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This page is about the menu  (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > TRAUMFERIENWOHNUNGEN and explains how to connect with Traum-Ferienwohnungen. 

The connnection can update the sites Traum-Ferienwohnungen, Holiday-Apartments, and Vacation-Apartments.


1 Capabilities

Beds24 can

  • Export availability
  • Export prices and a minimum stay
  • Import reservations (booking requests)

For details click here.

2 Limitations

Traumferienwohnungen only send reservations which need to be manually confirmed or declined.

3 Before you connect


  • We can only send availability if you have set up prices which are activated for this channel. This tutorial gives general information how to set prices for channels.
  • You need a price for the full occupancy.
  • Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" and discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of the rates can not be sent.
  • If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a negative value so the price for the full occupancy can send.
  • If you have multiple prices the system searches for the best (lowest) price for the requested period and length of stay. "Check-in" and "Check-out" limitations in rates will be ignored.


New Bookings are imported.

Existing bookings are not automatically imported when the connection is established and should be entered into Beds24 manually.

Extras and Taxes

"Upsell Items" can not be exported.

Rooms and room types

If you sell rooms individually at another channel or your own web site and want to sell them here as a "roomtype" with a quantity of more than one you can set up virtual roooms.

4 Setup

4.1 Create new listings on Traum-Ferienwohnungen

Step 1: Sign in to your Traum-Ferienwohnungen account

  • Navigate to the My Data page and ensure the "Allow clientapi interface activation" checkbox at the bottom of the page is ticked.
  • Note your Traum-Ferienwohnungen Customer ID (shown on the top right of the page, under your name).

Step 2 : Connect Traum-Ferienwohnngen and Beds24'

  • Enter your Traum-Ferienwohnungen Customer ID in (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > TRAUMFERIENWOHNUNGEN
  • You will receive an email from Traum-Ferienwohnungen asking you to confirm the connection, click the confirmation link in this email.

Step 3: Make sure you meet the minimum content requirements '

Beds24 will send the minimum requirements to Traum-Ferienwohnungen which are:

  • Property type (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > DESCRIPTION. If you want to send a listing type that is not supported by Beds24 send any and correct the type in Traum-Ferienwohnungen.

Make sure you have entered the property size.

Step 4: Export rooms'


Step 5: Complete property setup'

Log into your Traum-Ferienwohnungen account and complete the property setup.

Step 6: Activate sync'

  • Click on "Get Codes" for the room you want to connect to your listing.
  • Pick the the listing you want to connect to this room.
  • Set "Enable" = Enable
  • Choose for how many guests the prices Beds24 sends apply (optional)
  • SAVE

Step 7: Set up an Auto Action to auto confirm or cancel requests (optional)'

If you want to automate the accept/decline process you can set up Auto Actions in (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT > AUTO ACTIONS.

4.2 Update prices and availability to Traum-Ferienwohnungen and import enqiries from Traumferienwohnungen

If you have listings set up in Traum-Ferienwohnungen you can connect these.

Step 1: Sign in to your Traum-Ferienwohnungen account

  • Navigate to the My Data page and ensure the "Allow clientapi interface activation" checkbox at the bottom of the page is ticked.
  • Note your Traum-Ferienwohnungen Customer ID (shown on the top right of the page, under your name).

Step 2 : Connect Traum-Ferienwohnngen and Beds24'

  • Enter your Traum-Ferienwohnungen Customer ID in (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > TRAUMFERIENWOHNUNGEN
  • You will receive an email from Traum-Ferienwohnungen asking you to confirm the connection, click the confirmation link in this email.

Step 3: Activate sync'

  • Click on "Get Codes" for the room you want to connect to your listing.
  • Pick the the listing you want to connect to this room.
  • Set "Enable" = Enable
  • Choose for how many guests the prices Beds24 sends apply (optional)
  • SAVE

Step 47: Set up an Auto Action to auto confirm or cancel requests (optional)'

5 Prices

Daily prices or Rates with the "Traumferienwohnungen" channel ticked and set as offer 1 will send to Traum-Ferienwohnungen. The price sent is a room price, only ONE price can be sent per date. Also a minimum stay can be sent.

5.1 Price Multiplier

If you want to add a multiplier to your prices add a * followed by the multiplier number.

The multiplier applies to all prices and fees which are sent.

For example a hotel id setting *1.23' will multiply all prices by 1.23 sent (i.e. raised by 23%). Lower prices can be sent with a multiplier less than 1, i.e. *0.85 will send a price 85% of the normal price (i.e. lowered by 15%)

To convert the price of bookings imported add a * after the multiplier, for example *1.23* will divide the price of the booking by 1.23.

You can also use currency conversion template variable. All currencies supported by the booking page currency selector can be used.

For example *[CONVERT:IDR-EUR] will convert Indonesian Rupees to Euros.

6 Troubleshooting

Property size must be greater than 0
Go to  (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP and enter the size of the property in "Size (m2)".

7 Disconnect

Set "Enable" = Disable. Beds24 will then stop data exchange.

To entirely terminate the connection log into Traum-Ferienwohnungen, navigate to the My Data page and uncheck "Allow clientapi interface activation".