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Revision as of 20:42, 4 August 2015

This page explains how to use virtual rooms to send a guaranteed number of rooms to a channel


A property has three double rooms which are sold on their own website and two booking channels. Channel A has a guarantee of one room.

Create a virtual room

  • Create the virtual room by making a copy of the real room at the SETTINGS -> PROPERTIES -> ROOMS menu.
  • Set the "Quantity of This Type" = 3 in the SETTINGS -> PROPERTIES -> ROOMS-> SETUP menu.
  • Go to SETTINGS->CHANNEL MANAGER and map this room to channel A. Make sure the room is not enabled for any other channels.

Real room

  • Set the "Quantity of This Type" = 3 in the SETTINGS -> PROPERTIES -> ROOMS-> SETUP menu.
  • Set "Sell Priority" to "Hide Room" to not display the room on your booking page.
  • In the SETTINGS -> PROPERTIES -> ROOMS->DEPENDENCIES set "Requires Availability" = Virtual room and "Assign a Copy Booking to " = Virtual room
  • Go to SETTINGS->CHANNEL MANAGER and map this room to all channels except for channel A.