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Template Variables

314 bytes removed, 25 July
You have different cleaning teams for different days of the week, and you want to send a message to the appropriate team if leaving date is a Monday, Wednesday or Saturday.
18. [<span style="color: #019cde">[IF<^[SUBSTR|28|10|[BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:STRIPEAUTHORIZE]AUTHORIZEUNTIL{%Y-%m-%d}]^[CURRENTDATEYYYY-MM-DD]^yes</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">~no]</span><span style="color: #fe746c">]</span>]
You need to test if the Stripe authorisation has expired before the end of the booking. Then you want to automate the authorisation again . You will require multiple auto actions based on the min/max stay.  The test is checking for the date starting on the 18th char of the text in the description field of the Booking info code in the booking. For example, Authorize 1500.00 EUR until 2024-08-14. This could be different for your property depending on the value of the authorisation amount.
== Write out the number in Words. ==


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