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Synchronising Beds24.com with Expedia.com



1 Capabilities

  • Beds24.com can export inventory.
  • Beds24.com can export prices.
  • Beds24.com can import bookings.
  • Beds24.com can import modifications to bookings.
  • Beds24.com can apply a multiplier to prices (currency conversion)

2 Limitations

"Extra Person" prices cannot be exported but can still be set manually in Expedia.

3 What you will need

  • Your Expedia Quick connect username and password
  • Your Expedia hotel code
  • Your Expedia room codes's
  • Your Expedia room rate code's

4 Expedia.com

To activate the connection of your hotel to Beds24 you will need to download this form and return it to Expedia.

To find your hotel and room id's login to Expedia.


2) Click the Export Room Type and Rate Plan Information option.

3) Export this and open the file, you will find the following required information.

The hotel code is in the column called Expedia Hotel ID

The room code is in the column called Expedia Room Type ID

The rate code is in the column called Expedia Rate Plan ID. If your Acquired Rate Type is SELL the rate codes will usually end with an A

If your Expedia price model is daily pricing add /D to the end of each rate code, see the rates section below for more information.

5 Beds24.com

Enter your EQC username and password, note these will be sent by email from Expedia and are different to the username and password used to log into Expedia from a web browser.

Enter your hotel and room codes to match the rooms.

Use the check boxes to enable the required functions.

6 Bookings

New Bookings are imported. Modifications and cancellations to bookings are also imported.

Existing bookings are not automatically imported when the connection is established and should be entered into Beds24 manually.

7 Rates

To export rates you need to enter the Expedia rate code.

This can be entered in the channel manager settings and will be used for daily prices and all rates which are not set to a specific rate code.

Daily prices are also exported if allowed by your daily price settings.

Daily prices for the extra price rows can be sent to specific rates by including the additional rate code after a colon. For example the rate code 1111111A/D:1111112A/D will send daily prices from price row 1 to rate 1111111A and daily prices from extra price row 2 to rate 1111112A. Normal rates with no overriding rate code will be set to the first code 1111111A.

Each Beds24 rate can have a specific Expedia rate code which will be used in place of the one set in the channel manager settings.

The end selling price on Expedia may be different to the price sent, please check if your Expedia account is set for "Sell Rate" or "Net Rate" type and adjust the prices accordingly.

The default rate model exported to Expedia is Occupancy based pricing.

We can export up to 3 occupancy prices. They are the single price, the double price and one further price. The further price will sent with an occupancy level of the maximum capacity allowed for that price.

If your Expedia rate needs to be sent as Per-Day pricing, this can be specified by adding /D to the end of the Rate code in Beds24. For example if the Expedia rate code is 12345678A, enter 12345678A/D as the rate code in Beds24.

Rate codes can be entered as a comma separated list. This will send the same Beds24 rate to multiple Expedia rates. If you do this you must ensure the same rate is not sent twice for any date, this will cause an error and not be accepted by Expedia.

If you want to add a multiplier to your prices, for example because of a different currency to your Beds24 currency, add a * followed by the multiplier number to your property code.

For example a property code setting 123456*12.34 will multiply all prices by 12.34 sent for hotel id 123456.

8 Error Messages

If there is an error on an update, the error message returned by Expedia will be emailed to you. Common errors and their solutions are:

Pricing models mismatch: you tried to update a price for OCCUPANCY_PRICING, but your property is not configured for this pricing.
* Your pricing model is most likely daily pricing so all your Expedia rate codes should end with /D
Rate plan does not match the property acquisition type
* The rate codes are the wrong Sell or Net rate type, Check whether your rate codes should have an A at the end of the number or not.
Unable to set total inventory below the current base allocation value.
* The number of rooms available is lower than your minimum allocation value in Expedia. 
A common cause of this error is not having a valid price for the room in Beds24 on the affected dates. 
Any date without a price will be closed in Beds24 and we will send an inventory of zero to Expedia.