Template Variables
Revision as of 21:31, 30 September 2013 by Markkinchin (talk | contribs)
Below is a List of Template Variables.
These variables (short codes) will be replaced by the relevant information from each booking. They can be used in every text settings that allows their use . Copy them exactly as shown, including the square brackets and upper case.
Template Variables
- [PROPERTYNAME] - property name / Objektname
- [ROOMNAME] - room name / Name Einheit
- [ROOMNAMES] - a comma separated list of all room types booked / eine kommagetrennte Liste aller gebuchten Einheitstypen
- [REFERENCENUMBER] - booking reference / Referenznummer
- [FIRSTNIGHT] - first night booked / erste gebuchte Nacht
- [LASTNIGHT] - last night booked / letzte gebuchte Nacht
- [LEAVINGDAY] - check-out day / Abreisetag
- [NUMROOM] - the quantity of rooms booked (first room type only) /Anzahl gebuchter Einheiten (nur erster Einheitstyp)
- [NUMROOMS] - the quantity of rooms booked (sum of all rooms and room types) / Anzahl der gebuchten Einheien (alle Einheiten und Typen)
- [NUMNIGHT] - number of nights / Anzahl Nächte
- [NUMADULT] - number of adults / Anzahl Erwachsene
- [NUMCHILD] - number of children / Anzahl Kinder
- [NUMPEOPLE] - number of guests / Anzahl Gäste
- [RATEDESC] - name of the rate / Preisbezeichnung
- [PRICE] - Price / Preis
- [AVPRICE] - Average Nightly Price
- [GUESTNAME] - name to the guest / Name des Gasts
- [GUESTFIRSTNAME] - firstname to the guest / Vorname des Gasts
- [GUESTFULLNAME] - lastname to the guest / Nachname des Gasts
- [GUESTEMAIL] - guests Email / Email des Gasts
- [GUESTPHONE] - guests phonenumber / Telefonnummer des Gasts
- [GUESTADDRESS] - guests address / Adresse des Gasts
- [GUESTPOSTCODE] - guests postcode/ PLZdes Gasts
- [GUESTCOUNTRY] - guests country / Land des Gasts
- [GUESTMOBILE] - guests mobilenumber / Mobilnummer des Gasts
- [GUESTFAX] - guests faynumber / Faxnummer des Gasts
- [GUESTARRIVALTIME] - arrivaltime / Ankunftszeit
- [GUESTCOMMENTS] - comments in the booking / Kommentare in der Buchung
- [GUESTCUSTOMQ1] - answer to custom question 1 / Antwort auf individuelle Frage 1
- [GUESTCUSTOMQ2] - answer to custom question 2 / Antwort auf individuelle Frage 2
- [GUESTCUSTOMQ3] - answer to custom question 3 / Antwort auf individuelle Frage 3
- [GUESTCUSTOMQ4] - answer to custom question 4 / Antwort auf individuelle Frage 4
- [REFERRER] - Referrer / Referrer
- [ORIGINALREFERRER] - Originalreferrer / Originalreferrer
- [APIREF] - the booking number at the originating channel
- [NOTES] - notes / Notizen
- [MESSAGE] - the content of the booking message field
- [REFERENCE] - content of the booking reference field
- [INVOICEBALANCE] - invoice balance / Rechnungssumme
- [INVOICETABLE] - invoice table / Rechnungstabelle
- [STATUS] - status of booking / Buchungsstatus
- [FLAG] - Flag / Buchungshighlight
- [CANCELURL] - URL to view and cancel bookings / URL um Buchungen einzusehen und zu stornieren
- [CURRENTDATE] - current date / aktuelles Datum
- [CURRENTTIME] - current time / aktuelle Zeit
- [BOOKINGDATE] - booking date