free and you can do it yourself. Beds24 is designed as a self service system with context sensitive help, extensive documentation and a free-of-charge ticket support system.

3. To use the connection you need to allow API access. Go to SETTINGS -> ACCOUNT and allow API Access in the 'Link' section. You will need:

  • Your Beds24 API Key which you can generate in SETTINGS -> ACCOUNT -> ACCOUNT ACCESS by entering the code you want to use.
  • Your prop Key which you can generate in SETTINGS -> PROPERTIES->ACCESS by entering the code you want to use.

For details please contact Host PMS support.