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New Features and Updates

30,480 bytes added, 5 July
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'''<span style="color: #7aab0a;" >{{#fas:chalkboard-teacher}} </span>Webinar Today: Getting started with Beds24'''
We '''<div class="warning">{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} Increased Security: Action Required</div> ''' From June 19th we will send an email with a special login link whenever we detect a login from a new device or browser. In this case login will only be hosting possible by opening this link in the same browser trying to login.  Login using a device that has been used before is not affected by this change.  Make sure all you and all your sub account users have access to Email notifications sent for their account or sub account. 18th June 2024---- '''<span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span>Slide-out help''' As a “Getting next step on the updates to the control panel we have started to implement slide-out help on select menu pages.  What has changed: When you hover on the <span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#far:question-circle}} </span> for examle on {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > VIEW CONTENT you will see a summary with key information for this menu page. When you click the complete help page will open as it does now.  Over the next week this function will be rolled out on key pages.  All implemented and next planned changes are documented [ here]. 13th June 2024 ---- '''<span style="color:#019cde;“>{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span> Auto Actions for Expedia messaging and Calendar Additions''' Automatic sending for messaging with Expedia is now possible.  For the Calendar we have released a number of enhancements:*a * icon with a price indicates that there is a minimum stay set in the daily price rule for this daily price. *hover texts on the Daily Prices in the Calendar show you miniumum stays, maximum stays and prices for different occupancies*group bookings are marked with a {{#fas:circle}} icon. For the master booking, the circle is filled. All implemented and next planned changes are documented [ here]. 13th April 2024 ---- '''<span style="color:#019cde;“>{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span> New onboarding flow for''' As part of our ongoing effort to improve workflows we have changed the way our connection with works.  '''Why have we done this?''' Until now we have automatically confirmed connection requests. When we confirm a connection request deletes the properties prices and availability and expects the prices and availability to be sent from the channel manager.  Since we can not know if a property is ready this can result in properties being closed at  '''What changes?''' The change we have made allows you to activate the connection yourself when you are ready.  '''What happens if I am already connected?''' Nothing. The change only applies to new connections.  The instructions for the [ mapping] and for the [ property import] have been updated. All implemented and next planned changes are documented [ here]. 10th April 2024 ----'''<span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span> Download Beds24 Mobile App Version 3 ''' *Bookings now display more information:**Info Items**Custom Booking Questions**Group booking information**Time of booking*Improved search function allows the search for arrivals, departures and current bookings by date*Booking text fields can not be copied to the clipboard For IOS: Search for Beds24 or use this link: For Android: Search for Beds24 or use this link: 2nd April 2024 ----'''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Messaging integration with Beds24” webinar Expedia Group (Beta)''' As an Expedia Elite partner Beds24 was granted early access to Expedias new messaging API.  You can now conveniently communicate with guests who booked via Expedia from the booking in Beds24. Messages from guests will also show under MESSAGES.  The feature is automatically enabled. [ For more information click here]. This function is still in beta testing while Expedia fixes bugs. At the moment you can send only messages manually. Automatic sending will be possible shortly 26th March 2024 ---- '''<span style="color:#f3bb04;" >{{#fas:award}} </span>Beds24 is now Airbnb Preferred+ Partner ''' Airbnb’s 2024 list of preferred partners is out and BEDS24 was named a Preferred+ partner! We’re honored to be one of the select few to receive this status as a nod to the quality of service we provide. You can learn more about the program and what it means for us and our customers on our [ blog]. ---- '''<span style="color:#f3bb04;" >{{#fas:award}} </span>Beds24 confirmed as an Expedia Elite Partner and a Vrbo Preferred Partner ''' Expedia Group recognizes and rewards only select few connectivity partners who achieved excellent results on various technical and performance metrics, as 'Elite Partners' . In 2024, only the top 2% of Expedia Group's connectivity partners are Elite. We are proud to be part of it.  February 19th 2024 ----'''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Templates for Auto Actions''' To simplify the use of Auto Actions, we have created templates for frequently used Auto Actions.  If you now click on "New Auto Action", you can choose whether you want to start with an empty Auto Action as before or whether you want to use a template that you can customise further.  9th February 2024 ----  '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Marker for Group bookings''' In the new calendar group bookings are now marked with an{ {#fas:circle}} icon so that they can be recognised at a glance.  9th February 2024 ----  '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Receive Airbnb suspension warnings in Beds24''' As a host, it is important to be aware if an Airbnb listing is at risk of being suspended. This is why we now show Airbnbs suspension warnings under MESSAGES. If you see such a message click on the link in the message for details. Resolve the issues immediately if required by involving Airbnb support.  5th February 2024 ---- '''<span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span> Rates renamed to "Fixed Prices"''' As a next step on the updates to the control panel we will rename "Rates" to "Fixed Prices". The change will go live shortly. Some help pages have already been updated, the rest will follow shortly. If you see any place where the term "Rates" is used by the end of this week please let us know.  Why we want to do this: Many customers starting with Beds24 confuse what we call rates with channel rate plans. Using the terms "Daily Prices" for dynamic prices and "fixed prices" for prices which have a start and an end date should stop this.  In terms of functionalty nothing will change.  All implemented and next planned changes are documented [ here]. 8th January 2024 ---- '''<span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span> Changes to the control panel''' We are working on improving usability and workflows. This involves changes to the location of settings, setting names and menus.  All implemented and next Thursdayplanned changes are documented [ here]. 30th December 2023 ---- '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span> Report guest misconduct to''' Now you can easily report a guest's misconduct directly from Beds24 to  At the bottom of the "Details" tab of the booking you will find the button to submit.  This option is available after check-in for bookings that are not cancelled. If you need to cancel the booking, report the misconduct beforehand.  27th December 2023 ---- '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Messaging integration with VRBO group''' You can now conveniently communicate with guests who booked via VRBO or one of their brands from the booking in Beds24. Messages from guests will also show under MESSAGES.  The feature is automatically enabled. [ For more information click here]. 15th November 2023 ----'''<span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span> Download Beds24 Mobile App Version 2 ''' *Phone numbers and Email address are now clickable*The Arrivals menu now shows the arrival time *Bookings list now show the sum of charges for each bookings*Bookings show the sum of all payments For IOS: Search for Beds24 or use this link: For Android: Search for Beds24 or use this link: 7th November 2023 ---- '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Send Registraton information for Expedia from Beds24''' When you click on the "Registration Details" button in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > EXPEDIA you will see which licence types are possible in your region and you can enter your licencedata. A click on "Send" will update the licence information to Expedia. 19th October 2023 ---- '''<span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span> New features for''' Vacation rental hosts can now add information on how guests can access the property in directly from Beds24. If you want to do this go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > CHANNEL MANAGER > BOOKING.COM > SYNC CONTENT and click on the "Key Collection" button. makes this option is only available for vacation rentals.  If you want to send host and property profile information you can add the information in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > CHANNEL MANAGER > BOOKING.COM > SPECIFIC PROPERTY CONTENT. Then go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > CHANNEL MANAGER > BOOKING.COM > SYNC CONTENT and click on the "Update to" button where you can select to send your "Property profile".  28th August 2023 ---- '''<div class="warning">{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} Agoda Homes changes pricing model: Action Required</div> ''' Agoda Single Unit Listings are currently on Net-rate loading which means that Agoda will mark the prices sent from Beds24 up to the Reference Sell Rate on the Agoda website. With effect from September 2023, Agoda are going to change their rate loading from Net Rate loading to Reference Sell Rate loading for all existing partners/properties (hosts).  In addition, Agoda are harmonizing our commission rates to be in line with Agoda’s market default commission levels. After the rate migration date, Agoda will deduct the adjusted commission from the Reference Sell Rate to determine the base rate received by properties. Please update your prices or set a multiplier in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > CHANNEL MANAGER > AGODA to avoid bookings with wrong prices. For more information please see [ here] contact Agoda support.  22nd August 2023----  '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Interface with TTLocks''' We now offer an integration with TTLocks. You can connect your TTLocks in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) APPS & INTEGRATIOS > TTLOCK. For instructions click on the HELP <span style="color:#007bff;“ >{{#far:question-circle}} </span> icon in the top right. 6th July 2023 ---- '''<span style="color: #7aab0a;" >{{#fas:chalkboard-teacher}} </span>Live webinar: What's new and what's cooking''' Date & Time: May 30th 11:00 a.m. (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna) In this webinar we will show you the latest feature releases plus new features in development and you will also have the option to ask questions.  [ Watch the recording]. [ View previous webinars]. 29th May 2022 ----'''<span style="color:#7bcbed;" >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span> New feature: Reviews integration with Airbnb, Expdia and VRBO
''' Reviews play a crucial role in choosing a place to stay. You can now also conveniently manage reviews from Airbnb, Expdia and VRBO
 directly in Beds24.  *Read and manage reviews from guests in real time.*Answer to them directly from Beds24. For Airbnb you can also view your property score directly in Beds24 in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > RATINGS. When you have a new review from Airbnb you will receive a notificaton in your MESSAGES. Messages for Expdia and VRBO reviews will be added as soon as the channels make this feature availalbe.  [ Click for more information on how to manage reviews]. 26th May 2023 ---- '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;" >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span> New feature: Easy csv booking import for new properties
''' We have added an easier way to manually import upcoming bookings from a .csv file for new properties in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES. For, Airbnb and Expedia we have the option to automatically import all upcoming bookings. We recommend to use this method for these channels because for bookings imported directly from we will then be able to automatically import changes. You can use this function when the channel manager is set up but not activated. The button is available in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER->AIRBNB/BOOKING.COM/EXPEDIA. 17th May 2023 ---- '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;" >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span> New feature: You can update reservations from Expedia Group on Beds24
''' What you can do: 
*Update a reservation if travel dates or rates change
*Cancel a reservation because of a no-show, or if requested by a guest
 Try it now - you will find the a "Report...." button on the "Details" tab of your Expedia bookings.  20th April 2023 ---- '''<span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span> Airbnb API Connection Upgrade ''' You might have noticed changes to the content update options for Airbnb. You can now fully control the content updates you want to send to Airbn by tickincht the appropriate content to be update in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > MAPPING.  Nothing has changed for updates to prices and availability - they will be pushed automatically to Airbnb whenever there is a change.  '''What has changed?''' With Sync type = Everything - we can now send only specific content to Airbnb so you will not overriede everything. *Listing Details*Descriptions*Booking rules*Bedrooms*Pictures '''Why we upgraded our Airbnb connection''' Beds24 was one of the original partners to connect with the first Airbnb API in 2016. Recently Airbnb has created a new API with improved functionality and reliability. To maintain the best possible service we have fully upgraded to the new API. '''What do you need to do?''' There is nothing you need to do. This update provides more flexibility on the updates you manually send to Airbnb. 11th April 2023 ---- '''<span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span> Airbnb requests are now imported with the Status "Inquiry" ''' Inquiries Beds24 will create a booking with the status "Enquiry". <span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> Bookings with the status "Enquiry" do not block the room. If you want to block the room for example if you have made the guest an offer you need to change the status manually.  2nd March 2023 ----'''<span style="color: #f3e504;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Boost Airbnb bookings''' Discounts make your listing more attractive. Many bookers look for bargains. These disccounts can help you drive more bookings and you can conveniently set them directly in Beds24 in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT *Last minute discounts may help you attract late bookers.*If a guest is planning a trip early, the algorithm boosts listings with Early Bird discount in search results.*Offer a non-refundable rate option with a discount. Beds24 also supports rate plans for Airbnb which allows you to control the discount, the cancellation policy and when a non-refundable option is offered. Make sure your listing is ready to accept longer stays and offer weekly and monthly discounts to capture part of the increasing long terms stays on Airbnb. If your pricing model is "Per Day" you can also set weekly and monthly discounts in in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT. Are our listings new and unbooked? Create a "New Listing Promotion" which will be merchandised & highlighted to potential guests. Airbnb recommends offering a 20% discount to your first three guest.  February 13th 2023 ----'''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Upload reviews to VRBO/Homeaway, Abritel, FewoDirekt, Stayz...''' We can now upload the reviews you already have to VRBO/Homeaway (including Abritel, FewoDirekt, Stayz...) VRBO only accepts direct reviews including reviews from your own website,Tripadvisor, Google or other sources for which you have the right to use them on your own website. VRBO will not accept any reviews from other OTAs including Airbnb or  If you want us to send your reviews to VRBO please reach out to us via a support ticket.  18th January 2023 ----'''<span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span> Airbnb requests are now imported with the Status "Inquiry" ''' If you import inquiries Beds24 will create a booking with the status "Enquiry". If the request turns into a confirmed booking the status will automatically change. If you want to automatically cancel requests which do not turn into confirmed bookings you can set up an [[Auto_Actions|Auto Action]] to automatically cancel the booking after a certain period.  Bookings with the status "Enquiry" do not block the room. If you want to block the room for example if you have made the guest an offer you need to change the status manually.  9th January 2023 ---- '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>New integrations''' [ Webready] is a website builder  website builder for vacation rentals whichh creates a beautiful website for your short-term rentals lets you have direct bookings from the Webready Booking Engine.  Those who want to monitor noise levels can use [ Minut] to automate processes. 14th December 2022 ---- '''<span style="color: #f3e504;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Changes made in Airbnb''' Airbnb now allows software-connected hosts to edit their listing content and some pricing settings in the Airbnb extranet. To avoid confusion we strongly recommend you do not use this option for any data sent from Beds24, make all edits to this data directly in Beds24 and then send it to Airbnb. We will not import any changes made in Airbnb so depending on the sync type you have chosen any changes you make there will get overridden with the next update from Beds24: '''If your sync type is 'Prices and Availability'''' If you make changes in Airbnb to price data including number of guests, extra person price, base price, taxes and fees, max stay, minimum stay, max days in advance, advance notice/same day booking cut off, last-minute discount, early-bird discount, weekly discount or monthly discount, Beds24 will override them with the data in Beds24. '''If your sync type is 'Everything'''' If you have selected to update everything from Beds24, we will overwrite changes made in the Airbnb Extranet. November 29th 2022 ---- '''<span style="color: #7aab0a;" >{{#fas:chalkboard-teacher}} </span>Webinar with Airbnb: Optimize Your Listings and Improve Your Performance''' Airbnb and Beds24 are collaborating to share with you the latest tips around performance optimization and hosting on Airbnb. Learn directly from the Airbnb team how to identify opportunities to grow your business. *Airbnb Platform Updates: Categories + Split Stays*Airbnb search: How it works *Guest expectation management: How to improve listing content and hosting quality*Competitive pricing: Discounts, Promotions, and Cancellation Policies*Communication is key: Why response rate and reviews matter Watch the recording [ here]. November 14th 2022 ---- '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>New Lock System integrations''' Jervis Systems and Yacan have set up integrations between their lock systems and Beds24.  For a link to the dedicated help pages and complete list of available integrations please see [ here]. ____ '''<span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span> Update: Information in the "Logs" tab of the booking available until three month after check-out''' For performance and data protection reasons information in the "Logs" tab of the booking will be available until three month after check-out instead of for a fixed period.  November 4th 2022 ---- '''<span style="color:#019cde;" >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span>Capture mobile bookers''' Did you know that properties offering a Mobile Rate on get 3% more visits on average from customers viewing search results – and 22% more bookings from mobile users?  You can conveniently create and update Mobile Rates for and Exedia from PRICES > PROMOTIONS to take full advantage of this important customer segment. Read more on our [ blog] and on [[Mobile_Prices|this help page]]. 14th October 2022 ----  '''<span style="color: #7aab0a;" >{{#fas:chalkboard-teacher}} </span>Guest Guide for your guests''' Do you want to provide a guest guide with important information about their stay, the location, tips etc? [ This turorial] explains how to set a guest guide up. [ Find more tips and tricks]. August 19th 2022 ---- '''<span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span> Airbnb features updated''' We have updated the Airbnb amenities to support all which are currently available via API. You will find a list on the Airbnb help page.  16th August 2022 ----  '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;" >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span> Homes and Villas by Marriott added to channel manager ''' We are pleased to announce we are connected with Homes & Villas by Marriott International. Each hand-picked home is professionally managed by a vetted property management company to meet Marriott’s exacting standards in design, comfort, and safety.  As an official Connectivity Provider, we can connect you to this exciting new platform! [ More information.] 9th August 2021 ----  '''<span style="color: #7aab0a;" >{{#fas:chalkboard-teacher}} </span>Conveniently report changes to and Expedia''' You can send changed stay dates, cancellations, no-shows, changed prices , invalid credit cards directly from Beds24 to Expedia or  The buttons for these convenience functions are available at the bottom of the "Details" tab of the booking. 4th August 2021 ----  '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;" >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>New security features added''' Regular password changes, 2 Factor Authentication and Session Timeout increase security These new functions are available in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT > ACCESS. 4th July 2021 ----'''<span style="color:#7bcbed;" >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span> Send prices for different occupancies to Feratel ''' Beds24 can now send prices for different occupancies to Feratel.  If you use daily prices, the daily price including occupancy will be sent. Multiple daily prices for different occupancies can be sent on one rate code.  8th June 2021 ----'''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Expedia property status directly from Beds24 ''' You do not need to log in to Expedia to check the status of your accommodation.  Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > EXPEDIA. Click on "View Status at Expedia" to check the status of your property at Expedias end. If you see an error and do not understand what it means contact Expedia support.  28th May 2022 ---- '''<span style="color:#019cde;" >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span>Stripe local payment options and choice of Check-out version''' In {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PAYMENTS > PAYMENT GATEWAYS > STRIPE you can now choose whether the payment process is embedded in the booking page ("Embedded") or b hosted by Stripe and the booker is redirected to Stripe for payment ("Hosted").  If you use "Hosted" you can also offer Stripe local payment options including Ideal, Giropay, EPS, Bancontact, Przelewy24   23rd May 2022 ---- '''<span style="color: #7aab0a;" >{{#fas:chalkboard-teacher}} </span>On-demand webinar with Expedia Group: Another secret to success with Expedia Group''' Watch our joint webinar with Expedia Group to find out how you can reach high value frequent travellers travellers who book early and spend 2x more.  <embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="200x120"></embedvideo> [ Previous and upcoming webinars].  May 6th 2022 ----'''<span class="" style="color:#fe746c; font-size: 120%" >{{#fas:gift}} </span> Commission Discount of 20%''' If you join Genius before the end of June will give you an introductory 20% commission discount on all Genius-rate stays completed before the end of September.'s Genius partners increase bookings by an average of 45% and revenue by an average of 40%.  [ Try it out]. You can always opt out later if you change your mind. May 3rd 2022---- '''<span style="color: #7aab0a;" >{{#fas:chalkboard-teacher}} </span>Live webinar: What's new and what's cooking''' Date & Time: April 20th, 11:00 a.m. (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna) In this webinar we will show you the latest feature releases plus new features in development and you will also have the option to ask your questions. [ View previous webinars]. 18th April 2022 ---- '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>New Status "Inquiry" ''' We have added a new status "Inquiry" for bookings. You can manually set this status or use an Auto Action to do so. Bookings with the status "Inquiry" will not block the room.  This new status will eventually replace the "Do not block the room" setting for "Request bookings. We will publish news once this is done.  March 19th 2022 ----'''<span style="color:#019cde;" >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span>Expedia Reconciliation''' You can now reconcile Expedia bookings directly in Beds24.  For all Expedia bookings you will see have a "Reconcile" button in the "Details" tab. When you click on the button you can report changed stay dates, cancellations by guest, no shows, changed cancellation penalties and changed stay prices to Expedia.  ----'''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Integration with Beyond''' We an not offer a full integration with Beyond, a Revenue Management Platform for short-term rental owners. Through this integration Beyond can send dynamic prices to Beds24.  For more information please go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) APPS & INTEGRATIONS > BEYOND and click on HELP in the top right.  March 11th 2022 ----'''<span style="color:#019cde;" >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span>New options to change daily prices in the new Calendar''' *Change prices relative to current prices. For example, if the current price is 100 a relative change of 25 would increase the price to 125. *Makes changes only affect dates that currently have the selected value.  2nd March 2022 ---- '''<span style="color:#f3bb04;" >{{#fas:award}} </span>Airbnb confirmed Beds24 as preferred partner''' We are proud that Airbnb confirmed Beds24 as one of their top performing partners.  28th February 2022 ---- '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Airbnb rate plans''' We are super excited that we can now open the option to use Airbnb rate plans for all customers.  With rate plans you can offer a refundable and a non-refundable option on Airbnb and control the availability and cancellation policy for both the refundable and non-refundable pricing option.  Click [ here] for more information on how to use Airbnb rate plans. 16th February 2022 ---- '''<span style="color:#019cde;" >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span>Stripe local payment options - Beta testers wanted''' We are adding Stripe local payment options including Ideal, Giropay, EPS, Bancontact, Przelewy24  If you want to participate in the beta testing please send us a support ticket.  8th February 2022 ---- '''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Tiket added to the Channel Manager''' Tiket is an Indonesian OTA for which we can now offer a 2-way API connection. For more information please go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > TIKET and click on HELP in the top right.  8th February 2022 ---- '''<span style="color:#019cde;" >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span> virtual cards: Auto adjust to charge the actual amount on the card''' You can now auto adjust to charge the actual amount on virtual cards via Stripe. This is how you do this:
Date & Time*Connect Stripe as payment processor in {{#fas: December 23rd 11cog}} (SETTINGS) PAYMENTS > PAYMENT GATEWAYS*Create a rule in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PAYMENTS > RULES with following settings**Funds Source:00 Virtual Card**Payment value adjustment = choose any except for "None"*Go to {{#fas:cog}} (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris Rome, Stockholm, ViennaSETTINGS)CHANNEL MANAGER > BOOKING.COM set "Auto Process Virtual Cards" = Yes and select the rule you have created.
Register: [ Click here to register]20th January 2022
You can find ---- '''<span style="color: #f3e504 >{{#fas:lightbulb}}</span> Airbnb "Accessability'" amenities now require pictures''' If you want to send "Accessability" amenities to Airbnb you now need to add a list with upcoming webinars picture. For more information see [ Specific_content_for_Airbnb#Accessibility here].
23rd December 202114th January 2022
'''<span style="color:#019cde;" >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span>Quick Set-up for Expedia Promotions'''
Promotions can help you generate more bookings and improve your visibiliy.
Our new quick set-up allows you to create promotions on Expedia with one click.
All you need to do is go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > EXPEDIA > PROMOTIONS and click on the type of promotion you want to add.
2nd December 2021
'''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Integration with SUPERHOG guest screening'''
'''<span style="color: #7aab0a;" >{{#fas:chalkboard-teacher}} </span>Webinar on Thursday: Getting started with Beds24'''
We will be hosting a “Getting started with Beds24” webinar next this Thursday. In the webinar we will show how Beds24 works and you will also have the option to ask your questions.
Date & Time: July 1st, 18:30 00 (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris Rome, Stockholm, Vienna)
Register: [Register: [' tZMufuCtqjIrGtJBfmAJaJmfS5-B4O17wW7d Click here to register] Click to register for this webinar]
You can find a list with upcoming webinars [ here].
29th June 20212023
'''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>New payment gateway: Borgun'''
Borgun is a payment gateway which is available in several countries including Croatia and Iceland. The connection is available in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PAYMENTS FROM GUESTS > PAYEMNT PAYMENT GATESWAY > BORGUN
18th December 2020

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