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Airbnb Mapping

714 bytes added, 18 June
Beds24 provides a certified 2-way API integration which offers you many additional features and functions which will make working with Airbnb easy for you.
To use =Summary=<div class="summarybox">When all of your prices, and rooms are set up in Beds24 you can start the integration with Airbnb:#Connect your Airbnb account #Map your rooms #Check which prices will send#Select your sync type#Click "Connect" and select the corresponding listing to this room to make the connection you need an .#Check what will send to Airbnb#Import upcoming bookings Read the complete [ account with AirbnbAirbnb_Mapping instructions]before you start the integration. </div>
 !style="text-align:left; background: #ffffff" scope="col" colspan =4| '''Everything''' (sends full content additionally to "Prices and Availability" and "Limited")|- !style="text-align:right;" scope="row"|Instant BookListing details
| Manual
| Manual
!style="text-align:right;" scope="row"|Pre-Booking Message Descriptions
| Manual
| Manual
!style="text-align:right;" scope="row"|Cancellation Policy Bedrooms
| Manual
| Manual
 !style="text-align:right;" scope="row"|Check-in startPicture
| Manual
| Manual
!style="text-align:right;" scope="row"|Check-in endInstant Book
| Manual
| Manual
!style="text-align:left; background: #ffffff" scope="col" colspan =4| '''Everything''' (sends full content additionally to "Prices and Availability" and "Limited")|- !style="text-align:right;" scope="row"|Listing detailsPre-Booking Message
| Manual
| Manual
!style="text-align:right;" scope="row"|DescriptionsCancellation Policy
| Manual
| Manual
!style="text-align:right;" scope="row"|BedroomsCheck-in start
| Manual
| Manual
!style="text-align:right;" scope="row"|PictureCheck-in end
| Manual
| Manual
*Smart Pricing is not available for API connected listings.
*Airbnb applies the minimum stay " first night only" meaning restrictions must only be satisfied for the arrival date of the booking but not on every day of the booking.
*Airbnb does not allow Co-hosts to use their connect listings or disconnect listings. Only owners can make APIconnections. This means if you are a Co-Host Airbnb will not allow you to connect your co-hosted listings via Beds24 (or any other channel manager). Solutions to this limitation are:**Ask the host to transfer their account to you.**Your hosts make the connection between their Airbnb accounts and Beds24 themselves''' ***You can create a (temporary) subaccount in Beds24 for each of your hostsowners. Your hosts will have a login where they then can connect their Airbnb accounts. ***If you manage a large number of properties we can give you the "Connect with Airbnb Account" button. Your hosts owners will then be able to use this button outside of Beds24 so they will not need to log into Beds24 to allow the connection.
=Before you connect=
'''Step 4 - Import inquiries from Aribnb (optional)'''
If you import inquiries Beds24 will create a booking with the status "EnquiryInquiry". If the request turns into a confirmed booking the status will automatically change. If you want to automatically cancel requests which do not turn into confirmed bookings you can set up an [[Auto_Actions|Auto Action]] to automatically cancel the booking after a certain period.
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> Bookings with the status "EnquiryInquiry" do not block the room. If you want to block the room for example if you have made the guest an offer you need to change the status manually.
'''Step 5 - Assign an invoicee (optional)'''
'''You can't change your listing's address once you've started receiving reservation requests. If you need to make an update, please contact support.'''
Please check your address details in Beds24 match the details at Airbnb, if you need to change them, please contact Airbnb support and ask them to assist.
If you do not need to change your address details then go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT and set "Update Address" = No.
'''Cannot change address in status Auto closed (availability). Please contact the local support for assistance.'''
Please check your address details in Beds24 match the details at Airbnb, if you need to change them, please contact Airbnb support and ask them to assist.
If you do not need to change your address details then go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT and set "Update Address" = No.

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