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Custom CSS

17,781 bytes added, 11 June
[[Category:Booking Page]]
[[Category:AccountsAccount]][[Category:Booking_Engine]][[Category:Customise_Control_Panel]]<div class="heading">Custom CSS</div> This page gives custom CSS examples which can be used to customize the booking page or the control panel.
''This page gives Custom CSS examples''
= Booking Engine =
== Property Booking Page ==
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Custom CSS can be added in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE DEVELOPERS > "Custom CSS"
= Booking Page == Force the Iframe to have a certain height ===
Custom CSS can be added in SETTINGS > BOOKING PAGE > DEVELOPERS > "Custom CSS"/* Style for Extra Large Screen */@media (max-width:1199px) {iframe {height: 292px;}} /* Style for Large Screen */@media (max-width:991px) {iframe {height: 2000px;}} /* Style for Medium Screen */@media (max-width:767px) {iframe {height: 2200px;}} /* Style for Small Screen */@media (max-width:575px) {iframe {height: 2500px;}}
=== Bigger room name ===
  <code> .at_roomnametext{font-size: 14px;} /*if you want the text even bigger use a higher number*/</code>
=== Disable clicks on calendar selector===
====Disable month back-and-forth toggle====
<code> .monthcalendarhead{pointer-events: none;}</code>
====Disable clicks on dates====
<code> .roomoffercalendarmonth{pointer-events: none;}</code>
====Disable clicks only on dates not in pointer selection====<code> .roomoffercalendarmonth .daterequest, .roomoffercalendarmonth .dateavail {pointer-events: none;}</code> === Mark dates days when check-in and/or check-out is not allowed (i.e. for rentals on a weekly basis)in the offer calendar===
To use this option you will need to set your check-in/check-out rules in the CALENDAR. It will not work for check-in and check-out restrictions only set in rates.
NOTE: Limit the check-in and check-out in the CALENDAR (click on "Override") to use this function.
To highlight when Check-out is not allowed :-  <code> .datenco{background-color:#f4f4f4; color:#cccccc;}</code> To highlight when Check-in is not allowed :-  <code> .datenci{background-color:#f4f4f4; color:#cccccc;}</code> To highlight specific days then set the day with the appropriate colour :-  <code> .daymon{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code><code> .daytue{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code><code> .daywed{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code><code> .daythu{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code><code> .dayfri{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code><code> .daysat{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code><code> .daysun{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
=== Background Image ===
To use a background image upload it to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -) > BOOKING PAGE -ENGINE > PICTURES.
Replace '<nowiki></nowiki>' with the url of your uploaded picture.
<code> body{background-image:url(<nowiki></nowiki>);}</code>
=== Shadow around your Booking Page (Adaptive Booking Page only)===
  <nowiki>#</nowikicode>.bookingpage { -webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0, 10, 10, 0.38); -moz-box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0, 10, 10, 0.38); box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 10, 10, 0.38); margin-bottom: 20px; }</code>
=== Booking Page with rounded corners (Adaptive Booking Page only)===
  <nowikicode>#</nowiki>bookingpage{border-radius:7px; -webkit-border-radius:7px; -moz-border-radius:7px;}</code>
=== Hide cents===
  <code>.bookingpagecents {display:none;}</code>
=== Show prices with cents even if cents are zero ===
  <code>.bookingpagecentshide {display:inline;}</code>
=== Mark certain fields in the calendar selector===
Example 1: Set the font color for the weekday heading of Monday ('Mon')
<code>.dayMon{color:#c44a2f !important;}</code>
Example 2: Set the background color for the weekday heading of Monday ('Mon')
<code>.dayMon{background-color:#c44a2f !important;}</code>
Example 3: Set the font color for all the dates that fall on a Saturday
<code>.daysat{color:#c44a2f !important;}</code>
Example 4: Add a border around all the dates that fall on a Sunday
<code>.daysun{border:1px solid #999999 !important;}</code>
=== Add a border around the selected dates===
<code>.datestay{border: 1px solid #2f2f2f !important;}</code> <span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> If you use split dates the CSS is:<code>.prevdatestay, .datestay{border: 1px solid #2f2f2f !important;}</code>
=== Line through unavailable dates===
<code>.datenotavail{text-decoration: line-through;}</code>
=== Mark past dates with a different background and text colour===
<code>.datepast{background-color: #xxxxxx; color: #xxxxxx;}</code>
=== Change width of hover image (Adaptive Booking Page only)===
<code>.ui-tooltip{max-width: 500px;}</code>
=== Remove the hover effect on pictures (Adaptive Booking Page only)===
<code>img{pointer-events: none;}</code>
=== Add a label above the room selector for multiple room bookings (Responsive Booking Page only)===
<code>.roomofferqtyselectlabel{display: block;}</code>
=== Hide up button (Responsive Booking Page only)===
<code>footer .button{display: none;}</code>
=== Add icons to descriptive texts (Responsive Booking Page only)===
<code><nowiki><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user" aria-hidden="true"></span></nowiki></code> 
will add a Bootstap icon for a person.
<code><nowiki><i class="fa fa-bicycle" aria-hidden="true"></i></nowiki></code> 
will add a Font Awesomeicon for a bicycle.
<span style=color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> Note: Icons might disappear when the editor is opened again. In this case you will need to enter it again. If you don not show the "Features" module on the booking page you will need to add  <code><link rel="stylesheet" href="include/font-awesome/fontawesome-pro-5.14.0-web/css/all.min.css"></code> in the "Head" section in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > DEVELOPER / {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > MULTIBOOKING PAGE > DEVELOPER.
=== Hide icons (Responsive Booking Page only)===
<code>#b24scroller .input-group-addon{display:none;}</code>
=== Change text color of language selector and currency selector (Responsive Booking Page only)===
#topofthebookingpage<code>.b24languagedropdown .btn, .b24languagedropdown, .b24languagedropdown .btn:active, .b24currencydropdown .btn, .b24currencydropdown, .b24currencydropdown.btn:active {color: #fffffffff;}</code>
=== Make language selector and currency selector a button (Responsive Booking Page only)===
<code>.b24languagedropdown .btn, .b24languagedropdown, .b24languagedropdown .btn:active, .b24currencydropdown .btn, .b24currencydropdown, .b24currencydropdown.btn:active {background:white; padding:10px;} === Change text color of language selector and currency selector (Responsive Booking Page only)===  #topofthebookingpage a {color: #ffffff}</code>
=== Hide currencies from the currency selector (Responsive Booking Page only) ===
The currency class format is: '''.cur-XXX'''.
This code will remove all currencies except for Euros, Swiss Francs and US Dollars:
<code>.cur-AUD,.cur-BHD,.cur-CAD,.cur-CLP,.cur-CRC,.cur-FJD,.cur-GBP,.cur-GEL,.cur-ILS,.cur-ISK,.cur-NZD,.cur-BGN,.cur-BRL,.cur-CNY,.cur-CZK,.cur-DKK,.cur-HKD,.cur-HRK,.cur-HUF,.cur-HUF,.cur-IDR,.cur-INR,.cur-JPY,.cur-KRW,.cur-LBP,.cur-MAD,.cur-MMK,.cur-MXN,.cur-MYR,.cur-NOK,.cur-PHP,.cur-PLN,.cur-RON,.cur-RUB,.cur-SEK,.cur-SGD,.cur-THB,.cur-TRY,.cur-ZAR{display: none;}</code> === Remove 0 from adults or guests selector ===<code>#inputnumadult option[value="0"] {display:none !important;}</code>
=== Limit quantity selectors for upsell items ===
By default all the quantity selectors have a range from 0 - 250. You can limit the range:
Example 1: Set the range of the optional quantity selector for your 2nd upsell item (set 'Per Booking') to 0-4:
<code>#optextra2 option:nth-child(n+6){display:none;}</code>
Example 2: Set the range of the optional quantity selector for your 5th upsell item (set 'Per Room/Person/Adult/Child') to 0-20:
<code>#optextraroom5 option:nth-child(n+22){display:none;}</code>
=== Hide Check-in / Check-out selector ===
.b24-selector-checkin{display:none;}  <code>.b24-selector-checkout{display:none;}</code>
=== Hide number of nights selector ===
=== Change height of full-width slider ===
<code>.fullwidthjumbopropslider .b24fullcontainer-proprow1 .b24-prop-slider .item {height: 500px;}</code>
<code>.fullwidthjumbopropslider .b24fullcontainer-proprow1 .b24-prop-slider .carousel.slide{ height: 500px !important;}</code>
=== Hide the offer description on the check-out page===
<code>.at_offersummary {display: none;}</code>
= Multiple == Show number of nights on mobiles=== <code>.b24-selector-numnight { display: inline-block !important; }</code> === Hide room picture on check-out page=== <code>.b24-guest-details-right img {display: none;}</code> === Hide option to collect credit cards from Booking page if you want to use this option only for requests via Email=== <code>.bp2bookcollectpayment .panel-pay-card{display:none;}</code> === Hide "Print Booking Page " on the confirmation screen===<code>.conf_p{display:none;}</code> === Hide "Click here to make another booking" on the confirmation screen===<code>.bookagainlink{display:none;}</code> === Adjust alignment for RTL languages (Arabic, Hebrew)===<code>.rtlinject{float: right;}.colorbody-he, .colorbody-he #bookingpage, .colorbody-ar, .colorbody-ar #bookingpage {text-align: right;}.colorbody-he .ssi_makeabooking, .colorbody-he .panel .fakelink,.colorbody-ar .ssi_makeabooking, .colorbody-ar .panel .fakelink{text-align: left;}.colorbody-he .datepicker, .colorbody-he .roomoffercalendarmonth td, .colorbody-he .ssi_makeabooking .colorbody-he .b24-guest-details-left, .colorbody-he .b24-guest-details-left.propconfirmbookmessage, .colorbody-he .b24-creditcard, .colorbody-he .b24-guest-details-left,.colorbody-ar .datepicker, .colorbody-ar .roomoffercalendarmonth td, .colorbody-ar .ssi_makeabooking .colorbody-ar .b24-guest-details-left, .colorbody-ar .b24-creditcard, .colorbody-ar .b24-guest-details-left.propconfirmbookmessage, .colorbody-ar .b24-guest-details-left {float: right;}.colorbody-he .book_bookingbackright, .colorbody-he .b24-guest-details-right, .colorbody-he .questionrow div:first-child, .colorbody-he .book_securelogo, .colorbody-he .ppcancelbutton,.colorbody-ar .book_bookingbackright, .colorbody-ar .b24-guest-details-right, .colorbody-ar .questionrow div:first-child, .colorbody-ar .book_securelogo, .colorbody-ar .ppcancelbutton{float: left;}.colorbody-he .at_offersummary ul,.colorbody-ar .at_offersummary ul{padding-right: 0;}.colorbody-he .booktextdiv,.colorbody-ar .booktextdiv{width: 100%;}.colorbody-he .b24-offer-cal , .colorbody-he .b24-offer-summary, .colorbody-he .b24-offer-slider {float: right;}</code> === Change colors of warnings===<code>.alert-danger { color: #7e7602;background-color: #fcf8bd;border-color: #fcf8bd;}</code> ==MULTI PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE ==<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Custom CSS can be added in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS ) > BOOKING PAGE > MULTIPLE PROPERTIES MULTI BOOKING PAGE > DEVELOPERS > "Custom CSS"
=== Make search criteria always visible ===
<code>#collapseAdvancedSearch{height: auto; display:block !important;}</code>
=== Change height of full-width slider ===
<code>.fullwidthjumboagencyslider .b24fullcontainer-ownerrow1 .b24-owner-slider .item {height: 600px;}</code> <code>.fullwidthjumboagencyslider .b24fullcontainer-ownerrow1 .b24-owner-slider .carousel.slide{height: 500px !important;}</code> === Limit the drop-down list for number of guests ===By default this list goes up to 99. You can limit it with the following code. Substitute X for the desired number + 2. So, if you want the drop-down list to be limited to 10 then X=12. <code>#inputnumadult option:nth-child(n+6){display:none;}</code> <code>#inputnumchild option:nth-child(n+6){display:none;}</code> === Adjust alignment for RTL languages (Arabic, Hebrew)=== <code>.rtlinject{float: right;}.colorbody-he, .colorbody-ar {text-align: right;}.colorbody-he .b24-prop-module,.colorbody-he .datepicker, .colorbody-he .roomoffercalendarmonth td,.colorbody-ar .datepicker, .colorbody-ar .roomoffercalendarmonth td{float: right;}.colorbody-he .at_propnametext,.colorbody-ar .at_propnametext {padding-right: 10px;}</code> === Hide Property Name ===This will remove the individual property names from the Multi Property booking page.  <code>.at_propnametext {display: none;}</code> == BOOKING WIDGETS ==<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> CSS needs to be added directly in your web site ===Change the hover-color in the datepicker calendar === <code>.book-widget .ui-datepicker td .ui-state-active, .book-widget .ui-datepicker td .ui-state-hover, .book-widget.ui-datepicker td .ui-state-active, .book-widget.ui-datepicker td .ui-state-hover {background-color:#ffffff!important; color:#000000!important}</code>
===Make only Saturdays clickable in the datepicker calendar ===<code>.fullwidthjumboagencyslider book-widget .ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(1), .b24fullcontainerbook-ownerrow1 widget .b24ui-ownerdatepicker tr > :nth-slider child(2), .carouselbook-widget .slideui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(3), .book-widget .ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(4), .book-widget .ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(5), .book-widget. ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(7){heightpointer-events: 500px !importantnone;}</code>
= Invoices INVOICES and PRINT TEMPLATES =Custom CSS can be added in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS ) > GUEST MANAGEMENT > STYLING > "Custom CSS"
=== Center invoice on the screen and set overall font size===
<code>body {text-align: center; font-size: 16px;}</code>
=== Set font size of property name ===
<code>#invoicepropname{font-size: 24px;}</code>
=== Set font size of address ===
<code>#invoiceaddress{font-size: 18px; padding-bottom: 50px;}</code>
=== Set font size of the invoice table ===
<code>.confirmationtable{font-size: 16px;}</code> === Change margin=== <code>.printbooking2 {margin: 20px;}</code>
=== TBC ===
<code>#invoicetable{margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;}</code>
=== TBC ===
<code>#invoiceprinttime{font-size: 12px;}</code>
=== Hide edit button in the invoice ===
<code>#iconedit {display: none;}</code> === Align all table content right ===<code>.conf_subheadercenter, .conf_numbercenter{text-align: right !important;}</code>
= Control Panel CONTROL PANEL =
Custom CSS can be added in:
*Click on the 'User' icon on the top right and then on 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNTS > ACCOUNT in the top right) then on ACCOUNT LIST to apply for all sub accounts*Click on the 'User' icon on the top right and then on 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNTS > ACCOUNT in the top right) then on ACCOUNT LIST > MANAGE ACCOUNT to apply for a specific sub account ==Navigation=====Hide SUPPORT button===<code>.navbar-top .btngroupdropdown{display: none}</code> ===Hide page help icon on the right===<code>.opener-right{display: none}</code> ===Change header background color===<code>.fixed-top {background-color: #cccccc;}</code> ===Hide "Settings" icon in left column===<code>.#c3sidebarCollapse{display: none !important;} {display: none;}</code> ===Hide "Price Checker Tool" button===<code>.b24btn_PriceCheck {display: none}</code> ===Hide "Try the new calendar" link===<code>.tryTheNewCalendar {display: none;}</code> ===Hide 'Add Booking' button===<code>.b24btn_AddBooking{display:none}</code> == Dynamic Multi-Calendar =====Hide "Intelligence" icon===<code>.sticky-left .row-intelligence-button{display: none;}</code>===Hide "Help" icon in left column===<code>.sticky-left .row-help-button {display: none;}</code>===Hide Drag&Drop option===<code>#dragDropButton {display: none;}</code>===Hide "Notes" icon in left column===<code>.sticky-left .fa-comment-alt-plus, .sticky-left .fa-comment-alt-lines {display: none;}</code>===Hide "Intelligence" icon===<code>.sticky-left .row-intelligence-button{display: none;}</code>===Hide Group booking icons===<code>.fa-circle{display: none;}</code>===Display occupancy as color instead of number===<code>.calendar2 .property-stats-wrapper{margin-top: 5px;}.calendar2 .property-stats-wrapper.empty {display: inline-block;background-color: #7AAB0A;height: 10px;width: 10px;border-radius: 50%;color: transparent;}.calendar2 .property-stats-wrapper.medium {display: inline-block;background-color: #fe746c;height: 10px;width: 10px;border-radius: 50%;color: transparent;}</code>===Change the backgound color of weekends (Saturday/Sunday)===<code>.th-sat, .th-sun {background-color:#ffceaf !important;}</code>===Change the backgound color of past dates===<code>.pastdate{background-color:#d7d7d7;}</code>===Hide Intelligence button===<code>.sticky-left .row-intelligence-button{display: none;}</code>===Hide contect help===<code>.sticky-left .row-help-button {display: none;}</code>===Change color of unavailable dates ===<code>.inv0 { color: blue }</code> ===Change color and background color of daily prices===<code>.price { background-color:#7cc576; color:white;}</code>===Make inventory row read-only===<code>.calendar2 .row-room {pointer-events: none;}</code> ===Make Daily Price row read-only===<code>.row-price{pointer-events: none;}</code> ===Change background and font color for "Unallocated" bookings===<code>..pagetypecalendar2 .overflow-unit{ background-color: #FEE0DD; color: #9E4843;}</code> ===Hide the option to create or change views===<code>#view-templates-button{display: none;}</code> ===Disable the option to create or change views===<code>#view-templates-button, #saveViewButton{pointer-events: none;}</code> == Old Calendar =====Hide "Show" in the CALENDAR===<code>.dashgridshowfilter {display:none;}</code> ===Hide "Override row" in the CALENDAR===<code>.dashgrid_rowtype1{display:none;}</code> ===Hide item from dropdown for rooms in the CALENDAR===<code>.dashgrid_rowroomname .dropdown ul.dropdown-menu li:nth-child(3) {display:none !important;}</code> ===Hide suitcase icon (add booking) from CALENDAR===<code>.icon-suitcase, .fa-suitcase {display:none}</code> ===Hide button 'Add Booking' from CALENDAR===<code>.b24btn_AddBooking{display:none}</code> ===Display red when inventory is 0===<code>.inv0 .dashgrid_inventory{color:red;}</code> ===Show weekends (Saturday/Sunday) in a different color===<code>.weekend2{background-color:red;}</code>
===Show a certain day of the week in red===
Substitute X with the number of the weekday: Monday=1, Tuesday=2, Wednesday=3, Thursday=4, Friday=5, Saturday=6, Sunday=7
===Show today in red===
===Show past dates in a different color===
===Display room name and icons in one line===
<code>.editroomlink{padding-left: 2px;}</code>
===Warning color dates not selling===
<code> .dashgrid_inventory_nap{background-color: red; color: white;}</code>
== Dashboard ==
===Hide the Dashboard selector (drop-down menu) from DASHBOARD===
<code>.dashcontrol #dashid{display: none !important}</code>
===Hide the "Padlock" menu from DASHBOARD===
<code>.dashcontrol .dropdown{display: none !important}</code>
=== Hide a certain column in the Departures Table on the DASHBOARD===
<code>.mobiledeparture tr > *:nth-child(X) {display: none;}</code>
===Hide the "Add Booking" from mobile DASHBOARD===
<code>.mobiledashaddbooking{display:none;}</code> ===Hide room on Housekeeping Units and Housekeeping Bookings modules==== .widgettype-units .roomrowclassXXX {display: none;} /* replace XXX with the room ID*/ ===Hide column on the dashboard tables===Change the child number in brackets to the desired column.  <code>.mobiledashaddbookingdashboardtable th:nth-child(9) {display:none;}</code> ===Hide Edit button in the Notes component===Change the child number in brackets to the desired column.
<code>#dashboardnotea .btn {display:none;}</code> ==Align the content of a column right==<code> .bookingtable td:nth-child(8) {text-align: right;} </code> == Guests Menu == === Hide a certain row in the "Info" tab on GUESTS===<code>.pagetypeguests .viewguest .table tr:nth-child(x) {display: none; }</code> == Bookings Menu ===== Hide property name in the BOOKING GRID ===<code>.bookgrid_rowpropname{display: none;}</code> === Hide room name in the BOOKING GRID ===<code>.bookgrid_rowroomname{display: none;}</code> === Hide room name in the BOOKING GRID ===<code>. pagetypebookingsgrid .todaydate{font-weight:bold;}</code> === Hide a certain column in the BOOKING LIST Table ===<code>.pagetypebookingslist .bookingtable tr > *:nth-child(X) {display: none;}</code> Examples: <code>.pagetypebookingslist .bookingtable tr > *:nth-child(2) {display: none;}</code> will hide the first column which is 'Number'. <code>.pagetypebookingslist .bookingtable tr > *:nth-child(11) {display: none;}</code> will hide the tenth column which is 'Email'. ===Hide column on the BOOKINGS table===Change the child number in brackets to the desired column.  <code> .bookingtable th:nth-child(12) {display:none;} </code> ===Hide cancelled bookings BOOKINGS list===<code>.pagetypebookingslist .cancelbooking{display:none;} </code> === Hide cancelled bookings in the BOOKINGS Table ===<code>.bookingtable .cancelbooking {display:none;}</code> === Hide "Export Bookings" buttons ===<code>.bookingfilterheadline .floatright .btn {display:none;}</code> ===Disable moving of bookings===<code> .pagetypebookingsgrid table {pointer-events: none;}</code> == Fixed Prices Menu =====Hide column on the Fixed Prices table===Change the blue Login child number in brackets to the desired column.  <code> .ratetable th:nth-child(9) {display:none;} </code> == Reports Menu ===== Limit selector list for custom reports === Example: Limit the list to reports 1 - 3: <code>#reportid option:nth-child(n+4){display:none;}</code> === Hide a certain field from 'Available Columns' === Example: Hide the 'Email' field <code>.pagetypereports2 #guestemail {display: none;}</code>  == Settings Menu ===== Hide the "Delete" button for properties ===<code>.pagetypeproperties .b24btn_delete{display:none;}</code> === Hide the "Delete" button on for rooms ===<code>.pagetyperooms .b24btn_delete{display:none;}</code> ==Booking Popup=====Hide 'Open in new Window' link===<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit.openinnewwindow{display:none;}</code> === Charges & Payments =======Hide the VAT column====<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .invoicetablevat {display: none;}</code> Please note: This will not hide the initial Beds24 page title column (resellers onlyVat %). See for yourself if you can live with it. ====Prevent invoice items being deleted====<code>.tr_invoicee .btn-danger, #groupinvoicebulkaction option[value="1"] {display:none !important;}</code> </code> ====Prevent manual entry of charge items ====<code>.pagetypelogin chargenewitemtr input {pointer-events: none;}</code> ====Prevent manual entry of payment items ====<code>.b24btn_Loginpaymentnewitemtr input {backgroundpointer-colorevents:none;}</code> === Functions and Buttons =======Hide the checkout selector====<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit #checkout{display:none;}</code> ====Hide the 'Delete' button====<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .deletebookingbutton{display:none;}</code> ====Hide the 'Add Booking' button====<code>.icon-suitcase, .b24btn_AddBooking{display:none;}</code> ====Hide the 'Copy as new' button====<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit #xxxxxxbookingcopyasnewbutton{display:none;}</code> ====Hide the 'Print' button====<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit #bookingprintbutton{display:none;}</code> ====Hide the 'Assign Invoice Number' button====<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .b24btn_AssignInvoiceNumber{display:none;}</code> German control panel:  <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .b24btn_Rechnungsnummererzeugen{display:none;}</code> ====Hide the 'Template' buttons====<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit #bookingtemplate1button{display:none;}</code> <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit #bookingtemplate2button{display:none;}</code>
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit #bookingtemplate3button{display:none;}</code>
==BOOKING POPUP==Hide the 'Continue anyway' buttons====<code>.statusmsg .btn{display: none}</code>
=== Hide elements from =Prevent changes of the BOOKINGS pop up "Status" field"====.menusetting-status{pointer-events: none;}
Checkout selector=== Hide Specific Fields === .pagetypeajaxbookedit #checkout{display:none;}====TAB Summary====
Guest title
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guesttitle{display:none;}</code>
Last Name
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestname{display:none;}</code>
Guest comments
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestcomments{display:none;}</code>
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-hostcomments{display:none;}</code>
.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-numadults{display:none;}
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-numadults{display:none;}</code> Children <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-numchild{display:none;}</code>
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestphone{display:none;}</code>
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestmobile{display:none;}</code>
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestfax{display:none;}</code>
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestaddress{display:none;}</code>
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestcity{display:none;}</code>
.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestpostcode{display:none;}
Country <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestcountryguestpostcode{display:none;}</code>
Country (manual entry) <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestcountry{display:none;}</code> Country (drop-down list) <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestcountry2{display:none;}</code>
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-status{display:none;}</code>
Room Selector
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-roomid{display:none;}</code>  ====TAB Detail====Message <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-hostmessage{display:none;}</code> Custom Questions (X = number of custom question) <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestcustqX{display:none;}</code> Reference <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-ownerreference{display:none;}</code> Quantity <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-qty{display:none;}</code> Cancellable <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-stopcancel{display:none;}</code>
.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-flagtext{display:none;}
Email (under the Email tab)<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-flagtext{display:none;}</code> Status Code  <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestemailstatuscode{display:none;}</code> Created in Account <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-Createdinaccount{display:none;}</code> Original Referrer
===Hide the "Delete" button in the booking menu=== <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .deletebookingbuttonmenusetting-OriginalReferrer{display:none;}</code>
===Hide the "Add Booking" button in the booking menu=== .icon-suitcase, .b24btn_AddBooking{display:none;}Time Entered
===Hide the "Copy as new" button in the booking menu=== <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit #bookingcopyasnewbutton.menusetting-TimeEntered{display:none;}</code>
===Hide the "Print" button in the booking menu=== .pagetypeajaxbookedit #bookingprintbutton{display:none;}IP Address
===Hide the "Template" buttons in the booking menu=== <code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit #bookingtemplate1button.menusetting-IPAddress{display:none;}</code>
.pagetypeajaxbookedit #bookingtemplate2button{display:none;}API Message
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit #bookingtemplate3button.menusetting-apimessage{display:none;}</code>
Guest Database
==CALENDAR==<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-isguest{display:none;}</code>
===Hide "Show" in the CALENDAR=TAB Mail & Actions==== .dashgridshowfilter {display:none;}Email
===Hide "Override row" in the CALENDAR=== <code>.dashgrid_rowtype1pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestemail{display:none;}</code>
==Add Booking======Prevent price to be changed=Hide dropdown for rooms in the CALENDAR=== <code>..pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-unitprice, .dashgrid_rowroomname pagetypeajaxbookedit .dropdownmenusetting-price {displaypointer-events:none !important;}</code>
==Reports == <span class= Hide the "Make a Charge using Stripe" button style==="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> .makechargeusinglCustom CSS can be added in {display{#fas:none;cog}}(SETTINGS) > GUEST MANAGEMENT > STYLING > "Custom CSS"
=== Hide property name a the "Booking Notes" column in the BOOKINGS GRID Daily Unit Activity report=== <code>.bookgrid_rowpropnamereportdailyunitactivity th > *:nth-child(9) {display: none;}</code>
=== Hide a certain colum in the BOOKINGS Table === <code>.pagetypebookings .bookingtable tr reportdailyunitactivity td > *:nth-child(X9) {display: none;}</code>
==Miscellaneous = Hide a certain colum in the RATES Table === .pagetyperates .bookingtable tr> *:nth-child(X) {display: none;}
=== Hide a certain colum in Change the Departues Table blue Login button on the dashboardinitial Beds24 page (resellers only)=== <code>.pagetypelogin .mobiledeparture tr > *:nthb24btn_Login{background-child(X) {displaycolor: none#xxxxxx;}</code>
=== Hide potential issue the "Less than 12 months availableStripe"button === .warninglessthan12monthsavailable<code>#makechargeusing{ display: none;}</code>
=== Hide 'Template 2' from Guest Management > Booking Templates the Stripe "Refund" button === .pagetypecommunicationbooktemplate <code>#settingformid .background_boxprop:nth-of-type(2)b24btn_Refund{display:none;}</code>
= Reports =Custom CSS can be added If your are using the control panel in:*SUB ACCOUNTS > ACCOUNT LIST another language than English you might need to apply for all sub accounts*SUB ACCOUNTS > ACCOUNT LIST > MANAGE ACCOUNT to apply for a specific sub accountreplace the word Refund with what you see on the button.
=== Hide potential issue "Less than 12 months available"===
<code>.warninglessthan12monthsavailable{ display: none}</code>
=== Limit selector list for custom reports Hide potential issue "Too many guests in booking xxxxx"===<code>..warningunitnotassigned{ display: none}</code>
Example=== Hide 'Template 2' from Guest Management > Booking Templates ===<code>.pagetypecommunicationbooktemplate #settingformid .background_boxprop: Limit the list to reports 1 nth- 3of-type(2){display:none;}</code>
#reportid === Hide the option:nthto unlock invoices===<code>.menusetting-child(n+4)invoicelock {display:none;}</code>


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