Mobile Prices

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Mobile Prices
This page explains how to show different prices on mobile devices and desktops. 


1 For direct bookings

You can achieve this if you use two offers and a script. Offer 1 only for desktop and Offer 2 only for mobile. If you have additional offers they will always show.

Step 1: Create Offer 2

If you have not already set up an offer to go to (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > OFFERS and create an additional offer. After you have created the offer you can set up prices for the offer. Click on in the top right for detailed instructions on offers.

Step 1: Add the script

Go to (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > DEVELOPERS and add the script below to the <head> section:

<script>$(document).ready(function() {if($(window).width() >= 800) {$('.offerid1').show();$('.offerid2').hide();}else{$('.offerid1').hide();$('.offerid2').show();}});</script>

2 For

You can add a mobile rate for directly from Beds24 in PRICES > PROMOTIONS > BOOKING.COM. Click on in the top right for detailed instructions.

3 For Expedia

You can add a mobile rate for Expedia directly from Beds24 in PRICES > PROMOTIONS > EXPEDIA. Click on in the top right for detailed instructions.

4 Other OTSs

For some other OTAs you can create mobile rates in their extranet.