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Room Setup

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<div class="heading">Room Setup</div> ''This page is about the menu {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -> ) PROPERTIES - > ROOMS-> SETUP''
Define the name, quantity and additional characteristics for your rooms. [[Hostel_and_Retreat_Setup|If you have dorms please also see this help page]]== General Room Settings ==.
'''Quantity''' If your rooms are similar and have <span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Use the same rates you may use this <span style="color:#007bff;“ >{{#far:question-circle}} </span> context help for information on what effect changing a setting to create the required number of rooms. Bookings will be accepted for up to this many rooms per night and then shown as unavailablehas.
Alternatively We recommend you may enter each room separately, each with a quantity of one. This way bookings will be uniquely assigned and can be transferred to individual rooms. '''Unit Allocation'''let our [http: "One per booking" will allocate one room for each booking//beds24. This is the normal setting for a hotel room etccom/wizard/index. "One Per Guest" will allocate one unit for each person in the booking. This is typical for a hostel selling beds or for activity or event tickets which are allocated per person. '''Collect Number of Guests''': For accommodation this will be normally set to yes. If php Setup Wizards] guide you set this to No there will be no selctor for people on the booking page. No is used for bookings where the number of people is unimportant like cars.  '''Maximum Guests''': This is through the total number of people this room can accommodate. A booking cannot be made for this room for more than this number of people. If Maximum Adults and Maximum Children are non zero the lowest of Max imumPeople or Maximum Adults plus Maximum Children will apply as the maximum room occupancy.  '''Maximum Adults:''' This is the maximum number of adults this room can accommodate. A booking cannot be made for this room including more than this number of adults. This can be used with the Maximum Children setting to specify the maximum number of adults and children that can be occupied. If both Maximum Adults and Max Children are zero then Maximum People is used and the booking form will only ask for the number of guests.  '''Maximum Children''': This is the maximum number of children this room can accommodate. A booking cannot be made for this room including more than this number of children. If you set this to zero the booking page will simply ask for the number of guests. There will be no field for the number of children. If required you can specify any age restrictions in your description and policy fields.  '''Minimum Stay:''' This sets the minimum number of nights a booking will be accepted for.  '''Maximum Stay:''' This sets the maximum number of nights a booking will be accepted for. If Max. Stay is set to 1 only the arrival date will be collected, the departure date will be automatically set to the next day. If this is set to Activity the departure date is not collected and the wording of the booking form is changed to represent booking an event or activity rather than an accommodation. '''Control Panel Priority:''' Set the priority of each room on the control panel calendar. '''Sell Priority:''' Set the priority of each room on the booking page. Rooms with a higher priority will be offered to the guest first and will appear at the top of lists of available rooms. A higher number means a higher priority relative to rooms with a lower number. A value of zero means the room will be hidden on the booking page room list.  '''Highlight Colour:''' Color for this room in the control panel. '''Minimum Price:''' The price entered here can not be undercut by any price or rate. '''Overbooking Protection:'''  Room=total bookings in room up to room qty. Meaning the room availability is based on the room only. Property=total bookings in room up to room qty AND total bookings in property up to total rooms in property. Meaning the room will be closed if the number of bookings in all rooms in the property is greater or equal to the total number of rooms in the property. This could occur because of an overbooking in a different room. If a room is "not included in reporting" it will also not be included in the property overbooking calculation. '''Display Name:''' Optionally you can set a different name to display on your booking page. If required you can use a different name for each activated language.  '''Accommodation Type:''' The default accommodation type is "room". It can be changed to any other type such as apartment, holiday house, cabin, bed.... == Booking Page Content =='''Room Name''' is the name which displays on the booking page. You can also set the type of accommodation for example room, apartment, bed.  '''Room Description 1''' (Room More Details on the adaptive booking page): This is the descriptive text for the room.  '''Troubleshooting:''' If you can no longer edit content, read this help document: [[Corrupted_Content|Corrupted Content]] == Enhanced Settings =='''Room Template Values''' and '''Information''': These texts can be entered into Email or invoice templates with template variablesprocess.

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