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Do the initial Setup

71 bytes added, 21:44, 8 January 2024
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An offer is the price combined with certain conditions. Each room/unit has one or more offers. "Offer 1" is your standard offer to the guest which is always displayed.
You have the option to sell a room with different prices eg. packages, promotions or discounted conditional ratesprices. Each offer can have its own "Booking Type".
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}}</span> If you copy a room all settings will be automatically applied to the copy. If you want to link prices between different rooms remove the prices before you copy the rooms.
The system has two types of prices:
*Daily Prices (recommended)
*RatesFixed Prices
This [ setup wizard] guides you though the setup.
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'''RatesFixed Prices'''
Rates Fixed Prices have a start and end date so they apply to a range of dates. Rates Fixed Prices contain many rules about the conditions which must apply to make them available.
Use rates Fixed Prices instead of daily pricesDaily p=rices:
*If your prices are fixed ahead and you do not want to adjust them and you have none or few seasons
*If you want to allow guest to enquire when no price can be found but the room is not fully booked
*If you want to grant referrer discounts
Please find more information on the help page for [ ratesFixed Prices Fixed Prices].
'''Combination of Daily Prices and RatesFixed Prices'''
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> If you use rates Fixed Prices you do not need to set up Daily Prices for every day. If required you can use a Daily Price to adjust the prices for an individual date or date range.
*You can use Daily Prices to override the a rate Fixed Price for a few individual dates. If you you often adjust prices use Daily Prices only.*You can add a gap fill rate Gap Filler to fill gaps when using daily prices with minimum stays is required
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> Rules in rates Fixed Pricess have no effect on daily prices.
== '''Step 4''' - Enter existing Bookings==
Click on the screen icon in the top right menu of the control panel or go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > BOOKING ENGINE to view your booking page and make a couple of test bookings.
The 'Price Check' tool shows you which prices and rules apply for specific dates//selections and why a certain price or rule was applied or not applied. Just enter your booking condition then click on 'Calculate'. You can find links to the 'Price Check' tool on the RATES, CALENDAR and SUPPORT pages.
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