'''Length of stay has to be provided for the Rate Plans with LOS enabled.'''
Expedia rate plans with with LOS (length of stay) enabled are not supported. Please ask Expedia to change your rate plans.
'''Room Type ID 1231234234; Rate Plan ID 1231234234; Occupancy x; Occupancy exceeds maximum Room Type Person Count Y'''
You are trying to send a price for a higher occupancy than what the room is set up in Expedia for. Please correct the maximum number of guests either in Expedia or in Beds24.
'''The restrictions of restrictionId are derived and cannot be updated ''' OR '''The rates of rateId are derived and cannot be updated ''' Your rates have restricitons which restrictions that are linked in Expedia therefore Expedia does not allow us to update them. Contact Expedia support and ask them to remove all linkages for restrictions.
'''7028 (India only)'''