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Minimum Stay and Maximum Stay

6,418 bytes added, 9 January
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[[Category:How toFixed Prices]][[Category:Daily_Prices]][[Category:RatesPrices]]<div class="heading">Minimum Stays and Maximum Stays</div> ''This page explains how to set minimum stays.''Minimum and/or maximum stays can be set and overriden at prices for different levels:length of stay.
*You can define different prices for different length of stay using the "Minimum Stay" and "Maximum Stay" settings.  Minimum and maximum stays can be set and overridden at different levels: '''Minimum Stay'''*At the room level ({{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS->) PROPERTIES->ROOMS-> SETUP) set the lowest allowed value of minimum stay at all timesany time.*At the offer level ({{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > OFFERS) *Each Daily Price can have it's own value.*Each RATE Fixed Price can have it's own value of minimum stay.*Minimum stays can be overridden in the CALENDAR. This minimum stay value cannot be lower than that set for the roomfor an offer, a Daily Price or a Fixed Price. <span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> <span style="font-weight: bold;" >Tip</span> You can use a [[Sell_Remaining_Single_Nights|Gap Filler]] to sell remaining nights. <embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo> '''Maximum Stay'''*At the room level ({{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP) set the highest allowed value of maximum stay at any time.*Each Daily Price can have it's own value.*Each Fixed Price can have it's own value.*Maximum stays can be overridden in the CALENDAR. This maximum stay value cannot be higher than that set for the room a Daily Price or a Fixed Price.  The '''restriction strategy''' which you can set in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP sets how the Fixed Prices minimum and maximum stay settings are applied. In most cases the appropriate setting is "Stay Through". *When set to "Stay Through", this prices minimum and maximum stay restrictions must be satisfied for each day of the stay where this price applies. The value of all booked days applies.*When set to "First Night Only", this prices minimum and maximum stay restrictions must only be satisfied for the arrival date of the booking. Only the value of the check-in day applies to the booking.
== Change Minimum Stay on individual dates==
In the CALENDAR go to the date you want to change the minimum stay for. Click in the field "Min Stay". In the pop up enter the number of nights you want to override your rates prices with. If the change applies to a range of date also set the end date. <span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> <span style="font-weight: bold;" >Tip</span> If you normally require a minimum stay but allow shorter stays when you have gaps you can create a special [[Rates:_Sell_Remaining_Single_Nights|Gap Filler]] =Examples=== Guest who stay only one night pay a higher price than guests who stay two or more nights =='''Solution 1 multiple daily prices:''' Daily Price 1:*Minimum stay = 1 night  Daily price 2:*Minimum stay = 2 nights.  '''Solution 2 multiple Fixed Prices:''' Fixed Price 1:*Minimum stay = 1 night  Fixed Price 2:*Minimum stay = 2 nights.  <span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> <span style="font-weight: bold;" >Tip</span> You can create as many prices as you need to reflect your pricing strategy.
If you normally require a minimum stay but allow shorter stays when you have gaps you can create a special [[Rates:_Sell_Remaining_Single_Nights|Gap Filler Rate]]
== Minimum Stay only on Weekends ==
'''Solution 1 override in the CALENDAR:''' Go to the date you want to change the minimum stay for. Click in the field "Min Stay". In the pop up tick the weekend days and set the date range. '''Solution 2 multiple Fixed Prices:''' By creating two rates Fixed Prices you can specify a different minimum stay based on the day of the check-in.
This example shows how to make a 2 night minimum for Friday arrivals while a 1 night minimum applies to arrivals on every other day.
Rate Fixed Price 1:
*Minimum stay = 1 night
*Rate Allowed = deselected for the Friday.Make sure the check-in and check-out tick boxes are enabled on all days otherwise this rate rprice will not be allowed for a booking that arrives or departs on a weekend but also includes weekdays.
Rate Fixed Price 2:
*Minimum stay = 2 nights.
*If the price is the same or higher than the first rate Fixed Price you can leave this rate Fixed Price available on all nights. If the 2 night weekend price is lower and not allowed on weekdays you can deselect the "Rate Allowed" tick boxes for the weekdays.  Again make sure the check-in and check-out tick boxes are selected for all nights so the two Fixed Prices can be combined for bookings which overlap both. 
== Minimum Stay only on Weekends ==Example: Weekdays have a 2 night minimum stay, Friday and Saturday have a minimum stay of 3 nights. A guest wants to arrive on Thursday and stay 2 nights. Stay Through: booking not possible because for Friday a 3 night minimum stay applies. First Night: Booking possible because on Thursday a minimum stray of 2 nights applies and the rule for Friday will be ignored.  '''Solution 1 override in the CALENDAR:''' Go to the date you want to change the minimum stay for. Click in the field "Min Stay". In the pop up tick the weekend days and set the date range. '''Solution 2 multiple Fixed Prices:''' By creating two rFixed Prices you can specify a different minimum stay based on the day of the check-in.This example shows how to make a 2 night minimum for Friday arrivals while a 1 night minimum applies to arrivals on every other day. Fixed Price 1: *Minimum stay = 1 night *Allowed = deselected for the Friday.Make sure the check-in and check-out tick boxes are enabled on all days otherwise this Fixed Price will not be allowed for a booking that arrives or departs on a weekend but also includes weekdays.  Fixed Price 2: *Minimum stay = 2 nights. *If the price is the same or higher than the first Fixed Price you can leave this Fixed Price available on all nights. If the 2 night weekend price is lower and not allowed on weekdays you can deselect the "Allowed" tick boxes for the weekdays.  Again make sure the check-in and check-out tick boxes are selected for all nights so the two rates Fixed Prices can be combined for bookings which overlap both.
== Minimum Stay for a Season or Period ==
Go to the CALENDAR and go to July 1st. Click in the field "Min Stay" on July 1st. In the pop up enter 3 and set the date range to July 30.
'''Solution 2 multiple ratesFixed Prices:'''
1. Normal RateFixed Price:
*First night: today (or when it starts)
*Last night: June 30
*Strategy: Do not allow lower prices
2. Create a high season rate Fixed Price with these settings:
*First night: July 1
*Last night: July 30
*Strategy: Do not allow lower prices
3. Normal RateFixed Price:
*First night: August 1
*Last night: June 30 (next year)
*Strategy: Do not allow lower prices
 Example 2: The normal minimum stay is 2 nights. For check-ins between 27th Dec and 5th Jan you want a minimum stay of 5 nights and the price to be higher for the first 5 nights if checkin check in is at any given date between these dates.
'''Solution 1:'''
Create a holiday rate Fixed Price with these settings:
*First night: 27th Dec.
*Last night: 5th Jan (following year)
'''Solution 2:'''
Break your normal rate Fixed Price so it ends on the 26 of December and start a new one on January 8th
Create your holiday rate Fixed Price with these settings:
*First night: 27th Dec.
*Last night: 7th Jan (following year)
*Strategy: Allow lower prices
Create a filler rate Fixed Price for your normal price with these settings: (this rate Fixed Prices allows people checking in on the 6th or 7th to pay the normal rate price but people checking out on the 6th or 7th do not)
*First night: 6th Jan.
*Last night: 8th Jan
This solution will force people booking up to the 6th (checkout on the 7th) to pay the holiday price but people checking in on the 6th or later will pay the normal price.
Example 3: The normal minimum stay is 4 nights, For stays between 27th Dec and 7th Jan (even if it starts before) you want at least a minimum stay of 7 nights.
'''Solution 1:'''
Create a holiday Fixed Price with these settings:
*First night: 27th Dec.
*Last night: 7th Jan (following year)
*Minimum stay: 7 nights
*Strategy: Do not allow lower prices
*Open your Calendar and for dates between 27th December and 2nd January select 'No Check-out' in Override.
This solution will force the holiday price/minimum stay until the 7th January but with at least 7 night stay during your 2 dates.
== Minimum Stay depending on when the booking was made==
Example 1: The normal minimum stay is 2 nights. For last minute bookings bookings made up to 3 days in advance a one night minimum stay is accepted.
1. Normal Fixed Price:
*Minimum stay: 2
*Min days until Check-in: 3 nights
*Strategy: Do not allow lower prices
2. Last minute Fixed Price:
*Minimum stay: 1
*Min days until Check-in: 1
*Strategy: Do not allow lower prices
3. Normal Fixed Price:
*First night: August 1
*Last night: June 30 (next year)
*Minimum stay: 1 night
*Strategy: Do not allow lower prices
== Minimum Stay for a certain Check-in day ==
Example: Minimum stay of 3 nights required for check-ins on Monday.
'''Solution 1 set minimum stay in the CALENDAR:''' Go to the date you want to change the minimum stay for. Click in the field "Min Stay". In the pop up enter 2 and tick only Monday and set the date range.  '''Solution 2 multiple Fixed Prices''' Normal RateFixd Prices:
*Minimum stay = 1
*Rate allowed "Allowed = All days
*Check-in Allowed = All days except Monday
*Check-out Allowed = All days
Monday RateFixed Price:
*Minimum stay = 3
*Rate allowed Allowed = All days
*Check-in Allowed = Only Monday
*Check-out Allowed = All days
== Set Minimum Stays using Daily Prices ==
If you have room prices you can use daily prices.
*Add a New Daily price.
*set the "Minimum Stay" for each daily price
2. When you now o to the CALENDAR you will see a row for each daily price where you can enter the price.
= Send Minimum Stays to Channels =
We can send minimum stays to channels which support this. You can find information on if/how an OTA support prices for different length of stay in this [[Channel_Manager_Capabilities|overview]] and refer to the help page of the channels you are using for specific information.


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