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Do the initial Setup

1,989 bytes added, 14:16, 13 May 2024
*You can let our [ Setup Wizards] guide you through the set up process.
*We also offer online training sessions for a fee in which we help you set your account up. Send us a support ticket from the SUPPORT button at the top if you want to book a session.
*The number format in the Control Panel is the English number format, i.e. decimal places are separated by a full stop (not a comma).
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> <span style="font-weight: bold;" >Tip</span> Where you see this <span class="" style=color:#008ACC;“>{{#fas:copy}}</span> icon you can click and then copy the value of this setting to other rooms or properties.
Each room or room type/category can have ''multiple inventories'''.
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=== Multiple Properties or Rooms ===
If you're renting your property as a whole, you still need to define one "Room" which in your case represents your complete property.
If your rentals have different hotel/property codes for etc. then they must be setup as different individual properties.
For further information see [[Agency_%26_Multiple_Property_Setup|here]].
= Step by Step Setup =
== '''Step 1''' - General Account Settings ==
Click on {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS)> ACCOUNT and complete your details === '''CONTROL PANEL''' ===*To setup the look of your Control Panel go to ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES and check the settings for your account Control Panel.  <span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}}</span> Most of the settings can be left with the default value, for more information on each setting, use (?) for the context help. === '''OUTGOING EMAIL''' ===If you want to send Emails from Beds24, then you need to setup your outgoing email.  *Go to ACCOUNT > OUTGOING EMAIL and for instructions please use the context help (? icons) and click on HELP (? icon right) of this page. === '''HOST NOTIFICATIONS'''=== By default Email notifications about new bookings and system notifications are sent to the Administrator Email address from SETTINGS -> ACCOUNT ACCESS. If you have multiple properties you can set SETTINGS -> ACCOUNT -> HOST NOTIFICATIONS > Booking notification emails sent to"=Administrator and Cc: Property' to send a copy of the confirmation to the property. The Email address used is the one entered in SETTINGS-> PROPERTIES-> DESCRIPTION System notifications are error messages, answers to support tickets and other messages which are not directly related to a booking. We recommend you use different Email addresses to send and receive because some Email programmes (i.E. gmail) hide incoming Email if they are from the same Email address.
*Go to ACCOUNT and complete your details
=== '''BOOKING PAGE LANGUAGES''' === *If you want to use a language other than English on your booking page, go to ' {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > INTERNATIONALIZATION and tick the ones you want to use. If you enable more than one language you will see tabs for each language in your descriptions, information on your booking page and notifications. Descriptions have to be entered in each language tab.
== '''Step 2''' - Create properties and rooms==
===Import from Airbnb===
If you have a listing on Airbnb you can import it and create a new property with a new room or add a room in a property you already have in Beds24. Click [[Connect_Airbnb_Account|here]] for instructions.
===Import from
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}}</span> If you copy a room all settings will be automatically applied to the copy. If you want to link prices between different rooms remove the prices before you copy the rooms.
==== '''Step 23''' - Customize and add offers (optional)====
An '''Offer''' is the price combined with certain conditions. Each room/unit has one or more offers. "Offer 1" is your standard offer to the guest which is always displayed.
Daily Prices are prices for one date. Daily prices are easy to manage and are the best choice for most customers. Multiple prices per date can be defined for example for different minimum stays or different offers. Please find more information on the help page for [ daily prices].
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'''Fixed Prices'''
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== '''Step 6''' - Enter existing bookings==
*set up messaging templates for automatic and manual sending
*automatically perform modifications on bookings based on predefined criteria
== '''Step 8''' - Customize and connect the booking engine for commission free direct bookings (optional)==
Copy your widget to your website. To install the booking widgets on your web site you will need the ability to edit the HTML of your page. This may involve knowing the passwords for your web server and the ability to transfer your files. Your web hosting service should be able to provide information and assist you with this.
Guests who book directly will automatically receive a [:category:Confirmation_Messages|confirmation message]] which you can customise the [ in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > GUEST MANAGEMENT > CONFIRMATION MESSAGES.
Guest who book directly will automatically receive a =='''Step 9''' - Download the free Beds24 app(optional)==Our free App for IOS and Android is there to help you with daily tasks which might need to be done while away from the desk. [[:category:Confirmation_MessagesMobile_App_Android_and_IOS|confirmation messageMore information about the app]] which you can customise the [ in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > GUEST MANAGEMENT > CONFIRMATION MESSAGES.
= More functions and options=


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