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[[Media:booking_com_8.png|view large]]
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9) If you dont already have it make an additional rate in Beds24 to match your additional rate in Booking.com
9) If you dont already have it make an additional rate in Beds24 to match your additional rate in Booking.com

Revision as of 09:42, 1 September 2014

Template:TOCrightSynchronising Beds24.com with Booking.com


1 Capabilities

  • Beds24.com can export Inventory
  • Beds24.com can export Multiple Rates
  • Beds24.com can import Bookings
  • Beds24.com can import Booking Modifications and Cancellations
  • Beds24.com can add a multiplier to prices to convert to a different currency.

2 Limitations

If you export inventory you will also need to export rates from Beds24.

Rates can not be set within the Booking.com extranet.

"Extra Person" prices cannot be exported to Booking.com

Booking.com may not send the Guest Email address to some accounts. Your Booking.com rep may be able to get this enabled in your account if it occurs.

3 Booking.com

Initiate the XML connection from the property menu within the booking.com extranet and then do the Beds24 setup.

1) Login to Booking.com and go to the Property Information section.

2) Select the Channel Manager menu. (left side of screen, if you cannot find it there use the help in booking.com or ask your booking.com rep)

3) Click the Start button and search for BEDS24.

4) Complete the rest of the on screen instructions.

5) When ready you will receive a notification from Booking.com, go to the Channel Manager menu again and activate the connection.

4 Beds24.com

1) Enter your Booking.com Hotel Id into SETTINGS -> CHANNEL MANAGER -> BOOKING.COM XML "Property Code" setting and then SAVE.

Booking com 1.png view large

2) Open the link to view the room and rate mapping for your property.

Booking com 2.png view large

3) Identify the Booking.com Room Id numbers for each room.

Booking com 3.png view large

4) For each room, enter the Booking.com room id in the Beds24 field called room code. Tick both synchronising options and then SAVE.

Booking com 4.png view large

5) Identify your standard rate id number. It is usually the same for each room.

Booking com 5.png view large

6) For each room, enter your Booking.com standard rate id in the Beds24 field called rate code and then SAVE. It is normal for booking.com to use the same rate code for each room.

Booking com 6.png view large

7) Make sure all rates to be sent to Booking.com have the Booking.com XML channel checkbox ticked.

Make sure all rates to be sent to Booking.com have the channel manager setting enabled, (set to USE NORMAL PRICES to send your normal rate prices or set to USE EXPORT PRICE to send the value in the Export Price field).

If you do not have any rates enabled for Booking.com your rooms will be unavailable on Booking.com

Booking com 7.png view large

Multiple rates on Booking.com

8) Identify the additional rate ids. If you do not have the appropriate rate ids you need to request Booking.com to add them.

Booking com 8.png view large

Booking com 14.png view large

9) If you dont already have it make an additional rate in Beds24 to match your additional rate in Booking.com

Booking com 9.png view large

10) Set up your new rate with the prices and conditions you want to send to Booking.com. The highlighted items are some of the commonly used fields when setting alternate rates.

Booking com 10.png view large

11) Enter the rate id directly in the Beds24 RATE >> CHANNEL settings. It will override the standard rate id entered in the CHANNEL MANAGER settings. Create as many Beds24 rates as you need and enter the appropriate Booking.com rate id's in each. All rates in which the rate id is left blank will use the standard rate id.

Booking com 11.png view large

If you want to add a multiplier to your prices, for example because booking.com requires a different currency to your Beds24 currency, add a * followed by the multiplier number to your property code. (Hotel id)

For example a property code setting 123456*12.34 will multiply all prices by 12.34 sent for hotel id 123456.

5 Activating

You can view the live availability and prices that will be sent to Booking.com before or after activating using the View data for this room link.

1) Make sure your inventory is correct in Beds24, it will be sent to Booking.com. Block any dates which are unavailable either by entering a booking manually for those dates or using the inventory and override functions on the control panel calendar. Failure to do this could allow new bookings on dates you are not available.

Booking com 12.png view large

2) Enable the connection in Beds24

Booking com 13.png view large

3)When all set up in Beds24 is correct you will need to make the final step to enable the connection (go live) from the booking.com extranet.

4) When you go live your rates and inventory will be deleted from booking.com and a full reload will occur from Beds24. You can use the "Send Update" button to speed this up. Your bookings will not be deleted from Booking.com but make sure the dates are blocked in Beds24 before going live so they will not be reopened.

5) Once updated, check all your values in the booking.com extranet for correctness and if required make any adjustments to the settings to fix.

6) New bookings made after XML is enabled will Import. We can manually request bookings going back 3 months from Booking.com. Please let us know via a ticket if you want us to perform this manual import. It's success depends on Booking.com returning the bookings, sometimes they do not and it is out of our control to import them, if this is the case you will need to block the dates manually to avoid double bookings.

6 Common Errors

Any errors occuring during updates will be emailed to you with the error message as returned by Booking.com. Below are common error messages and how to fix them.

Updating availability hasn't been enabled for hotel 0000
You have not activated the connection in the booking.com extranet. Please log into your booking.com extranet and activate the connection.
Not allowed to update Single Use Rate for Room
Booking.com have not activated a single occupancy price for the room.
Either ask Booking.com to allow a single price or remove it from the rate(s) being sent to Booking.com
Rooms to Sell were set below the Minimum Contracted rooms for these dates
You have agreed to supply a minimum number of rooms to Booking.com on the mentioned dates and Beds24 is trying to update them to a number lower than your agreed minimum.    
Booking.com have ignored the Beds24 values on those dates and used your agreed minimum instead.

7 Notes

1) Credit card details are imported and shown on the "INVOICE" tab of the booking. You may have to specificaly request Booking.com to send the CCV number if it is showing as Not Available.

2) We can make a once off request to Booking.com to import your existing bookings (up to 3 months old). Please contact booking.com first and ask if your property is configured to allow this. If it is contact us. The success of the booking import depends on Booking.com returning your pre XML bookings correctly and we cannot guarantee it will be successful.

3) Multiple Rates - if you want to send multiple prices for a room you must have a rate code for each rate in Booking.com and a matching rate with the price and rate code setup in Beds24. See the Beds24 section above for more details.

4) If at any time you want to disconnect from the Beds24 channel manager please ask Booking.com to do it.

5) There are two ways to stop selling a room when available inventory becomes zero. A zero for availability is the normal way to stop selling, this means if there is a cancellation of an existing booking the room will immediately become re-available for booking at Booking.com. The alternative is to close the room, this means the room will not be automatically re-opened after a cancellation. The room will only be re-opened after the next inventory update from Beds24. This can reduce the chance of double bookings but means the room will be unavailable for booking for a short period.

6) Single occupancy prices must be activated within booking.com if you are sending them.