Outgoing Email
Sending Account: Choose whether to use the Beds24 email server or your own email address to send email. If you choose your own email address the guest will receive an email confirmation from your email address and you will see sent mails in your outgoing mail folder. If you choose Beds24 the guest will receive a booking notification from a beds24.com email address.
The following apply if you use your own email address
Email Address: This is the email address which will send email notifications.
Mail Server: This is the email server which will send your email. For example the gmail server is smtp.gmail.com.
User Name: This is the user name for your email server. This is often your email address.
Password: This is the password for your email server.
Use Encryption: This is the email server encryption setting. For example the gmail server requires SSL.
Port Number: This is the email server SMTP port. This is normally 25 but can be different. For example the gmail server uses 465.
1 Standard Setups
Mail Server: smtp.gmail.com
Encryption: SSL
Port: 465
Microsoft Live (Hotmail)
Mail Server: smtp.live.com
Encryption: No
Port: 587
2 Trouble Shooting
Hotmail and other providers might ask for authentication. Log into your Email account, check your notifications or settings and follow the instructions given by your Email provider
If you have 2-step verification on your Gmail account, the following video explains how to create an application specific password which can be used with Beds24 (last part of video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMabEyrtPRg&t=2m13s