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Upsell Items

877 bytes added, 17 June
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This page is about the menu {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE >UPSELL ITEMS and explains how you can sell extras and add fees for direct bookings.
=Create Upsell ItemsSummary=<div class="summarybox">
Upsell Items are shown on the booking page after the guest has selected their room or rooms.
If you allow "Multiple Room Bookings" the system will apply obligatory extras to all rooms and allow optional extras for all rooms.
For details use the context help <span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#far:question-circle}} </span> next to the settings for instructions and read the complete help page.
<div class="warning">{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} Upsell Items can not be exported to OTAs. If required you can set them up directly in the channel. Also you need prices for each room. Price linking across rooms or properties will not work. </div>
<div class="warning">{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} Upsell Items can not be exported to OTAs. If required you can set them up directly in the channel. Also you need prices for each room. Price linking across rooms or properties will not work. </div>
= Type of Item=
= Limiting availability of items =
Upsell items can be enabled/disabled for individual daily prices Daily Prices or ratesFixed Prices. When a booking is made only those upsell items enabled for any rate price involved in the booking will be offered to the guest.
If you have extras you only sell on site you can set them up as "Invoice Items" in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT->INVOICING.
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> Limiting upsell items does not work properly when prices or rates are linked.
=Different upsell items for different rooms=
Upsell items are created on property level. However, you can activate an upsell item for a rateprice, and the rate price can be specific for a room.
Create your different upsell items.
In the rate menu prices go to the upsell tab section and activate/deactivate the upsell you want for the room that is attached to the rateprice.
= Display prices including obligatory fees on the first screen on your booking page=
'''Example''': City tax charged for first 7 nights only.
Create 2 Upsell items and 2 RatesFixed Prices/Daily Prices.
*Description = City Tax
Prices > RatesFixed Prices
Open Rate 1 :
*Select Upsell Item 2 - per night City Tax
Prices > Daily Price SetupRules
*Open Daily Price 1
For Single items, like Welcome Hamper etc, Daily Prices will work as you are likely to be selling 1 item per booking.
For Meals etc, we suggest you setup RATES as you can add Single, Extra Person and Extra Child prices.
'''3. Further settings'''
*VAT % = 0
Then go to your Rates Fixed Prices (Upsell tab) Daily Price (Upsell items) for this Extra (Evening Meals), then tick the items that should be shown for these items.
'''Manage extras and bookings'''
Another alternative is to combine the two taxes into one amount and charge 14.975%
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== An obligatory tax is applied to all bookings, except for business travelers, for whom this tax does not apply.==
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Go to {{#fas:cog}} CONFIGURATION-> BOOKING ENGINE-> UPSELLING and add the tax as an "Upsell" item with the following settings:
Type: Obligatory
Description: Tax (if using multiple languages, enter the description in all languages)
Amount: 1.5
Per: Booking
Period: One-time
VAT %: If VAT is included, enter the corresponding VAT rate
Then, create a obligatory upsell for the tax, and then a second upsell titled "I am a business traveler" with the same values, but negative, to subtract the tax again.

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