Last-Minute Prices and Early Booker prices

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This page explains how to create last minute prices.

A last-minute-rate can be created using Max days until check-in in the daily prices and rates.

The setting defines how many days in advance this rate is bookable. For example a setting of 0 will allow this rate to be booked for a stay tonight. A setting of 3 means this rate is only available at least 3 days before the first night of the booking.

Option 1 using Daily Prices (recommended) Go to PRICES -> DAILY PRICE SETUP and create your daily prices:

  • Daily Price 1 > Max days until check-in = 7 will allow these prices to be available for bookings with the check-in in the next 7 days.
  • Daily Price 2 > Max days until check-in = 30 will allow these prices to be available for bookings with the check-in in the next 30 days.

When you go to the CALENDAR you will now see additional "Daily Price" rows where you can enter the prices.

Option 2 using Rates Go to PRICES -> RATES and create your rate:

  • Rate 1 > Max days until check-in = 7 this will allow this rate to be used for bookings with check-in in the next 7 days.
  • Rate 2 > Max days until check-in = 30 this will allow this rate to be used for bookings with check-in in the next 30 days.