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This page explains how to use Integromat to set up a connection with Igloohome.

1 Setup

1.1 In Beds24

1. Go to SETTINGS->GUEST MANAGEMENT->AUTO ACTIONS and create an Auto Action with the criteria which trigger bookings to be sent to Igloohome via Integromat with following settings:

  • Trigger Action = 'Auto'
  • Trigger Event = "Check-in"
  • Set Trigger time to a negative value, for example -2 days means the booking data will create a PIN 2 days before check in.
  • Trigger Time = same number as Trigger Window (positive), for example if -2 days was selected, trigger window should be 2 days
  • Save


  • Select the Auto Action you have created
  • Create an API key
  • Set "Send Strategy" = Once Only
  • Activate Integromat by ticking 'Bookings' for the rooms you want to connect
  • Save

1.2 In Integromat

  1. Create a new scenario, add Beds24 app as the first module. Use the API key and Property ID from Beds24 to create a connection.
  2. Add igloohome app as the second step, choose "Create Duration PIN Code"
  3. Use an API key from igloohome to create a connection (if you do not have an API key, please contact igloohome team for one)
  4. Enter the Lock ID that is tied to this property (PIN will be created for this lock when new booking is created). Lock ID can be found on the igloohome app.
  5. Under Start date, select the Date and Time function "parseDate". Input the check-in date variable from Beds24 in the first half of the function, followed by the check in time. For example: parseDate(Check-in 16:00;YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm)
  6. Under End date, select the Date and Time function "parseDate". Input the check-out date variable from Beds24 in the first half of the function, followed by the check out time. For example: parseDate(Check-out 16:00;YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm)
  7. Enter a description for the PIN code. We recommend using the Booking ID to easily identify the source of the PIN.
  8. Add gmail app as the third step and choose "Send email"
  9. Connect your gmail account and input the Guest email variable into the email address field.
  10. Setup your email template to include the PIN code from the igloohome app.
  11. For multiple rooms in the property, set up a router between the Beds24 and igloohome app.
  12. Clone the igloohome app and link it to the router.
  13. Clone the gmail app and link it to the cloned igloohome app.
  14. Set up filters between the router and the igloohome apps. The room ID from Beds24 should correspond to the lock ID from igloohome.
  15. Change the lock ID for the cloned igloohome app to match the filter.
  16. Change the gmail template to include the PIN code from the cloned igloohome app.
  17. Clone as many igloohome app/gmail app for each room in the property and add it to the router with a filter.
Note: Each property will need a new scenario

If you have questions or need help contact Igloohome support.