Difference between revisions of "Category:Guests"

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(Created page with "Category:Guests_and_Bookings ''This page is about the menu GUESTS'' Whenever there is a new booking from an Email address which has not booked before the system automatic...")
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Revision as of 20:05, 19 November 2014

This page is about the menu GUESTS

Whenever there is a new booking from an Email address which has not booked before the system automatically adds a new guest.

If a new booking has the same Email address as a previous booking the system will add the booking. The search field can be used to search guests by booking reference, name, Email address, Address, date....

  • To add a booking populated with the guests details click on the suitcase icon
  • To view guests details click on the guest then go to the "About" tab
  • To edit guests details or add a note click on the guest icon

*To mark a guest flag......

  • To view and edit a guests bookings click on the guest then go to the "Bookings" tab the click on the booking you want to view or edit
  • To link guests to combine them into one tick them then scroll to the end of the page select "Link" and click "Go"
  • To unlink previously combined guests to restore combined guests into separate entries click on the guest then tick the booking(s) you want to unlink and click "unlink"

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This category has only the following subcategory.

Pages in category "Guests"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total. download this selection of articles as a PDF book