'''Upgrade your Airbnb XML connections to "synchronous availability check'"''
Airbnb has now implemented the option to check availability and accept or reject a booking at the very last step of the booking process, when the guest enters their payment method.
The normal XML availability check is performed when the guest first clicks the book button. Airbnb does not limit the time they give a guest to complete the booking so it is possible the room can become unavailable before the guest completes the booking.
By upgrading your Airbnb connection, both checks will be performed. The upgrade requires granting Beds24 permission to accept or reject reservations in your Airbnb account.
How to upgrade:
*If you have multiple Airbnb accounts, log completely out of Airbnb.
*Log into Beds24. If you have connected more than one Airbnb account in Beds24 make sure you are logged into the Beds24 account/subaccount which is connected to the Airbnb account you are logged in.
*Go to this page: [https://beds24.com/control2.php?pagetype=syncroniserairbnbxmltool]
*Click the activate button, this will take you to Airbnb where you should log into the Airbnb account connected to your beds24 account.
*Accept the new permissions and you will be returned to Beds24
To check the upgrade worked, log into your Airbnb account and go to ACCOUNT SETTINGS -> CONNECTED APPS. Click on "Beds24". If you see "Accept and decline reservations" in the list of permissions, your upgrade worked and a final check of availability will now be made at the end of every booking process.
October 28th 2017
'''Enhanced Daily Price Functions'''