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Upsell Items

2,826 bytes added, 15 March
<div class="heading">Upsell Items</div>
This page is about the menu {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE >UPSELL ITEMS and explains how you can sell extras and add fees for direct bookings.
An example would be a cleaning charge or fee.
*Per = Booking The percentage is calculated on the room price plus all selected extras defined before this one. Extra items defined after this will not be included in the percentage calculation. This could be used to add tax free items after the tax calculation.
*Per = Room The percentage is calculated on the room price only.
=== Obligatory Cleaning ===
=== Obligatory Percentage Tax ===
The obligatory percentage tax type is like the Obligatory Percentage type except it that it will be added to the "Price" field and the "Tax" field in the "Charges and Payments" tab the booking.
If the tax only applies on the room and does not accumulate with other taxes set "per" = Room
== Refundable==
Under "Period" upsell items can be set to be "Refundable". Refundable upsell items work like obligatory upsell items but are not sent to comparison sites like Trivago or Tripadvisor.
== Refund Protect==
You can offer your guests an option to purchase Refund Protect on non refundable bookings. Use [[Refund_Protect|this help page]] and the <span style="color:#007bff;“ >{{#far:question-circle}} </span> context help for more information.
= Description =
= Order of the Items =
The order in which the items are defined in the control panel is important for percentage calculations.
With the exception of per room percentages, percentage items are applied to the room price and any items above it.
= Limiting availability of items =
Upsell items can be enabled/disabled for individual daily prices Daily Prices or ratesFixed Prices. When a booking is made only those upsell items enabled for any rate price involved in the booking will be offered to the guest.
If you have extras you only sell on site you can set them up as "Invoice Items" in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS->) GUEST MANAGEMENT->INVOICING. <span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> Limiting upsell items does not work properly when prices are linked.
=Different upsell items for different rooms=
Upsell items are created on property level. However, you can activate an upsell item for a rateprice, and the rate price can be specific for a room.
Create your different upsell items.
In the rate menu prices go to the upsell tab section and activate/deactivate the upsell you want for the room that is attached to the rateprice.
= Display prices including obligatory fees on the first screen on your booking page=
To do this, you use a rate that already contains the feesset Total Price Style = "Total including obligatory" in {{#fas:cog}}(SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE.
Example: The price per night is €100. € 50 cleaning fee apply regardless on how long the guest stays.  "Summary" tab of the rate:*Room Price = 150 "Discounts" tab of the rate:*Nights = 2*Per night = 50 <span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> Discounts set in the With this setting you can not use "DiscountsPer Booking" tab of the rate do not send to OTAsfees with multi-room bookings. Check the help page of the OTAs If you are using for information on how apply "Per Booking" fees are handledplease disable multi-room bookings.
=Reports and Templates=
'''Example''': An obligatory cleaning fee of 50 applies once to all bookings.
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS->) PROPERTIES->UPSELL ITEMS and add the cleaning fee as an "Upsell Item" with the settings
Type = obligatory
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== Optional Breakfast ==
'''Example''': A guest house offers an optional breakfast costing 10 per day. 19% VAT are included in the price for the breakfast.
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS->) PROPERTIES->UPSELL ITEMS and add breakfast as an "Upsell Item" with the settings
Type = optional
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== Breakfast with Different VAT Rate than Lodging ==
'''Example''': 7% VAT are included in the room price. The lodging offers breakfast as an extra. 19% VAT are included in the price for the breakfast. Additionally the lodging needs to charge 5% city tax on which 7% VAT applies
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS->) PROPERTIES->BOOKING RULES and set "Vat Rate %" = 7
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS->) PROPERTIES->UPSELL ITEMS and
1) add breakfast as an "Upsell Item" with "Vat %" = 19
2) add city tax as an obligarory % tax "Upsell Item"
To show VAT change your confirmations ({{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS->) GUEST MANAGEMENT->CONFIRMATION MESSAGES) and invoice template ({{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS->) GUEST MANAGEMENT->INVOICING) to use the template variable [INVOICETABLEVAT].
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== City Tax ==
'''Example''': A lodging needs to charge 5% city tax on all bookings.
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS->) PROPERTIES->UPSELL ITEMS and add the tax as an "Upsell Item" with the settings
Type = obligatory % tax
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== City Tax Only for Children Above a Certain Age ==
'''Example''': City tax only applies to children over 10 years of age.
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS-) BOOKING ENGINE >PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE -> DEVELOPERS "Custom Text" and exchange the default text for children:
Children|Children under 10
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<div class="headline-collapse" >  == City Tax charged for first 7 nights only == </div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">'''Example''': City tax charged for first 7 nights only. Create 2 Upsell items and 2 Fixed Prices/Daily Prices.  Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > UPSELL ITEMS  Create new Upsell Item  Upsell item 1 *Type = Obligatory Tax *Amount = (enter per person/adult/day) value  *Per = Adult *Period = Daily *Description = City Tax  Upsell item 2 *Type - Obligatory Tax *Amount = (enter total price per 7 nights) value  *Per = Adult *Period = One Time *Description = City Tax Prices > Fixed Prices Open Rate 1 :  SUMMARY TAB*Maximum Stay = 7  UPSELL TAB*Select Upsell Item 1 - per night City Tax  Open Rate 2 :  SUMMARY TAB*Minimum Stay = 8  UPSELL TAB : *Select Upsell Item 2 - per night City Tax  Prices > Daily Price Rules *Open Daily Price 1*Maximum Stay = 7  *Upsell Items, select Upsell Item 1 - per night City Tax  *Open Daily Price 2*Minimum Stay = 8  *Upsell Items, select Upsell Item 2 - per night City Tax  </div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > 
== Offer Extras after the Guest has Booked ==
Adjustments for your property:
Add a Custom Question to your Booking page {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS > ) PROPERTIES > BOOKING QUESTIONS so a guest can enter the original booking id so you can link the bookings together.
'''1. Set up "Extras" property'''
*Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -> ) PROPERTIES and click on ADD NEW PROPERTY.**Click on EDIT and you will get to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES -> DESCRIPTION. Enter the name (e.g. Extras – after booking) and the currency you accept. Set the "Type of Booking" to "Activity".*Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -> ) PROPERTIES-> ROOMS ->SETUP
**enter in “Name” the name of your extra (i.e. Welcome Hamper)
**set the "Quantity" = the number you want to sell in advance, this can be based on the number of rooms per day (i.e. one hamper per unit)
If you need to collect the number of guests for example Evening meals, you will need to setup the Room/unit slightly differently as you may allow your guests to book per person/adult/child
*Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -> ) PROPERTIES->ROOMS ->SETUP
**enter “Name” – the name of your extra (i.e. Welcome Dinner)
**set the "Quantity" = the number you want to sell in advance, number of guests
**enter "Accommodation Type" = Welcome Meal
*Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -) BOOKING ENGINE > PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE->DEVELOPERS and exchange all phrases which refer to accommodation. Enter for example the following in "Custom Text"
Check in|Purchase Date
For Single items, like Welcome Hamper etc, Daily Prices will work as you are likely to be selling 1 item per booking.
For Meals etc, we suggest you setup RATES as you can add Single, Extra Person and Extra Child prices.
'''3. Further settings'''
*Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -> ) PROPERTIES-> BOOKING QUESTIONS > CUSTOM QUESTION add a question – Please enter your Accommodation Booking id, set = Obiligatory
*Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -> ) PROPERTIES->PAYMENT COLLECTION and set up payment collection or use payment requests.
*Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -> ) GUEST MANAGEMENT -> CONFIRMATION MESSAGES and customise the confirmation message for the "Extras" property.
We suggest at least delete everything from the default that refers to accommodation. Ensure you have the details of the Custom Question (Original Accommodation Booking id) so that you and the guest have reference to the original booking. (you will need this to ‘group’ the extras to the original booking id.
If you want to offer options to your Guests to select prior to their arrival, for example if you offer Evening meals and you would like you guests to select the number of each dish with their booking, then you should add UPSELL items that will show on the guest booking page.
*Create an Upsell item for each item
*Type = Optional
*VAT % = 0
Then go to your Rates Fixed Prices (Upsell tab) Daily Price (Upsell items) for this Extra (Evening Meals), then tick the items that should be shown for these items.
'''Manage extras and bookings'''
We suggest that the original booking is your Master, then open the Extras Booking, go to “Detail” tab and copy the value in your Custom Question – Original booking id (point 7 above)
In another window, paste the booking id in to into the Booking Search box (top right of most pages), click on the booking and then go to the Invoice Tab, scroll down to ‘Add New Booking to Group’ enter the Booking id of the Extras Booking, and click enter, this will create a ‘group booking’ and add the extra to the "Invoice" tab of the booking.
*Set up an Auto Action to confirm to the Guest their ‘Extras’ has been received an and linked to their Accommodation booking, using the Booking ids from both bookings in the email.
*Setup an Auto Action to send Payment Request if you have not collected payment at the time of the booking.
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== Add two different tax %, but both calculated on the base price.==
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Base price 100
Tax 1 = 5% = 5
Tax 2 = 9.975% = 9.975
Expected result will be: 114.975
If you already added 5% tax and do not want this applied for the second tax, you can reduce the second one by 5%.
i.e. 9.975 would be charged at 9.5% of the balance including the 5% tax to be the same as 9.975% on the amount without the first tax.
Upsell item 1
Type: obligatory % tax
Amount: 5.0
per: booking
period: one time
Description: Tax 1
Upsell item 2
Type: obligatory % tax
Amount: 9.5
per: booking
period: one time
Description: Tax 2
Another alternative is to combine the two taxes into one amount and charge 14.975%
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== An obligatory tax is applied to all bookings, except for business travelers, for whom this tax does not apply.==
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Go to {{#fas:cog}} CONFIGURATION-> BOOKING ENGINE-> UPSELLING and add the tax as an "Upsell" item with the following settings:
Type: Obligatory
Description: Tax (if using multiple languages, enter the description in all languages)
Amount: 1.5
Per: Booking
Period: One-time
VAT %: If VAT is included, enter the corresponding VAT rate
Then, create a obligatory upsell for the tax, and then a second upsell titled "I am a business traveler" with the same values, but negative, to subtract the tax again.


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