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Template Variables

48,017 bytes added, 12:07, 9 February 2024
[[Category:Booking Page]]
Below is <div class="heading">Template variables</div> On this page you find a List list of '''''Template Variables'''''template variables and information on how they are used.
These variables (short codes) will be replaced by the relevant information from each booking. They can be used in every text settings that allows their use . Copy them exactly as shown, including the square brackets and upper case.
[PROPERTYNAME] - property name
[PROPERTYADDRESS] - property full address
[PROPERTYCITY] - property city
[PROPERTYFAX] - property fax
[PROPERTYCONTACTLASTNAME] - property contact last name
[PROPERTYCONTACTFIRSTNAME] - property contact first name
[PROPERTYID] - property id number
[PROPERTYLOCATIONDESCRIPTION] - property location description
[PROPERTYLOCATIONDESCRIPTIONBR] - property location description with line break [PROPERTYDIRECTIONS] - property directions from (Settings > Channel Manager {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANNAGER > Property ContentPROPERTY CONTENT)
[PROPERTYHEADLINE] - property headline
[PROPERTYGENERALPOLICY] - property rental policy
[PROPERTYGENERALPOLICYBR] - property rental policy with line break
[PROPERTYLEGALPOLICY] - property rental policy / obsolete
[PROPERTYCANCELPOLICY] - property cancellation policy
[PROPERTYCANCELPOLICYBR] - property cancellation policy with line breaks [PROPERTYHOUSERULES] - property house rules (Settings {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > Channel Manager PROPERTY CONTENT) [PROPERTYHOUSERULESBR] - property house rules ({{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > Property ContentPROPERTY CONTENT)with line break 
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE1] - Property Template 1
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE8] - Property Template 8
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE1BR] - Property Template 1 with line breaks
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE2BR] - Property Template 2 with line breaks
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE3BR] - Property Template 3 with line breaks
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE4BR] - Property Template 4 with line breaks
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE5BR] - Property Template 5 with line breaks
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE6BR] - Property Template 6 with line breaks
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE7BR] - Property Template 7 with line breaks
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE8BR] - Property Template 8 with line breaks
[PERMITID] - the permit ID
[CHECKINSTART] - check-in start time in 24hr format (From {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-in start')
[CHECKINEND] - check-in end time in 24hr format (From {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-in end')
[CHECKOUTEND] - check-out end time in 24hr format (From {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-out end')
[CHECKINSTART12] - check-in start time in am/pm format (From {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-in start')
[CHECKINEND12] - check-in end time in am/pm format (From {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-in end')
[CHECKOUTEND12] - check-out end time in am/pm format (From {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-out end')
[PROPERTYGROUP] - shows the group keywords
== Room Variables ==
[ROOMID] - room id number
[ROOMNAME] - room names of all booked rooms (not for cancelled bookings use ROOMNAMEINC if used for cacelled bookings)
[ROOMNAMEBR] - room names with line break
[ROOMNAMEROOMNAMEINC] - room names of all booked roomsincluding for cancelled bookings
[ROOMNAMEBRROOMNAMEINCBR] - room name names with line break
[ROOMNAME1] - room name of first booked room
[ROOMNAMEOFFERBR] - room names of all booked rooms with offer name with line break
[ROOMNAMEOFFERINC] room names of all booked rooms with offer name incl. cancelled bookings
[ROOMNAMEOFFERINCBR] - room names of all booked rooms with offer name with line break
[ROOMTYPEDESC] - room accommodation type first booked room
[ROOMTYPEDESCS] - room accommodation type all booked rooms
[ROOMIDROOMTYPEDESCSINC] - room id numberaccommodation type all booked rooms including cancelled bookings [ROOMSIZE] - size of the room
[ROOMTEMPLATE5] - ROOM Template 5 [ROOMTEMPLATE6] - ROOM Template 6 [ROOMTEMPLATE7] - ROOM Template 7  [ROOMTEMPLATE8] - ROOM Template 8 [ROOMTEMPLATE1BR] - ROOM Template 1 with linkbreak [ROOMTEMPLATE2BR] - ROOM Template 2 with linkbreak [ROOMTEMPLATE3BR] - ROOM Template 3 with linkbreak [ROOMTEMPLATE4BR] - ROOM Template 4 with linkbreak [ROOMTEMPLATE5BR] - ROOM Template 5 with linkbreak [ROOMTEMPLATE6BR] - ROOM Template 6 with linkbreak [ROOMTEMPLATE7BR] - ROOM Template 7 with linkbreak [ROOMTEMPLATE8BR] - ROOM Template 8 with linkbreak [ROOMMETAAUXTEXT] - room meta auxiliary text setting for first booked room{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP > DISPLAY [ROOMMETAAUXTEXTS] - room auxiliary text setting for all booked rooms
[ROOMMETAAUXTEXTSROOMMETAAUXTEXTSINC] - - room meta auxiliary text setting for all booked rooms, incl. cancelled bookings
[INTERNALROOMNAME] - internal room name as used in the control panel, this is not the translated room name shown on the booking page
[OFFERID] - ID of the booked offer
[OFFERNAME] - booked offer name for all booked rooms
[OFFERNAME1] - offer name for this booked room only
[OFFERNAMEINC] - offer name for this booked room only including cancelled bookings
[OFFERDESCRIPTION1] - offer description 1 for all booked rooms
[OFFERDESCRIPTION1INC] - offer description 1 for all booked rooms incl. cancelled
[OFFERDESCRIPTION2] - offer description 2 for all booked rooms
[UNITNAMEOFFERDESCRIPTION2INC] - unit names of offer description 2 for all the assigned room typesbooked rooms incl. cancelled
[UNITNAME:OFFERDESCRIPTION1-1] - additional information about the unit offer description 1 for all the assigned this booked room types
[UNITNAME1OFFERDESCRIPTION2-1] - unit name of the first assigned offer description 2 for this booked room
[UNITNAME1:1OFFERSUMMARY] - additional information about the first assigned room / add the additional information on each line after a | symbol where you set the unit namessummary offers
[ROOMDESCRIPTIONOFFERSUMMARYINC] - Room description (Settings > Channel Manager > Property Content > Room Content)summary offers including cancelled bookings
[UNITID1] - ID of the unit (number) for this booking number (coming soon) [UNITNAME] - unit names of all the assigned room types in the booking group (cancelled bookings are not shown) [UNITNAMEINC] - unit names of all the assigned room types in the booking group including cancelled bookings [UNITNAME:1] - additional information (first) about the unit for all the assigned room types in the booking group (cancelled bookings are not shown) [UNITNAME:2] - additional information (second) about the unit for all the assigned room types in the booking group (cancelled bookings are not shown) [UNITNAME1] - unit name of the assigned room for this booking number [UNITNAME1:1] - additional information about the assigned room for this booking number / add the additional information on each line after a | symbol where you set the unit names [UNITSTATUS1] - the status of the unit  [ROOMDESCRIPTION] - Room description from {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT > ROOM CONTENT [ROOMDESCRIPTION1] - Room description 1 from {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP [LEAVINGDAYAVAIL] - returns yes or no, can be used to trigger an Auto Action [NUMROOMSAVAIL] - returns the number of available rooms (-1 if overbooked), can be used to trigger an Auto Action [ROOMRACKRATENUM] - Rack Rate from {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT > ROOM CONTENT [ROOMCLEANINGFEENUM] - Cleaning fee from {{#fas:cog}} (Settings SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > Properties PROPERTY CONTENT > ROOM CONTENT [ROOMSECURITYDEPOSITNUM] - Securty deposit from {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > Rooms PROPERTY CONTENT > SetupROOM CONTENT [ROOMTAXPERCENTNUM] - Tax percentate from from {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS)CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT > ROOM CONTENT [ROOMTAXPERSONNUM] - Tax per Person Night from from {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT > ROOM CONTENT
== Booking Variables ==
[VIEWBOOKING] - create a URL to log into the control panel and view this booking (for hosts, not intended to be sent to guests) [BOOKID] - booking reference number [BOOKIDS] - booking reference numbers of all bookings in a group [BOOKIDSINC] - booking reference of all bookings in a group including cancelled bookings
[GROUPID] - booking reference of the master booking
[REFERENCENUMBER] - booking reference (same as [BOOKID]) [BOOKIDLAST1] - Last 1 digit of booking number [BOOKIDLAST2] - Last 2 digits of booking number [BOOKIDLAST3] - Last 3 digits of booking number [BOOKIDLAST4] - Last 4 digits of booking number [BOOKIDLAST5] - Last 5 digits of booking number [BOOKIDLAST6] - Last 6 digits of booking number [BOOKIDLAST7] - Last 7 digits of booking number [BOOKIDLAST8] - Last 8 digits of booking number [BEDDING] - displays bedding info codes [RANDOM1] - a 1 digit random number seeded from the booking number [RANDOM2] - a 2 digit random number seeded from the booking number [RANDOM3] - a 3 digit random number seeded from the booking number [RANDOM4] - a 4 digit random number seeded from the booking number [RANDOM5] - a 5 digit random number seeded from the booking number [RANDOM6] - a 6 digit random number seeded from the booking number [RANDOM7] - a 7 digit random number seeded from the booking number [RANDOM8] - a 8 digit random number seeded from the booking number [VOUCHERPHRASE1] - Voucher Phrase - change the number to the voucher you want to print out. [VOUCHERAMOUNT1] - Voucher Amount - change the number to the voucher you want to print out. === Content from "Info" tab ===[BOOKINGINFOITEMS] - Booking Info Codes - Codes and text [BOOKINGINFOITEMSBR] - Booking Info Codes - Codes and text with line break [BOOKINGINFOTEXTS] - Booking Info Codes - Text only [BOOKINGINFOTEXTSBR] Booking Info Codes - Text only with line break [BOOKINGINFOCODES] - Booking Info Codes - Codes only [BOOKINGINFOCODESBR] - Booking Info Codes - Codes and text with line break  [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:infoCode] - the most recent Text value of the specified Booking Info Code, "infoCode" in this example [BOOKINGINFOCODEDATE:infoCode]- the most recent date value of the specified Booking Info Code, "infoCode" in this example, supports custom date/time formats {%A, %e %B, %Y} after the infoCode [INTERNALNOTES] - content from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tab [INTERNALNOTESBR] - content from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tab with line break [INTERNALNOTESHR] - content from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tab with separating line === Content from "Summary" tab see also under "Room" and "Property" ===[STATUS] - status of booking [SUBSTATUS] - sub status of the booking
[FIRSTNIGHT] - first night booked
[LEAVINGDAYYYYY-MM-DD] - check-out day in YYYY-MM-DD format
[DAYSTOCHECKINNUMNIGHT] - number of days until Checknights  [NUMNIGHTS] -innumber of nights sum across group booking
[NUMROOMNUMNIGHTSINC] - number of nights sum across group booking incl. cancelled [GUESTTITLE] - guest title on the quantity "summary" tab of rooms booked (the booking [GUESTFIRSTNAME] - first room type only) name on the "summary" tab of the booking
[NUMROOMSGUESTNAME] - last name on the quantity "summary" tab of rooms booked (sum of all rooms and room types) the booking
[NUMNIGHTGUESTNAMES] - number name of nights all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking
[NUMADULTGUESTNAMESINC] - number name of adults all guests in this room or in group if master the booking on the "summary" tab of the bookingincl. cancelled bookings
[NUMADULT1GUESTNAMESINCBR] - number name of adults all guests in this roomthe booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled bookings with line break on the "summary" tab of the booking
[NUMCHILDGUESTFULLNAME] - number title, first name, last name on the "summary" tab of children in this room or in group if master the booking
[NUMCHILD1GUESTFULLNAMES] - number titles, first names, last names of children all guests in this roomthe booking on the "summary" tab of the booking
[NUMPEOPLEGUESTFULLNAMESBR] - number titles, first names, last names of all guests in this room or in group if master the booking with line break on the "summary" tab of the booking
[NUMPEOPLE1GUESTFULLNAMESINC] - number titles, first names, last names of people all guests in this roomthe booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled
[RATEDESCGUESTFULLNAMESINCBR] - rate description titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking with line break on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled
[RATEDESCBRGUESTCOMMENTS] - name of comments in the rate with HTML &lt;BR&gt; to force new linesbooking
[PRICEGUESTCOMMENTSBR] - Value comments in price field (number entered in the price field of the booking) with currency symbolline breaks <BR>
[PRICENCNOTES] - Value in price field (number entered in the price field of the booking) without currency symbol (do not use in calculations, use PRICENUM)notes
[PRICE:10%NOTESBR] - Percentage value of Price notes with line breaks <BR>
[PRICE:-10GUESTARRIVALTIME] - Price with offset amountarrival time
[PRICENUMNUMADULT] - As per [PRICE] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols number of adults in this room or in group if master booking (not for cancelled bookings use NUMADULTINC if used for calculationcacelled bookings).
[PRICENUM:NUMADULTINC] - As per [PRICE:] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)number of adults in this room or in group if master booking incl. cancelled bookings
[PRICELESSCOMMISSIONNUMADULT1] - Value number of adults in price field less value in commission field with currency symbolthis room
[PRICELESSCOMMISSIONNUMNUMCHILD] - As per [PRICELESSCOMMISSION] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols number of children in this room or in group if master booking (not for cancelled bookings use NUMCHILDINC if used for calculationcacelled bookings).
[PRICELESSTAXNUMCHILDINC] - Value number of children in price field less value this room or in tax field with currency symbolgroup if master booking including cancelled bookings
[PRICELESSTAXNUMNUMCHILD1] - As per [PRICELESSTAX] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).number of children in this room
[AVPRICENUMPEOPLE] - Average Nightly Price with currency symbolnumber of guests in this room or in group if master booking
[AVPRICENUMNUMPEOPLEINC] - Average Nightly Price with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)number of guests in this room or in group if master booking incl. cancelled bookings
[AVPRICE:20%NUMPEOPLE1] - Percentage value number of Average Nightly Price people in this room
[AVPRICE:15GUESTPHONE] - Average Nightly Price with offset amountguests phone number
[DEPOSITGUESTPHONENUM] - Value in deposit field guests phone number with currency symbolall non-numeric characters removed
[DEPOSITNUMGUESTMOBILE] - As per [DEPOSIT] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation). guests mobile number
[TAXGUESTMOBILENUM] - Value in tax field guests mobile number with currency symbolall non-numeric characters removed
[TAXNUMMOBILELAST1] - As per [TAX] but last digit of the value guests mobile number, if mobile is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)empty the guests phone number will be used.
[COMMISSIONMOBILELAST2] - Value in commission field with currency symbollast 2 digits of the guests mobile number, if mobile is empty the guests phone number will be used.
[COMMISSIONNUMMOBILELAST3] - As per [COMMISSION] but last 3 digits of the value guests mobile number, if mobile is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)empty the guests phone number will be used.
[GUESTTITLEMOBILELAST4] - guest titlelast 4 digits of the guests mobile number, if mobile is empty the guests phone number will be used.
[GUESTFIRSTNAMEMOBILELAST5] - first name last 5 digits of the guests mobile number, if mobile is empty the guests phone number will be used.
[GUESTNAMEMOBILELAST6] - last name6 digits of the guests mobile number, if mobile is empty the guests phone number will be used.
[GUESTNAMESPHONELAST1] - name last digit of all the guests in phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the booking guests mobile number
[GUESTFULLNAMEPHONELAST2] - title, first name, last name2 digits of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number
[GUESTFULLNAMESPHONELAST3] - titles, first names, last names 3 digits of all the guests in phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the booking guests mobile number
[GUESTFULLNAMESBRPHONELAST4] - titles, first names, last names 4 digits of all the guests in phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the booking with line breakguests mobile number
[GUESTEMAILPHONELAST5] - last 5 digits of the guests phone number if guest's Email addressphone is empty it will use the guests mobile number
[GUESTPHONEPHONELAST6] - last 6 digits of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number
[GUESTPHONENUMGUESTSMS:49] - guests attempt to convert the guest mobile number into a format suitable for SMS, if country code is missing add the one supplied in the template variable, if mobile number is empty use guest phone number with all non-numeric characters removedinstead.
[GUESTMOBILEGUESTCOMPANY] - guests mobile number company name
[GUESTMOBILENUMGUESTCOMPANYBR] - guests mobile number company name with all non-numeric characters removedline breaks
[GUESTFAX] - guests fax number
[GUESTFAXNUM] - guests fax number with all non-numeric characters removed
[GUESTCOMPANYGUESTADDRESS] - company nameguests address  [GUESTADDRESSBR] - guests address with line breaks
[GUESTADDRESSGUESTSADDRESSSBR1INC] - guests address with line breaks incl. cancelled bookings
[GUESTPOSTCODE] - guests postcode
[GUESTCOUNTRY] - guests country from free text field is not empty, otherwise from selector list
[GUESTCOUNTRYHL] - guests country from free text field is not empty, otherwise from selector list in hosts languabelanguage
[GUESTCOUNTRYGL] - guests country from free text field is not empty, otherwise from selector list in guests language
[GUESTCOUNTRYTEXT] - guests country from free text field
[GUESTARRIVALTIMEGUESTCOUNTRY2] - arrival time guests country from selector list as two letter code
=== Content from "Details" tab ===[GUESTCOMMENTSMESSAGE] - comments in the content of the booking message field
[GUESTCOMMENTSBRMESSAGEBR] - comments in the content of the booking message field with line breaks <BR>
[GUESTCUSTOMQ1] - answer to custom question 1
[GUESTCUSTOMQ1BR] - answer to custom question 1 with line breaks <BR>
[GUESTCUSTOMQ2] - answer to custom question 2
[GUESTCUSTOMQsBR] - answer to custom question 2 with line breaks <BR>
[GUESTCUSTOMQ3] - answer to custom question 3
[GUESTCUSTOMQ3BR] - answer to custom question 3 with line breaks <BR>
[GUESTCUSTOMQ4] - answer to custom question 4
[GUESTCUSTOMQ4BR] - answer to custom question 4 with line breaks <BR>
[GUESTCUSTOMQ5] - answer to custom question 5
[GUESTCUSTOMQ5BR] - answer to custom question 5 with line breaks <BR>
[GUESTCUSTOMQ6] - answer to custom question 6
[GUESTCUSTOMQ6BR] - answer to custom question 6 with line breaks <BR>
[GUESTCUSTOMQ7] - answer to custom question 7
[GUESTCUSTOMQ7BR] - answer to custom question 7 with line breaks <BR>
[GUESTCUSTOMQ8] - answer to custom question 8
[GUESTCUSTOMQ8BR] - answer to custom question 8 with line breaks <BR>
[GUESTCUSTOMQ9] - answer to custom question 9
[GUESTCUSTOMQ9BR] - answer to custom question 9 with line breaks <BR>
[GUESTCUSTOMQ10] - answer to custom question 10
[GUESTLANGUAGEGUESTCUSTOMQ10BR] - guest languageanswer to custom question 10 with line breaks <BR>
[BOOKGROUPROOMLISTREFERENCE] - create a table content of guest names including room type for a group the bookingreference field
[BOOKGROUPROOMLISTTOTALNUMROOM] - create a table the quantity of guest names including rooms booked (first room type for a group booking with guest totalsonly)
[BOOKGROUPROOMLISTCHARGETOTALNUMROOMS] - create a table the quantity of guest names including rooms booked (sum of all rooms and room type and charge for a group booking with guest totalstypes)
[BOOKGROUPNAMELISTNUMROOMSINC] - create a table the quantity of guest names including rooms booked (sum of all rooms and room type and unit for a group bookingtypes) inc. cancelled
[BOOKGROUPNAMELISTTOTALFLAG] - create a table of guest names including room type and unit for a group booking with guest totalsFlag
[BOOKGROUPNAMELISTCHARGETOTALSTATUSCODE] - create 'Status Code' (Under tab 'Detail'. Can be a table of guest names including room type and unit and charge for a group booking with guest totalsvalue between 0-100.)
[BOOKGROUPUNITLISTORIGINALREFERRER] - create a table of guest names including unit for a group bookingOriginal referrer
[BOOKGROUPUNITLISTTOTALREFERRER] - create a table of guest names including unit for a group booking with guest totalsReferrer
[BOOKGROUPUNITLISTCHARGETOTALAPIREF] - create a table of guest names including unit and charge for a group the booking with guest totalsnumber at the originating channel
[REFERRERAPISOURCE] - Referrer Beds24 channel number
[ORIGINALREFERRERAPISOURCETEXT] - Original referrerhuman readable name of the channel
[APIREFBOOKINGIP] - the booking number at the originating channelip address of booker's computer
[APIMESSAGE] - api message sent by originating channel
[APISOURCEBOOKINGDATE] - Beds24 channel booking date in guests language [BOOKINGTIMEDATE] - booking date and time in guests language [BOOKINGDATEYYYY-MM-DD] - booking date in YYYY-MM-DD format see date and time variables below for custom time formats. === Content from "Charges and Payments" tab (also see "Invoice/Invoicee/Room") ===[BOOKINGINVOICEEID] - invoicee id assigned to this booking, this comes from the booking invoicee setting, not from the bookings invoice items  [RATEDESC] - rate description (in the booking popup under the tab 'Charges & Payments') [RATEDESCBR] - name of the rate with HTML &lt;BR&gt; to force new lines [PRICE] - Value in price field (numberentered in the price field of the booking) with currency symbol [PRICENC] - Value in price field (number entered in the price field of the booking) without currency symbol (do not use in calculations, use PRICENUM) [PRICE:10%] - Percentage value of Price  [PRICE:-10] - Price with offset amount [PRICENUM] - As per [PRICE] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).  [PRICENUM:] - As per [PRICE:] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation) [PRICELESSCOMMISSION] - Value in price field less value in commission field with currency symbol [PRICELESSCOMMISSIONNUM] - As per [PRICELESSCOMMISSION] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation) [PRICELESSTAX] - Value in price field less value in tax field with currency symbol [PRICELESSTAXNUM] - As per [PRICELESSTAX] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation) [AVPRICE] - Average Nightly Price with currency symbol [AVPRICENUM] - Average Nightly Price with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation) [AVPRICE:20%] - Percentage value of Average Nightly Price  [AVPRICE:15] - Average Nightly Price with offset amount [BASEPRICE] - Lodging Price  [BASEPRICENUM] - same as [BASEPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)  [BASEGROUPPRICE] - Lodging Price for Group [BASEGROUPPRICENUM] - same as BASEGROUPPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)  [BASEVAT] - Lodging Price vat amount [BASEVATNUM] - same as [BASEVAT] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)  [BASEGROUPVAT] - Lodging Price vat amount for Group [BASEGROUPVATNUM] - same as BASEGROUPVAT] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)  [AVBASEPRICE] - Average Nightly Lodging Price  [AVBASEPRICENUM] - same as [AVBASEPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)  [AVBASEGROUPPRICE] Average Nightly Lodging Price for Group [AVBASEGROUPPRICENUM] - same as [AVBASEGROUPPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)  [DEPOSIT] - Value in deposit field with currency symbol [DEPOSITNUM] - As per [DEPOSIT] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)  [TAX] - Value in tax field with currency symbol [TAXNUM] - As per [TAX] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation). [COMMISSION] - Value in commission field with currency symbol [COMMISSIONNUM] - As per [COMMISSION] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation) [COMMISSIONGROUP] - Value of the commission of the complete group booking with currency symbol [COMMISSIONGROUPNUM] - As per [COMMISSIONGROUP] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation) [GUESTVOUCHER] - voucher code used with booking [CARDLASTFOUR] - last 4 digits of card [CARDFIRSTSIX] - first 6 digits of card
===Content from Invoice" tab===[NOTESBOOKINGINVOICEEID] - notes invoicee id assigned to this booking, this comes from the booking invoicee setting, not from the bookings invoice items
[NOTESBRBOOKINGINVOICEENAME] - notes with line breaks <BR>invoicee name assigned to this booking, this comes from the booking invoicee setting, not from the bookings invoice items
===Content from "Group Invoice" tab===
[GROUPNOTE] - group note
=== Content from "Mail & Actions" tab ===[MESSAGEGUESTEMAIL] - guest's Email address on the content "summary" tab of the booking message field [GUESTLANGUAGE] - guest language [EMAIL:00] - Status of an Auto Action email. Replace 00 with the number of the Auto Action. This shows if the email has been sent and if so, the time it was sent. === Content from "Guests" tab ===[GUESTSID] - all IDs of this booking [GUESTSID1] - ID of the first guest [GUESTSIDS] - all IDs for all bookings in the group [GUESTSNAME] - name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking [GUESTSNAMES] - name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of the booking of the group booking  [GUESTSNAMESINC] - name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of the booking of the group booking incl. cancelled  [GUESTSFIRSTNAMES] - first name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking last separated by an & [GUESTSFIRSTNAMESINC] - first name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking incl. cancelled [GUESTSLASTNAMES] - last name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking [GUESTSLASTNAMESINC] - last name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking incl. cancelled [GUESTSADDRESSSBR1] - address of the first guest on the "guests" tab of this booking group [GUESTSADDRESSSBR1INC] - address of the first guest on the "guests" tab of this booking group incl. cancelled [GUESTSAFULLADDRESSSBR1INC] - the first address including city, postcode, sate and country from the guests tab of the booking including cancelled bookings in international format [GUESTSAFULLADDRESSSBR1] - the first address including city, postcode, sate and country from the guests tab of the booking in International format [GUESTSBFULLADDRESSSBR1INC] - the first address including city, postcode, sate and country from the guests tab of the booking including cancelled bookings in European format [GUESTSBFULLADDRESSSBR1] - the first address including city, postcode, sate and country from the guests tab of the booking in European format [GUESTSNUMBOOKINGS1] - the total number of bookings made by the first guest, a group booking counts as one booking. [GUESTSNUMSTAYS1] - the total number of bookings not cancelled and not in the future made by the first guest, a group booking counts as one booking. [GUESTSCUSTOMQ1S] - answer to custom question 1 for all guests  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ1SINC] - answer to custom question 1 for all guests including cancelled bookings [GUESTSCUSTOMQ2S] - answer to custom question 2 for all guests [GUESTSCUSTOMQ2SINC] - answer to custom question 2 for all guests including cancelled bookings  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ3S] - answer to custom question 3 for all guests  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ3SINC] - answer to custom question 3 for all guests including cancelled bookings  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ4S] - answer to custom question 4 for all guests  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ4SINC] - answer to custom question 4 for all guests including cancelled bookings  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ5S] - answer to custom question 5 for all guests  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ5SINC] - answer to custom question 5 for all guests including cancelled bookings  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ6S] - answer to custom question 6 for all guests  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ6SINC] - answer to custom question 6 for all guests including cancelled bookings  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ7S] - answer to custom question 7 for all guests  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ7SINC] - answer to custom question 7 for all guests including cancelled bookings  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ7S] - answer to custom question 8 for all guests [GUESTSCUSTOMQ8SINC] - answer to custom question 8 for all guests including cancelled bookings  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ9S] - answer to custom question 9 for all guests  [GUESTSCUSTOMQ9SINC] - answer to custom question 9 for all guests including cancelled bookings
[MESSAGEBRGUESTSCUSTOMQ10S] - the content of the booking message field with line breaks <BR>answer to custom question 10 for all guests
[REFERENCEGUESTSCUSTOMQ10SINC] - content of the booking reference fieldanswer to custom question 10 for all guests including cancelled bookings
===Cancellation, Management and Guest Login===[STATUSCANCELLEDTIME] - status of date when the booking was cancelled
[FLAGCANCELLEDTIME:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - Flagdate when the booking was cancelled display can be any valid PHP strftime format string
[CANCELURL] - URL to view and cancel bookings
[CANCELDATE] - date until when the booking is cancelablecancellable displaying a phrase [CANCELDATEYYYY-MM-DD] - date until when the booking is cancellable displaying a date. If the date is in the past 00-00-0000 will be shown [DAYSTOCANCEL] - number of days until booking can be cancelled  [CANCELUNTIL] - shows the number of days between check-in and the last day which can be cancelled. If guest can always cancel it shows 0, if guest can never cancel it shows 9999 [GUESTLOGIN] - URL to view bookings [TURNOVERDAYS] - days until next arrival into the same unit not considering black bookings  [TURNOVERDAYSB] - days until next arrival into the same unit considering black bookings  [VACANTDAYS] days from previous checkout to check in of current booking not considering black bookings [VACANTDAYSB] days from previous checkout to check in of current booking considering black bookings
[GUESTLOGIN] - URL to view bookings ==Date and Time==
[CURRENTDATE] - current date
[CURRENTDATEYYYY-MM-DD] - current date in YYYY-MM-DD format
[CURRENTDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - current date [CURRENTDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be in a custom format. [CURRENTTIME] - current timeand the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string. [CURRENTTIME:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be in a custom format. [DAYSTOCHECKIN] - number of days until check-in [INADVANCE] - number of days between booking and check-in [DAYSBETWEEN:2019-11-01:2019-11-10] - this template variable will calculate the number of days between the :: the dates need to be in yyyy-mm-dd format. Template variables can be used for calculation. Example: [[DAYSBETWEEN:[FIRSTNIGHT:+5 days{%G-%m-%d}]:[CURRENTDATE:{%G-%m-%d}]] will calculate the days between 5 days after check-in and today.  [FIRSTNIGHT:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - first night booked [FIRSTNIGHT:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be in a custom format. [LASTNIGHT:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - last night booked [LASTNIGHT:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be in a custom format. [LEAVINGDAY:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - check-out  [LEAVINGDAY:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be in a custom format. [BOOKINGDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - booking date [BOOKINGDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be in a custom format. [MODIFYDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - last booking modification date/time, the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string. [PAYMENTDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - most recent payment date [PAYMENTDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}:1:1000] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be in a custom format. The second parameter specifies the payment to show, 0 or missing means the most recent payment. The third parameter specifies the invoicee. [AUTHORIZEUNTIL] - date until which a card is authorized, this is extracted from the most recent authorize booking info code. [AUTHORIZEUNTIL{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - custom format date until which a card is authorized, this is extracted from the most recent authorize booking info code. [FORMATDATE:[any template variable that creates a date]{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - custom format the date. The date value could be included by inserting a different template variable containing a date.  The following codes can be used in any order between the {} brackets to create custom time and date formats.  %a An abbreviated textual representation of the day Sun through Sat %A A full textual representation of the day Sunday through Saturday %d Two-digit day of the month (with leading zeros) 01 to 31 %e Day of the month, with a space preceding single digits. 1 to 31 %j Day of the year, 3 digits with leading zeros 001 to 366 %u ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday) %w Numeric representation of the day of the week 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday) %U Week number of the given year, starting with the first Sunday as the first week 13 (for the 13th full week of the year) %V ISO-8601:1988 week number of the given year, starting with the first week of the year with at least 4 weekdays, with Monday being the start of the week 01 through 53 (where 53 accounts for an overlapping week) %W A numeric representation of the week of the year, starting with the first Monday as the first week 46 (for the 46th week of the year beginning with a Monday) %b Abbreviated month name, based on the locale Jan through Dec %B Full month name, based on the locale January through December %h Abbreviated month name, based on the locale (an alias of %b) Jan through Dec %m Two digit representation of the month 01 (for January) through 12 (for December) %C Two digit representation of the century (year divided by 100, truncated to an integer) 19 for the 20th Century %g Two digit representation of the year going by ISO-8601:1988 standards (see %V) Example: 09 for the week of January 6, 2009 %G The full four-digit version of %g Example: 2008 for the week of January 3, 2009 %y Two digit representation of the year Example: 09 for 2009, 79 for 1979 %Y Four digit representation for the year Example: 2038 %H Two digit representation of the hour in 24-hour format 00 through 23 %k Hour in 24-hour format, with a space preceding single digits 0 through 23 %I Two digit representation of the hour in 12-hour format 01 through 12 %l (lower-case 'L') Hour in 12-hour format, with a space preceding single digits 1 through 12 %M Two digit representation of the minute 00 through 59 %p UPPER-CASE 'AM' or 'PM' based on the given time Example: AM for 00:31, PM for 22:23 %P lower-case 'am' or 'pm' based on the given time Example: am for 00:31, pm for 22:23 %r Same as "%I:%M:%S %p" Example: 09:34:17 PM for 21:34:17 %R Same as "%H:%M" Example: 00:35 for 12:35 AM, 16:44 for 4:44 PM %S Two digit representation of the second 00 through 59 %T Same as "%H:%M:%S" Example: 21:34:17 for 09:34:17 PM %X Preferred time representation based on locale, without the date Example: 03:59:16 or 15:59:16 %z The time zone offset. Example: -0500 for US Eastern Time %Z The time zone abbreviation. Example: EST for Eastern Time %c Preferred date and time stamp based on locale Example: Tue Feb 5 00:45:10 2009 for February 5, 2009 at 12:45:10 AM %D Same as "%m/%d/%y" Example: 02/05/09 for February 5, 2009 %F Same as "%Y-%m-%d" (commonly used in database datestamps) Example: 2009-02-05 for February 5, 2009 %s Unix Epoch Time timestamp (same as the time() function) Example: 305815200 for September 10, 1979 08:40:00 AM %x Preferred date representation based on locale, without the time Example: 02/05/09 for February 5, 2009 %n A newline character ("\n") %t A Tab character ("\t") %% A literal percentage character ("%") == Booking Group variables ===== Custom Booking Group Table ===create your own booking group list by specifying the columns in the order you want them to appear. for example: [BOOKGROUP:PROP_ROOM_BREF_NAME]  column parameters 100% = 100% width ADDR = Booking address ADUL= the number of adults ARIV = Arrival date BOPR = Bold prices BREF = Booking number BRL1 = Last digit of booking number BRL2 = Last 2 digits of booking number BRL3 = Last 3 digits of booking number BRL4 = Last 4 digits of booking number BRL5 = Last 5 digits of booking number BRL6 = Last 6 digits of booking number CITY = Booking city  CHAC = Charges with currency symbol CHAR = Charges CHIL = Number of children COUN = Booking country  DEPT = Departure date EMAI = Booking Email  EXSP = extra space between rows FLAG = Booking flag text FNAM = Booking first name GADD = Guest address GCIT = Guest city GCOM = Guest company GCOU = Guest country GFLA = Guest flag text GFNA = Guest first name  GLNA = Guest last name GMOB = Guest mobile GNAM = Guest full name GEMA = Guest Email GNOT = Guest note GPOS = Guest postcode GREF = Guest Id GSTA = Guest state GTEL = Guest phone ICAN = Include cancelled bookings LNAM = Booking last name MOBI = Booking mobile NAME = Booking full name NOHE = no header NOTE = Booking note NUMN = Number of nights booked ONAM = Offer Name  ONLY = Just show the one booking PAIC = Payment amount with currency symbol PADD = Property Address PAID = Paid amount PCIT = Property City PEOP = Number of guests
[BOOKINGDATE] - booking datePHON = Booking phone
[BOOKINGTIMEDATE] - booking date and timePOST = Booking postcode
[BOOKINGDATEYYYY-MM-DD] - booking date in YYYY-MM-DD formatPROP = Property name
[BOOKINGIP] - ip address of booker's computerRDE0 = Room description from {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT > ROOM CONTENT
[VIEWBOOKING] - create a URL to log into the control panel and view this booking RDE1 = Room description 1 from {{#fas:cog}} (for hosts, not intended to be sent to guestsSETTINGS)PROPERTIES> ROOMS > SETUP
[EMAIL:00] - Status of an Auto Action email. Replace 00 with the number of the Auto Action. This shows if the email has been sent and if so, the time it was sent.RNAM = Room Display Name ROOM = Room name
[BOOKIDLAST1] - Last 1 digit RQTY = shows the number of rooms for each booking numberand a total at the bottom
[BOOKIDLAST2] - Last 2 digits of booking numberSTAT = Booking state
[BOOKIDLAST3] - Last 3 digits of booking numberSTUS = Status
[BOOKIDLAST4] - Last 4 digits TEXT = Prints a plain text table instead of booking numberHTML
[BOOKIDLAST5] - Last 5 digits of booking numberTOTA = Total price
[BOOKIDLAST6] - Last 6 digits of booking numberUNI2 = Unit first additional information UNI3 = Unit second additional information
[BOOKIDLAST7] - Last 7 digits of booking numberUNIT = Unit name
[BOOKIDLAST8] - Last 8 digits of booking number
[RANDOM1] - a 1 digit random number seeded from Connect the booking numberparameters with an underscore.
[RANDOM2] - a 2 digit random number seeded from the booking numberExamples:
[RANDOM3BOOKGROUP:PROP_ROOM_BREF_NAME] - a 3 digit random number seeded from will display the property name, room name, booking numberand guest name in this order.
[RANDOM4] - a 4 digit random number seeded from the booking number
[RANDOM5BOOKGROUP:BREF_NAME_PROP_ROOM] - a 5 digit random number seeded from will display the booking number, guest name property name and room name in this order.
=== Booking Group Table with fixed content===[RANDOM6BOOKGROUPROOMLIST] - create a 6 digit random number seeded from the table of guest names including room type for a group booking number
[RANDOM7BOOKGROUPROOMLISTTOTAL] - create a 7 digit random number seeded from the table of guest names including room type for a group booking numberwith guest totals
[RANDOM8BOOKGROUPROOMLISTCHARGETOTAL] - create a 8 digit random number seeded from the table of guest names including room type and charge for a group booking numberwith guest totals
[BOOKINGINFOITEMSBOOKGROUPNAMELIST] - Booking Info Codes - Codes create a table of guest names including room type and textunit for a group booking
[BOOKINGINFOTEXTSBOOKGROUPNAMELISTTOTAL] - Booking Info Codes - Text onlycreate a table of guest names including room type and unit for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKINGINFOCODESBOOKGROUPNAMELISTCHARGETOTAL] - Booking Info Codes - Codes onlycreate a table of guest names including room type and unit and charge for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:BOOKGROUPUNITLIST] - the most recent Text value create a table of the specified Booking Info Code guest names including unit for a group booking
[BOOKINGINFOCODEDATE:BOOKGROUPUNITLISTTOTAL]- the most recent date value create a table of the specified Booking Info Code guest names including unit for a group booking with guest totals
[CARDLASTFOURBOOKGROUPUNITLISTCHARGETOTAL] - last 4 digits create a table of cardguest names including unit and charge for a group booking with guest totals
== Invoice Variables ==
[INVOICENUMBER] - invoice number
[INVOICENUMBERINVOICENUMBERS] - invoice numberif invoicees are involved
[INVOICEDATE] - invoice date
[INVOICEDATES] - invoice date invoice number if invoicees are involved
[INVOICEDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
[INVOICEDATES:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format - invoice date invoice number if invoicees are involved, The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
=== Invoice Values ===
These template variables will display a value form the invoice.
==== Custom Invoice Values====
You have the option to create a custom invoice variable to display a value from an invoice. [INVOICEVAL with a selection of the following variables specifies the calculation:
CHA - charges
CON - currency conversion. Example: CONEURUSD will convert the first currency (Euros) to the second currency (USD). CON1.234 would multiply the prices by 1.234
DEC - Decimal points. Example: DEC, will show a comma as decimal point. If nothing is set the system will use the default for the language
DP0 - no decimal places
DP1 - 1 decimal place
DP2 - 2 decimal places
DP3 - 3 decimal places
DP4 - 4 decimal places
DES - used as "DESsome description" - gives the sum of values containing the description "some description"
INV - invoicee, add the invoicee number at the end. Example: INV20 to show invoicee number 20, INV0 will show items not assigned to an invoicee, INV-1 will show all items from the booking regardless of invoicee. You can combine INV[BOOKINGINVOICEEID]] to add the invoicee from the booking
IT1 - item 1 in the invoice
IT2 - item 2 in the invoice
IT3 - item 3 in the invoice
IT4 - item 4 in the invoice
IT5 - item 5 in the invoice
MUL - multiplier. Example: MUL1.2 will multiply all prices by 1.2
NUM - show with decimal place (for scripts)
THO - thousands separator. THO. will show a dot as thousand separator. If nothing is set the system will use the default for the language
UPS1 - upsell 1
UPS2 - upsell 2
UPS3 - upsell 3
UPS4 - upsell 4
UPS5 - upsell 5
ONE - shows only items from the specified booking (not the booking group)
PAY - shows payments
QTY - shows quantity
SEX - status excluded. Calculate the balance of all invoice items except for the ones with these status, the status items can be a comma separated list. Example: SEX status1,status2,status4 will not show items with this status.
SIN - status included. Calculate the balance of all invoice items with matching status, the status items can be a comma separated list. Example: SIN status1,status2,status4 will only show items with this status.
VAT - VAT summary
Connect the variables with an underscore.
[INVOICEVAL:PAY_THO] will show payments with a thousands separator
[INVOICEVAL:UPS1_UPS2] will show the sum of upsell 1 and upsell 2
==== Standard Invoice Values====
[INVOICEBALANCE] - invoice balance
[INVOICEPARTPAYMENTSNUM:status1,status2,status4:10%] - As per INVOICEPARTCHARGES but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).
[INVOICEPENDPAY] - all (auto and manual) pending payments including failed
[INVOICEPENDPAYNEXTDATE] - date of the next pending payment
[INVOICEPENDPAYNEXTDATE:] - date of the next pending payment display can be any valid PHP strftime format string. Information about PHP strftime Strings can be find found here:
[INVOICEPENDPAYNUM] - all (auto and manual) pending payments including failed but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).
[INVOICEPENDPAY1234] - all (auto and manual) pending payments including failed for the specified invoicee (-1 will include all items regardless of invoicee)
[INVOICEPENDPAYNUM1234] - all (auto and manual) pending payments including failed for the specified invoicee (-1 will include all items regardless of invoicee) The value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).
[INVOICEPENDPAYAUTO] - auto pending payments before due date
[INVOICEPENDPAYAUTONUM] - auto pending payments before due date but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).
[INVOICEPENDPAYAUTO1234] auto pending payments before due date for the specified invoicee but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation) (-1 will include all items regardless of invoicee)
[INVOICEPENDPAYAUTONUM1234] auto pending payments before due date for the specified invoicee but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation) (-1 will include all items regardless of invoicee)
[INVOICEPENDPAYFAIL] - failed pending payments (all also past)
[INVOICEPENDPAYFAILNUM] - failed pending payments (all also past) but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)
[INVOICEPENDPAYFAIL234] - failed pending payments (all also past) for the specified invoicee (-1 will include all items regardless of invoicee)
[INVOICEPENDPAYFAILNUM234] - failed pending payments (all also past) for the specified invoicee but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation) (-1 will include all items regardless of invoicee)
[INVOICEPENDPAYRULE1] - shows all pending payment for this rule (exchange 1 for the rule number)
[INVOICEPENDPAYRULENUM1] - shows all pending payment for this rule (exchange 1 for the rule number) displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)
[INVOICEPENDPAYMANUAL] - manual pending payments
[INVOICEPENDPAYMANUALNUM] - manual pending payments but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).
[INVOICEPENDPAYMANUALNOTDUE] manual pending payments before due date
[INVOICEPENDPAYMANUALNOTDUENUM] manual pending payments before due date but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).
[INVOICEPENDPAYMANUALOVERDUE] manual pending payments after due date
[INVOICEPENDPAYMANUALOVERDUENUM] manual pending payments after due date but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)
[INVOICECREDITS] - invoice sum of all credit items (negative items)
[INVOICEFIRSTITEMNUM] - price of the item listed first in the invoice but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[INVOICEUPSELL0INVOICESECONDITEM] - base price without upsell items or other charges added laterof the item listed second in the invoice
[INVOICEUPSELLNUM0INVOICESECONDITEMNUM] - as per [INVOICEUPSELL1] price of the item listed second in the invoice but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[INVOICEUPSELL1INVOICETHIRDITEM] - value price of upsell the item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20)listed third in the invoice
[INVOICEUPSELLNUM1INVOICETHIRDITEMNUM] - as per [INVOICEUPSELL1] price of the item listed third in the invoice but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[INVOICEUPSELLQTY1INVOICEFOURTHITEM] - quantity price of upsell the item 1 (number can be between 1 to 20)listed fourth in the invoice
[INVOICEUPSELLHEADLINE1INVOICEFOURTHITEMNUM] - headline price of upsell the item 1 listed fourth in the invoice but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (number can be between 1 to 20for calculations)
[INVOICEUPSELLDESCRIPTION1INVOICEFIFTHITEM] - description price of upsell the item 1 (number can be between 1 to 20)listed fifth in the invoice
[INVOICEEXTRAITEM1INVOICEFIFTHITEMNUM] - value price of extra the item listed fifth in the invoice item 1 but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (number can be between 0 to 20for calculations)
[INVOICEEXTRAITEM1INVOICEUPSELL0] - value of extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20)base price without upsell items or other charges added later
[INVOICEEXTRAITEMNUM1INVOICEUPSELLNUM0] - as per [INVOICEEXTRAITEM1INVOICEUPSELL1] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations).
[INVOICEEXTRAITEMQTY1INVOICEUPSELL1] - quantity value of extra invoice upsell item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20)
[UPSELLTABLEINVOICEUPSELLNUM1] - table as per [INVOICEUPSELL1] but the value is displayed with all upsell itemsa decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[UPSELLTABLEVATINVOICEUPSELLQTY1] - table with all quantity of upsell items with vat information and vat summary item 1 (number can be between 1 to 20)
[UPSELLTABLENOREFUNDINVOICEUPSELLNAME1] - table with all name of the headline field of upsell items except refundable itemsitem 1 (number can be between 1 to 20)
== Invoice [INVOICEUPSELLSTATUS1] Table ==- stautus of the headline field of upsell item 1 (number can be between 1 to 20)
=== Custom Invoice Table ===You have the option [INVOICEUPSELLHEADLINE1] - headline (name and status if used of upsell item 1 (number can be between 1 to create a custom invoice table. Available content variables are: 20)
AMO [INVOICEUPSELLDESCRIPTION1] - shows the net value description of upsell item 1 (price x quantitynumber can be between 1 to 20)
CON [INVOICEUPSELLAMOUNTNUM1] - currency conversion. Example: CONEURUSD will convert the first currency (Euros) to the second currency (USD)amout of upsell item 1
CUA - currency symbol showing after the numbers. Example: CUA€ will show € after the figures
CUB - currency symbol showing before the numbers. Example: CUB€ will show € before the figures
DEC - Decimal points. Example: DEC, will show a comma as decimal point. If nothing is set the system will use the default for the language
GRP [INVOICEUPSELLTYPE1] - Group Totals. Displays the same items as a totaltype of upsell item 1
GRT [INVOICEUPSELLPER1] - Grand Totalper of upsell item 1
INV [INVOICEUPSELLPERIOD1] - invoicee add the invoicee number at the end. Example: INV20 to show invoicee number 20period of upsell item 1
LAN - language. Example LANDE will force the language to German
MUL [INVOICEEXTRAITEMDESC1] - multiplier. Example: MUL1.2 will multiply all prices by Name of extra invoice item 1.2(number can be between 0 to 20)
DAT [INVOICEEXTRAITEM1] - adds a date columnvalue of extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20) Note: the order goes by the order in the dropdown list not by the order the items are entered.
PAY [INVOICEEXTRAITEM1] - shows paymentsvalue of extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20) Note: the order goes by the order in the dropdown list not by the order the items are entered.
PRI [INVOICEEXTRAITEMNUM1] - shows prices as per [INVOICEEXTRAITEM1] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations).
QTY [INVOICEEXTRAITEMQTY1] - shows quantityof extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20) Note: the order goes by the order in the dropdown list not by the order the items are entered.
STA[INVOICEGROSS:1] - shows stausgross amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate), value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
THO - thousands separator. THO. will show a dot as thousand separator. If nothing INVOICEGROSSNUM:1] gross amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is set the system will use the default for the languageVAT rate)
TOT [INVOICENET:1] - shows total amountsnet amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate)
VAA [INVOICENETNUM:1] - shows net amount of the inserted VAT amountsrate (number is the VAT rate), value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
VAP [INVOICEVAT:1] - shows VAT percentsamount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate)
[INVOICEVATNUM:1] VAT - amount of the inserted VAT summaryrate (number is the VAT rate), value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
Connect [INVOICEITEMBYDESC:Searchterm] - searches the variables invoice for items with an underscore. this search term and adds them up
Example[INVOICEITEMBYDESCNUM: Searchterm] - searches the invoice for items with this search term and adds them up, value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[INVOICEINVOICEPAYMENTBYDESC:PRI_QTY_CUA€Searchterm] will create an invoice table - searches the payments for items with price this search term and quantity in Euros.adds them up
=== Invoice Tables [INVOICEPAYMENTBYDESCNUM:Searchterm] - searches the payments for items with predefined content === this search term and adds them up, value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
=== Invoice Table ===
These template varibles will display an invoice table.
==== Standard Invoice Tables ====
[INVOICETABLE] - invoice table
[INVOICETABLEVAT] - invoice table with vat information and vat summary
[INVOICETABLE:$1.1$] - invoice table and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLENOTOT2:$1.1$] - invoice table with status field without grand total and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVAT] - invoice table with vat information and vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVAT:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEINVOICEE1234] - invoice table for a specific invoicee, specify the invoicee Id number.
[UPSELLTABLE] - table with all upsell items
[UPSELLTABLEVAT] - table with all upsell items with vat information and vat summary
[UPSELLTABLENOREFUND] - table with all upsell items except refundable items
==== Custom Invoice Table ====
You have the option to create a custom invoice table. Available content variables are:
AMO - shows the net value (price x quantity)
CEX - charges excluded (charges will not be shown)
CON - currency conversion. Example: CONEURUSD will convert the first currency (Euros) to the second currency (USD). CON1.234 would multiply the prices by 1.234
CUA - currency symbol showing after the numbers. Example: CUA€ will show € after the figures
CUB - currency symbol showing before the numbers. Example: CUB€ will show € before the figures
DAT - adds a date column - you have the option to control the format of the date using [[Template_Variables#Date_and_Time|date and time variables]] for example DAT{%d-%m-%Y}
DEC - Decimal points. Example: DEC, will show a comma as decimal point. If nothing is set the system will use the default for the language
DP0 - no decimal places
DP1 - 1 decimal place
DP2 - 2 decimal places
DP3 - 3 decimal places
DP4 - 4 decimal places
GAT - sum for each column
GRP - Group Totals. Displays the same items as a total
GRT - Grand Total
INV - invoicee, add the invoicee number at the end. Example: INV20 to show invoicee number 20, INV0 will show items not assigned to an invoicee, INV-1 will show all items from the booking regardless of invoicee. You can combine INV[BOOKINGINVOICEEID]] to add the invoicee from the booking
LAN - language. Example LANDE will force the language to German
MUL - multiplier. Example: MUL1.2 will multiply all prices by 1.2
NIN - do not show invoice number and invoice date on locked invoices
NOC - charges will not be displayed but their vat values are still calculated for the vat summary (VAT)
NOP - payments will not be displayed
ONE - shows only items from the specified booking (not the booking group)
ORB - order by booking, this keeps the items for each booking (room) together in the table
PAA - shows a column with payment amounts
PAY - shows payments
PEN - shows pending payments description
PPA - shows pending payments amount
PRI - shows prices in a column
QTY - shows quantity
SEX - status excluded. Calculate the balance of all invoice items except for the ones with these status, the status items can be a comma separated list. Example: SEX status1,status2,status4 will not show items with this status.
SIN - status included. Calculate the balance of all invoice items with matching status, the status items can be a comma separated list. Example: SIN status1,status2,status4 will only show items with this status.
STA- shows staus
THO - thousands separator. THO. will show a dot as thousand separator. If nothing is set the system will use the default for the language
TOT - shows total amounts
VAA - shows VAT amounts
VAP - shows VAT percents
VAT - VAT summary
Connect the variables with an underscore.
[INVOICE:PRI_QTY_CUA€] will create an invoice table with price and quantity in Euros.
[INVOICE:PAY_TOT_CEX] will create an invoice table which will only show payments.
[INVOICE:PRI_QTY_CUA_TOT_VAT_QTY_PAY_GRT_AMO_VAA] will create an invoice table with more information.
[INVOICE:SIN TRANSPORT] will create an invoice table with the Invoice item description for any items with the Status = Transport.
== Invoicee Variables ==
[INVOICEEPAYMENTSNUM1234] - invoice payments for invoice items assigned to invoicee 1234 (change 1234 to the required Invoicee Id number)
[INVOICEACCOUNTNAMEINVOICEENAME] - name of the invoice invoicee account the invoice is assigned to or blank
[INVOICEACCOUNTCODEINVOICEECODE] - code of the invoicee account the invoice is assigned to or blank [INVOICEECURRENCY] - currency of the invoicee account the invoice is assigned to if it is not the property default or blank [INVOICEENOTES] - value of the "Notes" field for the invoicee
[INVOICEETEMPLATE1] - template value 1 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank
[INVOICEETEMPLATE8] - template value 8 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank
[INVOICEETEMPLATE1BR] - template value 1 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank with linkebreak
[INVOICEETEMPLATE2BR] - template value 2 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank with linkebreak
[INVOICEETEMPLATE3BR] - template value 3 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank with linkebreak
[INVOICEETEMPLATE4BR] - template value 4 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank with linkebreak
[INVOICEETEMPLATE5BR] - template value 5 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank with linkebreak
[INVOICEETEMPLATE6BR] - template value 6 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank with linkebreak
[INVOICEETEMPLATE7BR] - template value 7 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank with linkebreak
[INVOICEETEMPLATE8BR] - template value 8 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank with linkebreak
== Payment Request Variables ==
[PAYBUTTON:200] - Creates a payment button for the payment request for a fixed amount.
[PAYPALURL] - Creates a Paypal payment url for the amount in the booking deposit field if non zero, otherwise the outstanding balance.
[PAYPALBUTTON:200] - Creates a Paypal payment button for a fixed amount. A zero amount will cause paypal to provide a field to enter an amount. Not recommended for emails.
Add a H to exclude a gateway from displaying. Example: [PAYURL:200:HST] will hide Stripe
== Text Operators ==
[REPLACE|searchForThisText|replaceWithThisText|textToSearch] - replace "searchForThisText" with "replaceWithThisText" within the text "textToSearch"
[SUBSTR|startCharacterNumber|numberOfCharacters|textToGetSubstringFrom] - get a sub string from "textToGetSubstringFrom" starting at character "startCharacterNumber" (integer, 0 is the first char) with a length of "numberOfCharacters" (integer)
This will test for the first 4 characters of the Guest phone number.
[TRIM| string to trim ] - remove whitespace from the start and end of " string to trim "
== iCal Links ==
These template variables will create iCal links which allow the booking to be added to a calendar.
[ICALURL] - Calendar link
[ICALURL:16] - Calendar link with check-in hour. Replace '16' with the hour check-in starts.
[ICALURL::10] - Calendar link with check-out hour. Replace '10' with the hour with the hour check-out ends.
[ICALURL:::summary text] - Calendar link with a summary text
[ICALURL::::description text] - Calendar link with a descriptive text
Calendar link with check-in time 16:00, check-out time 10:00, the summary text "Booking" and the description text "Sunny Hotel":
[ICALURL:16:10:Booking:Sunny Hotel]
== Mathematical Operators ==
[MAX] - Example: 2 [MAX] 3 = 3
Brackets are not supported as a way to control processing order, the processing order is fixed as *, /, +, -, MIN, MAX
If you want to use * and - in the same calculation, for example you need 20% of the result, then you will need to use the calculation below as a * calculation will be calculated first.
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Property Template 1-8 and Room Template 1-8 can be used to set calculations. If using Room Templates to make a calculation, then use Room Template 8 before Room Template 7.
If you want to see the value 10.
Set Room template 6 = [ROOMTEMPLATE7][+][ROOMTEMPLATE8] and enter 4 in Room template 7 and 6 in Room template 8.
You can set a calculation in Room Templates to show in Property Templates, but not the other way around. So "Property Template1" could pull the calculation of [ROOMTEMPLATE6] and the result = 10.
=== Rounding and controlling decimal places ===
<b>This works on all operators including [MIN] and [MAX]</b>
Note: Always use the template variables ending with NUM. The math functions will only work with numbers with a decimal point (not a decimal comma) and no thousands separator and no currency symbol.
== Currency Conversion ==
== Custom Date Format Variables ==You can use PHP strftime format strings to create custom time formats. Information on PHP strftime strings is available at 123456*[httpCONVERT:USD-EUR][//php] will convert to Euros and divides the price by 0.strftime.php]85 which raises it by circa 15%
[FIRSTNIGHT:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - first night booked==Account Variables (account of the booking) ==
[FIRSTNIGHT:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}ACCOUNTUSERNAME] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number Username of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.account owning the booking
[LASTNIGHT:{%A, %e %B, %Y}LOGGEDINACCOUNTUSERNAME] - last night booked [LASTNIGHT:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string. [LEAVINGDAY:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - check-out  [LEAVINGDAY:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string. [CURRENTDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - current date [CURRENTDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string. [BOOKINGDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - booking date [BOOKINGDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string. [PAYMENTDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - most recent payment date [PAYMENTDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}:1:1000] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string. The second parameter specifies the payment to show, 0 or missing means the most recent payment. The third parameter specifies the invoicee. ==Account Variables (account Username of the booking) ==person logged in
[ACCOUNTID] - account id of the booked property
[ACCOUNTTEMPLATE4] - Account Template 4
[COMMISSIONLIMIT] - shows the available commission amount for the owner account of the booking
[MASTERACCOUNTTEMPLATE1] - Account Template 1 from master account
[MASTERACCOUNTTEMPLATE4] - Account Template 4 from master account
==Account Variables (logged in account, only for display in control panel, not for auto actions or emails etc.) ==These variables can for example used by resellers who added a custom tab to the bookings.
[LOGGEDINACCOUNTID] - account id of the logged in user
[MASTERLOGGEDINACCOUNTTEMPLATE4] - Account Template 4 from master account
== Smart Logic Template Variables ==
IF style template variables will compare two values and display a text if the comparison is true and an alternative text if the comparison is false.
Colons : are used between the two comparison values and the first text, a pipe | is used between the two texts.
Empty text is allowed if you do not want to display anything for a condition.
[IF=:if this:equals this:display this text|otherwise display this text]
[IFIN:if this:is contained in this:display this text|otherwise display this text]
[IFLIKE:if this:is like this:display this text|otherwise display this text]
[IF>:if this:is greater than this:display this text|otherwise display this text]
[IF>=:if this:is greater than or equal to this:display this text|otherwise display this text]
[IF<:if this:is less than this:display this text|otherwise display this text]
[IF<=:if this:is less than or equal to this:display this text|otherwise display this text]
[IFBETWEEN:if this:is between this:and this:display this text|if it is lower display this text|if it is higher display this text]
You can use IF variables inside other IF variables to create complex logic but the internal IF: must be processed before the external IF
There are special versions of each IF constructed with ^ and ~ separators like [IF=^this^this^same~different]
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span>Only one IF of each type can be used to create complex logic.
The special versions are processed first so should be used as the internal IF so it's result can be processed by the outer if.
The special versions can also be used if you expect : or | characters within your data.
IF's are processed in the following order.i.e. all the [IF== Smart Template Variables ==Smart template variables ^ will display be processed first, then all the set content only if a certain condition is met or not met[IFIN^ etc.
The last element is the text to show based on the result of the [IF comparison, texts for the true and false case are separated by a pipe |=^[IFIN^[IFLIKE^[IF>^[IF>=^[IF<^[IF<=^[IFBETWEEN^[IF=:[IFIN:[IFLIKE:[IF>:[IF>=:[IF<:[IF<=:[IFBETWEEN:
Template variables can be used inside this template variable as per the examples.
=== Examples ===
Template variables can be used inside this template variable as per the examples <span style="color: #019cde">comparison in blue</span>, <span style="color: #75d5ad">positive result in green</span>, <span style="color: #fe746c">negative result in red</span>: 1. [<span style="color: #019cde">IF=:[GUESTNAME]</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:Miller</span><span style="color: #75d5ad"><span style="color: #75d5ad">:yes</span> <span style="color: #fe746c">|no</span>]
If the guestname is Miller the text "yes" will display. If the guest name is not Miller the text "no" will display
2. [<span style="color: #019cde"> IF>:[NUMADULT]:2</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:please contact us about you bedding requirements|</span>]
If the number of adults is higher than 2 the text"please contact us about you bedding requirements" will display. If the number of adults is lower than or equal 2 nothing will display.
3. [<span style="color: #019cde">IF<:[NUMADULT]:3</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:|linen for two adults is included free of charge</span>]
If the number of adults is lower than 3 nothing will display. If the number of adults is not lower than 3 the text "linen for two adults is included free of charge" will display.
4. [<span style="color: #019cde">IF<=:[NUMADULT]:2</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">|no</span>] 5. [<span style="color: #019cde">IF>=:[NUMADULT]:2</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">|no</span>] 6. [<span style="color: #019cde">IFBETWEEN:[NUMADULT]:1:3</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">|too low|too high</span>] 7. [<span style="color: #019cde">IFLIKE:[GUESTTITLE]</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:Mr:Dear</span><span style="color: #fe746c">|Hi</span>] IFLIKE works like IF= except it is case insensitive and removes any spaces from the start and end of the words 8. [<span style="color: #019cde">IFIN:John:[GUESTFIRSTNAME]</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:Hi John</span><span style="color: #fe746c">|Your name does not contain John?</span>] If the first word is contained in the second word the first option is displayed, otherwise the second option is displayed 9. [<span style="color: #019cde">IFIN:CHECKIN:[BOOKINGINFOITEMS]</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:[BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:CHECKIN]</span><span style="color: #fe746c">|</span>] If the Booking Info Code CHECKIN has been added to the booking then you will see the value in the text (date/time) otherwise blank.  Using multiple IF statements to display special messages :-  10. [<span style="color: #019cde">IFIN:DEPOSIT:[BOOKINGINFOCODES]:|[IF=:[GUESTCOUNTRY2]:AU</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:Credit card details are required </span><span style="color: #fe746c">|A deposit is required]|No deposit is required</span>] You want to display a special message to Australians if the booking has a DEPOSIT info item code, if a deposit is required from a non Australia they get "A deposit is required" and if no deposit is required they see "No deposit is required" 11. [<span style="color: #019cde">IF<:[INADVANCE]:|[IFIN:TRANSFER:[BOOKINGINFOCODES]:3</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:Payment Due Date: ASAP </span><span style="color: #fe746c">|Payment Due Date: [FIRSTNIGHT:- 30days]]|</span>] You want display a special message to your guests 3 days before checkin with a Booking Info Code = TRANSFER. 12. [<span style="color: #019cde">IF=:[STATUS]:Confirmed:PAID|[IF<^[INADVANCE]^30</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">^Payment Due Date: As soon as possible</span><span style="color: #fe746c">~Payment Due Date: [FIRSTNIGHT:- 30 days]]</span>] You want to display a special message for your guests for any bookings with Status not = Confirmed, and if the checkin date is more than 30 days in advance, then send the message with "Payment Due Date : "or that the "Payment is due As soon as possible". 13. [<span style="color: #019cde">IFBETWEEN:[TURNOVERDAYS]:0:3:</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">yes|</span><span style="color: #fe746c">no</span>]  You want to test if the days until next arrival into the same unit is between 0 and 3 days. Could be used for offering Late Checkouts or additional days to the guest where there is a gap between bookings.  14. [<span style="color: #019cde">IF>:[VACANTDAYS]:1:</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">yes|</span><span style="color: #fe746c">no</span>]  You want to test if there is 1 day from the previous checkout to check in of current booking. Could be used for offering Early Checkouts or additional days to the guest where there is a gap between bookings. 15. [<span style="color: #019cde">IF=:[LEAVINGDAY:{%a}]:Sun:|[IF>=^[TURNOVERDAYS]^1</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">^yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">~no]</span>] You want to test if the leaving date is a Sunday and it there is a gap for 1 or more days between the current booking and the next booking. 16. [<span style="color: #019cde">[IF=:[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]:1:yes|[IF=^[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]^3</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">^yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">]</span>] You want to test if the leaving date is a Monday or a Wednesday to send a specific message to the guest, for example a reminder that it is bin collection day. 17. [<span style="color: #019cde">[IF=:[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]:1:yes|[IF=^[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]^3^yes][IF=^[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]^6</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">^yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">]</span>] You have different cleaning teams for different days of the week, and you want to send a message to the appropriate team if leaving date is a Monday, Wednesday or Saturday. == Write out the number in Words. == [INWORDS] - writes out a number in words. This works in English only.  Expamles:  [INWORDS] 10 will write "ten" [INWORDS] [INVOICEPAYMENTSNUM] will write out the invoice sum of all payments  [INWORDS] [INVOICEPAYMENTSNUM] [+] 10 will write out the invoice sum of all payments plus 10 == Encoding Template Variables ==  [ENCODEURL:value] encode value for URL data format [ENCODEJSON:value]encode value for JSON data format
5. [IF>=:[NUMADULT]:2:yes|no]
6. [IFBETWEEN<span style="color:[NUMADULT]#f3e504; font-size:1150%;" >{{#fas:3:yes|too low|too high]lightbulb}} </span> Always use the template variables ending with NUM if numbers are involved. The math functions will only work with numbers with a decimal point (not a decimal comma) and no thousands separator and no currency symbol.


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