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Mobile Prices

622 bytes added, 9 January
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[[Category:RatesFixed Prices]]
<div class="heading">Mobile Prices</div>
This page explains how to show different prices on mobile devices and desktops.
=For direct bookings=
You can achieve this if you use two offers and a script. Offer 1 only for desktop and Offer 2 only for mobile. If you have additional offers they will always show.
If you have not already set up an offer to go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > OFFERS and create an additional offer.
After you have created the offer you can set up prices for the offer. Click on <span style="color:#007bff;“ >{{#far:question-circle}} </span> in the top right for detailed instructionson offers.
'''Step 1: Add the script '''
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > DEVELPERS DEVELOPERS and add the script below to the <head> section:
<code><script>$(document).ready(function() {if($(window).width() >= 800) {$('.offerid1').show();$('.offerid2').hide();}else{$('.offerid1').hide();$('.offerid2').show();}});</script></code>
You can add a mobile rate for directly from Beds24 in PRICES > PROMOTIONS > BOOKING.COM. Click on <span style="color:#007bff;“ >{{#far:question-circle}} </span> in the top right for detailed instructions.
=For Expedia=
You can add a mobile rate for Expedia directly from Beds24 in PRICES > PROMOTIONS > EXPEDIA. Click on <span style="color:#007bff;“ >{{#far:question-circle}} </span> in the top right for detailed instructions.
=Other OTSs=
For some other OTAs you can create mobile rates in their extranet.


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