Setting Prices for Booking Channels

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This page explains how to set different prices for  booking channels

The system can send prices to many booking channels. For capabilities please check this page.

1 Daily Prices

Each daily price can be used for any combination of channels and your booking page. Use the tick boxes at SETTINGS-> PROPERTIES-> ROOMS> DAILY PRICES to specify which channels the price can be used for.

Channel-Manager-Daily-Prices .png view large

If you have multiple rate codes at a channel, you can map different daily prices to each and enter the rate code for the channel in the daily price settings.

You have the option to create a daily price for one or each channel and your web site.

1. Daily price for your web site

    • Tick only "Beds24" under "Enable" in the daily price settings (SETTINGS- >PROPERTIES- >ROOMS- >DAILY PRICES then click on "Edit")

2. Daily prie for the booking channel

  • Tick only the channels for which the price should be used under "Enable" in the daily price settings (SETTINGS- >PROPERTIES- >ROOMS- >DAILY PRICES then click on "Edit")

2 Rates

The "Channels" tab of the rate defines where a rate is used.

Channel-Manager-Rates.png view large

  • If you want to use a rate only on your own web site untick all channels.
  • If you want to us a rate only for channel management untick "Beds24" and "Beds24 Agents".

You have the option to create a special rate for one or each channel and your web site.

1. Rate for your web site

  • Create a rate clicking on "Add Rate" in the RATES menu
  • Go to the "Channels" tab of the rate and make sure "Beds24" is ticked but not the channels you do not want to use the rate for

2. Rate for the booking channel

  • Create a your rate clicking on "Add Rate" in the RATES menu
  • Only per night prices can be sent to booking channels so make sure "Prices per" is set to "Night"
  • Go to the "Channels" tab of the rate and make sure "Beds24" is unticked and the channels you want to send the rate to are ticked

Rate Strategy: You can set three different values:

  • Allow lower prices - this is the default and will always apply the lowest price for the guests selection
  • Do not allow lower prices - if you use multiple rate codes this blocks only this rate code
  • Do not allow any other prices - if you use multiple rate codes this blocks all other rate codes

Using the Export Price

  • Open the rate and go to the "Channels" tab
  • Enter the price you want to send to the channels in the filed "Export Price"
  • Set "Channel Management" = "Use Export Price"

Channel-Manager-Export-Price.png view large

When you go to RATES in the top menu you will see a list of all rates activated for channels.

NOTE: Only price "Per Day" can be sent to OTAs so make sure that "Price Per" is set to "Day" in all rates you want to send to OTAs. 

3 Use Daily Prices in combination with rates

If you use rates and daily prices together, the system will offer the lowest available price which meets all your rules.

4 Mapping channels rate codes

To map the rates the connection to the channel needs to be established. The set up instructions for each channel explain the procedure. When the connection is established you will be able to access your codes.

  • Click on the "Get Code" link next to the rate id setting and a list of rate ids will be retrieved from the channel.
  • Choose the rate id for this room and click on it. This will normally be the standard rate.
  • When the correct rate id has copied to the rate id setting, click Save.

Mapping rate.gif view large

Please also see the help the channel help page for specific information for the channel you are setting up. 

4.1 If you have multiple rate codes per room

Some channels support more than one price per room for example to send prices for different occupancies, minimum stays, meal options or refundable and non-refundable prices.

The capabilities depend on the channel and are explained on the help page for each channel.

4.1.1 Multiple rate codes using daily prices

Each daily price can be mapped to any active channel rate code. Under "Enable" in the daily price settings (SETTINGS- >PROPERTIES- >ROOMS- >DAILY PRICES then click on "Edit") you can enter a channel rate code. If this setting is left blank, the rate code defined in the Beds24 channel manager settings for the channel will be used. If the daily price should be mapped to an alternative channel rate code, enter this rate code here.

Mapping rate1.gif view large

4.1.2 Multiple rate codes using rates

Each Beds24 rate can be mapped to any active channel rate code. On the CHANNEL tab of each Beds24 rate is a setting to enter a channel rate code. If this setting is left blank, the rate code defined in the Beds24 channel manager settings for the channel will be used. If the Beds24 rate should be mapped to an alternative channel rate code, enter this rate code here.

Mapping rate2.gif view large

If you have linked a rate to be used for other offers or rooms use the selector to choose the room you want to map.

Channel linked.png view large

4.1.3 Multiple rate codes using offers

Note: This method is obsolete. Use the method described under "Multiple rate codes using daily prices"

Beds24 supports up to four price "offers" for each room. Each of the four offers can be mapped to a different channel rate code.

To define the channel rate code for each offer, separate the rate ids with colons. For example the following Beds24 rate id setting will map offer 1 to rate id 11111, offer 2 to rate id 22222, offer 3 to rate id 33333 and offer 4 to rate id 44444:


If offer 1 is used only for the Beds24 booking page and only offers 2,3 and 4 are used for the channel leave the first rate id blank and start with a colon. For example :22222:33333:44444

The settings for daily prices allow each daily price row to be assigned to a specific offer and therefore mappable to different rate codes.

Same Price to Multiple Rate Ids

If a Beds24 price should be sent to multiple rate codes at a channel, the multiple rate ids can be entered with a comma separating them. For example 12345678,123456789

This can be used to allow a daily price set to "Do not allow lower prices" to override multiple rate codes at ta channel. If the comma separated rate ids are defined in the channel manager rate id setting and each individual Beds24 rate contains it's specific channel rate code, each rate will be mapped to it's rate id and daily prices will be mapped to all the specified rate ids, over-riding the rate price when appropriate.

5 Price Multiplier

For many channels you can add multiplier to your prices, for example because the channel requires a different currency to your Beds24 currency.

For some channels we can also convert the prices of bookings imported back to the currency you use in Beds24.

Check the instructions for the channel if this feature is supported. If the instructions do not mention the option to add a multiplier please send us a support ticket (click on HELP in the top right in the channel page in the control panel) and we will see if we can add it.

The prices will only be sent to the channels you have activated in the channel manger settings.