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This setting defines how and to whom a message is sent.

  • No: This Auto Action will not trigger a message.
  • Booking API and Email Smart: If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.
    • If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
    • Messages to the Email address entered in the field "Internal" are sent via Email.
  • Booking API and Email: Messages are sent via channels API messaging systems if possible.
    • If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
    • Messages to the Email address entered in the field "Internal" are sent via Email.
  • Booking Email: Messages are sent via Email to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab and to the Email address entered in the field "Internal".
  • Guests Email: Messages are sent via Email to the Email addresses from the "Guests" tab. They will be addressed to the first guest. Additional guests are in cc.
  • Internal: Messages are only sent to the Email address entered in the field "Internal". The language used is the booking page default language.