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Template Variables

1 byte added, 25 July
You want to test if there is 1 day from the previous checkout to check in of current booking. Could be used for offering Early Checkouts or additional days to the guest where there is a gap between bookings.
15. [<span style="color: #019cde">IF=:[LEAVINGDAY:{%a}]:Sun:|[IF>=^[TURNOVERDAYS]^1</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">^yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">~no]</span>]
You want to test if the leaving date is a Sunday and it there is a gap for 1 or more days between the current booking and the next booking.
16. [<span style="color: #019cde">[IF=:[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]:1:yes|[IF=^[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]^3</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">^yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">]</span>]
You want to test if the leaving date is a Monday or a Wednesday to send a specific message to the guest, for example a reminder that it is bin collection day.
17. [<span style="color: #019cde">[IF=:[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]:1:yes|[IF=^[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]^3^yes][IF=^[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]^6</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">^yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">]</span>]
You have different cleaning teams for different days of the week, and you want to send a message to the appropriate team if leaving date is a Monday, Wednesday or Saturday.
18. [<span style="color: #019cde">[IF<^[AUTHORIZEUNTIL{%Y-%m-%d}]^[CURRENTDATEYYYY-MM-DD]^yes</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">~no]</span><span style="color: #fe746c">]</span>]
You need to test if the Stripe authorisation has expired before the end of the booking. Then you want to automate the authorisation again . You will require multiple auto actions based on the min/max stay.


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