View Credit Card Details

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Revision as of 10:27, 21 November 2015 by Annette (talk | contribs)
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This page explains how to access credit card information

Owner accounts can always access the credit cards information of a property. Sub accounts can view credit cards when this is activated in the property settings in sub accounts.

There are following restrictions to view cards:

1)The user must login with the primary account password, the additional secondary password can no longer view cards.

2) The login must be using secure https: not http:

3) Viewing credit card details will require your password entry if your seesion has been inactive or no password has been entered within 15 minutes. When required a password entry button or form will show to allow password entry.

The encrypted CCV code is in the booking notification email which was sent you when the booking was made.

1. Copy it from there.

2. open the booking. Go to the "Invoice tab" and click on the context help (? Icon) for information on how to decode the security code.