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Category:Channel Manager

9,992 bytes added, 13:53, 8 May 2024
[[Category:SettingsHow to]][[Category:Getting_Started]]
<div class="heading">Channel Manager</div>
This page is about the menu {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > CHANNEL MANAGER and explains how the channel manger manager works.
<div class="summarybox">
'''Two-way API connections''' with all leading OTAs allow you to export prices and availability and import bookings instantly.
We also offer '''content management and listing creation''' with selected OTAs including Airbnb, and Vrbo, as well as many convenience features such as '''reporting, review management and messaging'''.
The '''iCal import and an iCal export-functions''' allow two-way connections via iCal for channels without an API connection.
There is a '''dedicated help page for each channel''' with information on the capabilities of the connection and setup instructions.</div>
= How the Channel Manager works =
The Channel Manager allows individual properties or agencies managing multiple properties to keep keeps inventory up-to-date in real time at our channel partners, allowing hosts to use and get the most out of multiple on-line booking channels without the hassle of constantly signing-in and updating all of them individually each time a booking is made (or cancelled) via one of them.
Two-Way XML connections with, Expedia, Agoda, Hostelworld and many more leading OTA`s export prices and inventory and import bookings instantly. [[File:explainer.gif|center|600px400px]]
'''A basic example for how it works''':
Lets say your are a B&B and you have 2 double rooms. The inventory in the system is set to 2. This inventory gets exported to the booking channels and your web site. Both your website and the booking channels can sell 2 rooms. If you get a booking on your web site the system automatically reduces the inventory to 1 room. It sends the new inventory information to the booking channels so so only one more room can be sold.
It works the same the other way around. If you get another booking through a booking channel this information gets sent to the system. The inventory gets reduced to 0 rooms. Now your rooms are fully booked and both your webdsite website and the booking channels will show no availability.
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span>After you activate the channel manger Beds24 will be the master calendar maintaining the live master version of your availability and export this to all the sites, updating them as new bookings are taken.
*Set up your [[Do_the_initial_Setup|rooms]]. If you are selling rooms in different constellations on booking channels you might need [[Combine_individual_rooms_into_a_roomtype|virtual rooms]].
*Set up [[Setting_Prices_for_Booking_Channels|prices]].
*Read our [ User Agreement] and in particular the liability section.
== Import existing bookings==
Before your activate a connection make sure your rates prices and inventory are set up correctly. The channel manger can only import bookings from the time the connection was activated. If you have previous or other bookings outside the Beds24 system you have these options:
*For some channels we can import upcoming bookings. If this is possible you will find information about this in the channel specific set up instructions.
*To block booked dates go to the CALENDAR in your control panel and change the inventory for the dates you have bookings for.
*If you need the booking details in Beds24 will need to enter the bookings manually. If you are comfortable working with .csv files you can import data into Beds24 using our API (
= Connection types =
To use the channel manger you need accounts with the booking channels you want to use and connect them to the channel manager account.
The process to activate a channel varies, but for most you will need to enter credentials. Some channels, like, Agoda and Expedia, require you to initiate the connection yourself in their Extranet and others have an approval process. Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) -> CHANNEL MANAGER. After you have selected the channel you want to set up click on HELP (top right menu) to open specific set up instructions for the channel you wan to use.
=== Mapping===
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Click on the "View Actual Data" Button to check which prices and availability will send.
===Adjust Prices===
You have the option to mark your prices up or down to allow for currency conversion for channel commissions.
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=== Preferences ===
You can set bulk settings for your Channel Managers in Preferences.
*Export Data = 1 or 2 years, if you want to send prices upto 2 years to the Channels, then as long as you have Rates/daily prices setup for the Channel, then you can select the appropriate setting here. Please Note :- we can not send 2 years data for all channels, you can see the specifics in the HELP page for each Channel.
*Import Channel Collect Payments - If any of your Channels collect payments on your behalf, if you set this = YES, then the details will be imported with the booking.
*Deduce language from country - when the guest enters their country, then we can deduce the 2 character language code that will be used if you have created language based messages to be sent to your guests.
=== Activation===
=== Do guests receive a confirmation? ===
The channel confirms the booking with the guest. Beds24 will not sent a confirmation message. If you want to send one as well you can set up an Auto Action Email. A template is available which you can further customize. Use the context help (?Icons) in the Auto Action and on the help page (click on HELP in the top right menu) for further instructions.
=== How do I modify or cancel a booking?===
The channel manger can not send changes to bookings to the channel. Any changes or cancellations have to be made directly in the channel. Cancelling a booking in Beds24 will not cancel the booking in the channel and can cause a double booking('''Exception:''' VRBO/Homeaway XML bookings can be cancelled in Beds24).
If for some reason you need to make a change in Beds24 and do not want an updat from the channel to override it, you can set "Allow Channel Modifications" = No or "All except room changes. You can either set this globally in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS-) CHANNEL MANAGER or per booking in the "Details" tab of the booking".
If you change a room for a booking from a channel in Beds24 the channel will still treat the booking as if it is in the room the guest booked at the channel.
=== How do can I access credit card details?===
Some channels send credit card details. This is how you can [[View_Credit_Card_Details| view credit card details]].
*You have linked rates in the channel.
*Your prices are not set up as you expect.
*The channel manger can not import prices from all channels. If you have set up minimum prices in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS->) PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SETUP the system will use these minimum prices.
=== What is pool allotment?===
=== Can I send different availability to channels?===
Yes. You can [[Channel_with_Custom_Availability|set up virtual rooms]] if you want to send custom limit the availability to one or more channelsin {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > CHANNEL INVENTORY. For example you may not want to sell via a particular channel at certain times of the year <embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo>
=== What are contracted rooms or base allocation? ===
=== Can I send messages to guests in their own language? ===
Yes, use the setting in Preferences 'Deduce language from country?' this will then enter the value in the Language field in the Mail tab of the booking. If there is no value the 'Default' language set in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS ) > BOOKING PAGE > INTERNATIONALIZATION -> BOOKING PAGE LANGUAGE will be used.
=== I need to show the booking charges on the guest invoice not the payout amount, how can I do this? ===
In {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -> ) CHANNEL MANAGER scroll down to 'Invoice' and select 'Booking Amount'
=== The Channels collect payments on my behalf at the time of booking, how can I see this? ===
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -> ) CHANNEL MANAGER and set 'Import Channel Collect Payments' = Yes, then the payments will be shown in the Charges and Payments tab of the booking.
=== How can I stop a Channel moving a booking back to the original room, when I have manually made a change? ===
If this is for all bookings, then go to Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -> ) CHANNEL MANAGER and set 'Allow Channel Modifications' = All except room change' or you can set this per booking in the "Details" tab of the booking". === Can I have a different invoice for bookings from a certain channel?=== Yes. See [[Invoicees|this help page]] for more information. = Connected Channels =This list gives on overview on the channels Beds24 connects to.  Contact channels directly to verify information before making any business decisions.{| class="wikitable"| '''Channel''' || '''Main Accommodation Types''' ||'''Key Region Listings'''||'''Key Region Guests'''||'''Segment'''||'''Network'''||'''Contact/More Information'''|-| [[]] ||hotels, motels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals || New Zealand||Global || OTA || |||-| [[|Abritel]] ||vacation rentals ||Global ||Global || OTA|| |||-| [[|Agoda]] ||hotels, motels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals||Global ||Asia || OTA || |||-| [[| Agoda Homes]] ||vacation rentals||Global ||Asia || OTA || |||-| [[Connect_Airbnb_Account|Airbnb]] ||vacation rentals, private rooms, boutique hotels ||Global ||Global || OTA|| |||-| [[Atraveo]] ||vacation rentals ||Global ||Europe || OTA || |||-| [[]] ||B&Bs, vacation rentals||Europe ||Global || OTA || |||-| [[]] ||B&Bs, vacation rentals||Netherlands ||Global || OTA || |||-| [[|]] ||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals || Global||Global || OTA || || []|-| [[bookeasy]] ||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals, camping || Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia ||Global || Destination Management || |||-| [[Hometogo_Mapping|Casamiundo]] || Vacation rentals ||Worldwide||Worldwide||OTS ||via Hometogo||'|-| [[Ctrip]] ||hotels||Global ||China || OTA || |||-| [[Decoloar]] ||hotels, resorts, hostels, lodges, inns ||(Latin America, USA ||Latin America || OTA || |||-| [[Despegar]] ||hotels, resorts, hostels, lodges, inns ||(Latin America, USA ||Latin America || OTA || |||-| [[EDreamsODIGEO|EDreams, Odigeo, Opodo]] ||hotels, resorts, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals||Global ||Global || OTA (Packages) || || []|-| [[|Expedia]] ||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals || Global||Global || OTA || |||-| [[|Ezibed]] || hotels, motels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals || New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Islands || New Zealand, Australia, North America || OTA || |||-| [[Feratel]] ||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals, camping ||Germany, Austria, Switzerland || Global || Destination Management || |||-| [[]] ||vacation rentals ||Global ||Global || OTA || |||-| [[Goibibo]] || hotels, motels, B&Bs ||India/worldwide||India||OTA || |||-| [[Google Hotel Ads]] ||hotels, B&Bs||Global ||Global|| Metasearch Engine || |||-| [[Google for Vacation Rentals]] ||vacation retnalsl ||Global|| Metasearch Engine || |||-| [[]] ||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals, camping || UK ||Global || Destination Management || |||-| [[]] ||vacation rentals ||Global ||Global || OTA || |||-| [[|Homeaway]] ||vacation rentals ||Global ||Global || OTA|| |||-| [[HostelInternational]] ||hostel ||Global ||Global || Membership organisation || |||-| [[|Hostelsclub]] ||hostel, B&B, private rooms, campsites ||Global ||Global || OTA || |||-| [[|Hostelworld]] ||hostel, B&B, private rooms ||Global ||Global || OTA || |||-| [[|Hotelbeds]] ||hotels, hostels, vacation rentals ||Global ||Global || Bedbank || |||-| [[Hometogo_Mapping|Hometogo]] || Vacation rentals ||Worldwide||Wordlwide||OTA|| ||'|-| [[|Housetrip]] ||vacation rentals, private rooms ||Global ||Global || OTA|| || https://www.housetrip.ccom|-| [[|HRS]] ||hotels ||Global ||Europe || OTA || |||-| [[]] || hotels, motels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals || New Zealand || New Zealand, Australia || OTA || |||-| [[|Laterooms]] ||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals || Global||Europe|| OTA || |||-| [[LastMinute_com_au|]] ||hotels, motels, hostels, vacation rentals ||Australia ||Australia || OTA || |||-| [[LateStays_com|Latestays]] ||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals, camping ||Asia ||Global || OTA || |||- | [[Homes & Villas by Marriott International|Marriott]] ||curated vacation rentals ||Asia ||Global || OTA || |||- | [[|Orbitz]] ||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals || Global||Global || OTA || |||-| [[Ostrovok]] ||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals, camping ||Global ||Russia || OTA || |||-| [[|Rakuten]] ||vacation rentals, hotels||Japan ||Japan || OTA || via Vacation Stay |||-| [[|StrayZ]] ||vacation rentals ||Global ||Global || OTA|| |||- | [[Traumferienwohnungen|Traum-Ferienwohnungen]] || Vacation rentals ||Europe||German speaking Europe/Europe||OTA || |||-| [[|Rakuten]] ||vacation rentals, hotels||Japan ||Japan || OTA || |||-| [[|Tablet Hotels]] ||boutique hotels ||Global ||Global || OTA || |||-| [[Tiket]] |||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals, ||IIndonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan ||Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan || OTA || |||-| [[Tomas]] ||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals, camping ||Germany, Austria, Switzerland || Global || Destination Management || |||-| [[Travel_com_au|]] ||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals, camping ||Australia || Australia || OTA || |||-| [[|Travelocity]] ||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals || Global||Global || OTA || |||-| [[Travelokacom|Traveloka]] |||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals, camping ||Asia ||Asia || OTA || |||-| [[Travia]] |||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals, camping ||Worldwide ||Worldwide|| Marketplace || |||-| [[Traumferienwohnungen]] |||vacation rentals||DACH, Europe ||DACH|| OTA enquiries || |||-| [[Tripadvisor]] ||hotels, B&Bs||Global ||Global|| Metasearch Engine || |||-| [[Tripadvisor_Rentals|Tripadvisor Rentals]] ||vacation rentals ||Global ||Global || OTA || |||-| [[Trivago]] ||hotels, B&Bs||Global ||Global|| Metasearch Engine || |||-| [[|VacationStay]] ||vacation rentals, hotels||Japan ||Japan || OTA || |||-| [[VisitScotland]] ||hotels, B&Bs, hostels, vacation rentals, camping || Scotland ||Global || Destination Management || |||-| [[|VRBO]] ||vacation rentals ||Global ||Global || OTA|| |||-| [[Hometogo_Mapping|Wimdu]] || Vacation rentals ||Worldwide||Wordlwide||Metasearch || via Hometogo||'https://www.wimducom|-| '''Channel''' || '''Main Accommodation Types''' ||'''Key Region Listings'''||'''Key Region Guests'''||'''Segment''' || ||'''Contact/More Information'''|}

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