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Rezintel Website Builder

232 bytes removed, 22:57, 8 January 2024
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Rezintel only works with the Daily prices, which means Rezintel cannot display specific check-in and check-out dates
=Initial Set Up=
To set up your trial RezIntel will need the following information
Press SAVE.
'''Step 3: Create your website'''
For detailed information on how to create your website please see [ here] and check the RezIntel help.
=Add content in Beds24 to show in RezIntel:=
Go to [ ]for full instructions <span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Please ensure that all of the following fields are completed: filled in.
Click [ here] for full instructions.
=How to to use the RezIntel - Sitebuilder CMS=
*Not connecting to Stripe
*Not uploading pictures and/or not assigning them to rooms
*Using Rates Fixed Prices instead of Daily Prices
= Disconnect=
*Untick "Enable" to stop sending bookings.

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