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8 bytes added, 16:04, 24 May 2021
Days in Advance = 30
Payment Type = Confirmed with Deposit Payment 2
====Setup Payment Collection====
Create a Payment Rule to collect payments if bookings are not cancelled.
*Name = Enter your title - Not Cancelled (for example)
*Action = Auto
Payment Trigger :
*Booking Status = All not cancelled
(Suggest 2 auto actions created, 1- add pending payment and 2 - send email to guest on successful collection of payment)
Settings SETTINGS > Guest Management GUEST MANAGEMENT> Auto Actions AUTO ACTIONS
*Add Pending payment to the booking to collect payment 30 days before arrival
(This auto action will add a pending payment to your bookings with the payment date 30 days before checkin)
Trigger tab:
*Trigger Event = Booking*Trigger Time = immediate*Booking Source =All (for example, you can also set different rules for different channels)*Invoice Balance = Not Zero '''Invoice tab:'''
Payment Type = Percent of balance due
Description = the text you will see in the "Charges and Payments" tab (Payment Balance)


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