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Template Variables

176 bytes removed, 16:19, 23 May 2020
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column parameters
ADDR = Booking address
ADUL= the number of adults
BREF = Booking number
CITY = Booking city
CHAR = Charges
CHIL = the number of children
COUN = Booking country
DEPT = Departure date
ICAN EMAI = Include cancelled bookingsBooking Email
NAME FLAG = Booking full nameflag text
ONAM FNAM = Offer Name Booking first name
ONLY = Just show the one booking
PAID GADD = Paid amountGuest address
PEOP GCIT = the number of guestsGuest city
PROP GCOM = Property nameGuest company
RDE0 GCOU = Room description (Settings > Channel Manager > Property Content > Room Content) Guest country
RDE1 GFLA = Room description 1 (Settings > Properties > Rooms > Setup)Guest flag text
RNAM GFNA = Room Display Name ROOM = Room Guest first name
TOTA GLNA = Total priceGuest last name
UNI2 GMOB = Unit first additional information UNI3 = Unit second additional informationGuest mobile
UNIT GNAM = Unit Guest full name
GEMA = Guest Email
coming soon:GNOT = Guest note
FNAM GPOS = Booking first nameGuest postcode
LNAM GREF = Booking last nameGuest Id
EMAI GSTA = Booking emailGuest state
PHON GTEL = Booking Guest phone
MOBI ICAN = Booking mobileInclude cancelled bookings
COMP LNAM = Booking companylast name
ADDR MOBI = Booking addressmobile
CITY NAME = Booking city STAT = Booking state POST = Booking postcode COUN = Booking country FLAG = Booking flag textfull name
NOTE = Booking note
including any of the following will show the information from the guests attached to the booking and will show one row per attached guest.ONAM = Offer Name
GNAM ONLY = Guest full nameJust show the one booking
GFNA PAID = Guest first name Paid amount
GLNA PEOP = Guest last namethe number of guests
GREF PHON = Guest IdBooking phone
GEMA POST = Guest emailBooking postcode
GTEL PROP = Guest phoneProperty name
GMOB RDE0 = Guest mobile Room description (Settings > Channel Manager > Property Content > Room Content)
GCOM RDE1 = Guest companyRoom description 1 (Settings > Properties > Rooms > Setup)
GADD RNAM = Guest addressRoom Display Name ROOM = Room name
GCIT STAT = Guest cityBooking state
GSTA TOTA = Guest stateTotal price
GPOS UNI2 = Guest postcodeUnit first additional information GCOU UNI3 = Guest country GFLA = Guest flag text GNOT = Guest noteUnit second additional information
UNIT = Unit name

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