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Custom CSS

2,362 bytes added, 12:20, 21 October 2022
.roomoffercalendarmonth .dateavail {pointer-events: none;}</code>
=== Mark dates days when check-in and/or check-out is not allowed (i.e. for rentals on a weekly basis)===
To use this option you will need to set your check-in/check-out rules in the CALENDAR. It will not work for check-in and check-out restrictions only set in rates.
NOTE: Limit the check-in and check-out in the CALENDAR (click on "Override") to use this function. To highlight when Check-out is not allowed :-
<code> .datenco{background-color:#f4f4f4; color:#cccccc;}</code>
To highlight when Check-in is not allowed :-
<code> .datenci{background-color:#f4f4f4; color:#cccccc;}</code>
To highlight specific days then set the day with the appropriate colour :-
<code> .daymon{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
<code> .daytue{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
<code> .daywed{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
<code> .daythu{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
<code> .dayfri{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
<code> .daysat{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
<code> .daysun{background-color:#592323; color:#cccccc;}</code>
=== Background Image ===
=== Add a border around the selected dates===
<code>.datestay{border: 1px solid #2f2f2f !important;}</code>
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> If you use split dates the CSS is:
<code>.prevdatestay, .datestay{border: 1px solid #2f2f2f !important;}</code>
=== Hide option to collect credit cards from Booking page if you want to use this option only for requests via Email===
<code>.bp2bookcollectpayment .panel-pay-card{display:none;}</code>
=== Hide "Print Booking" on the confirmation screen===
=== Hide "Click here to make another booking" on the confirmation screen===
=== Adjust alignment for RTL languages (Arabic, Hebrew)===
By default this list goes up to 99. You can limit it with the following code. Substitute X for the desired number + 2. So, if you want the drop-down list to be limited to 10 then X=12.
<code>#inputnumadult option:nth-child(n+X6){display:none;}</code> <code>#inputnumchild option:nth-child(n+6){display:none;}</code>
=== Adjust alignment for RTL languages (Arabic, Hebrew)===
=== Hide Property Name ===
This will remove the individual property names from the Multi Property booking page.
<code>.at_propnametext {display: none;}</code>
<code>.book-widget .ui-datepicker td .ui-state-active, .book-widget .ui-datepicker td .ui-state-hover, .book-widget.ui-datepicker td .ui-state-active, .book-widget.ui-datepicker td .ui-state-hover {background-color:#ffffff!important; color:#000000!important}</code>
===Make only Saturdays clickable in the datepicker calendar ===
<code>.book-widget .ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(1), .book-widget .ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(2), .book-widget .ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(3), .book-widget .ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(4), .book-widget .ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(5), .book-widget. ui-datepicker tr > :nth-child(7){pointer-events: none;}</code>
*Click on the 'User' icon on the top right and then on 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNT in the top right) then on ACCOUNT LIST to apply for all sub accounts
*Click on the 'User' icon on the top right and then on 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNT in the top right) then on ACCOUNT LIST > MANAGE ACCOUNT to apply for a specific sub account
===Hide SUPPORT button===
<code>.navbar-top .btngroupdropdown{display: none}</code>
===Hide page help icon on the right===
<code>.opener-right{display: none}</code>
===Change header background color===
<code>.fixed-top {background-color: #cccccc;}</code>
===Hide "Settings" icon in left column===
<code>.#c3sidebarCollapse{display: none !important;} {display: none;}</code>
===Hide "Price Checker Tool" button===
<code>.b24btn_PriceCheck {display: none}</code>
===Hide "Try the new calendar" link===
<code>.tryTheNewCalendar {display: none;}</code>
== Dynamic Multi-Calendar ==
===Hide "Notes" icon in left column===
<code>.sticky-left .fa-comment-alt-plus, .sticky-left .fa-comment-alt-lines {display: none;}</code>
===Hide "Settings" icon in left column===
<code>.sticky-left .fa-ellipsis-h {display: none;}</code>
===Display occupancy as color instead of number===
<code>.calendar2 .property-stats-wrapper
===Change the backgound color of weekends (Saturday/Sunday)===
<code>.weekend2th-sat, .th-sun {background-color:#ffceaf!important;}</code>
===Change the backgound color of past dates===
<code>.sticky-left .row-help-button {display: none;}</code>
===Change color of unavailable dates ===
<code>.inv0 { color: red blue }</code> 
===Change color and background color of daily prices===
<code>.price { background-color:#7cc576; color:white;}</code>
===Make inventory row read-only===
<code>..calendar2 .row-room {pointer-events: none;}</code> ===Make Daily Price row read-only===<code>.row-price{pointer-events: none;}</code> ===Hide the option to create or change views===<code>#view-templates-button{display: none;}</code> ===Disable the option to create or change views===<code>#view-templates-button, #saveViewButton{
pointer-events: none;
===Hide suitcase icon (add booking) from CALENDAR===
<code>.icon-suitcase, .fa-suitcase {display:none}</code>
===Hide button 'Add Booking' from CALENDAR===
.widgettype-units .roomrowclassXXX {display: none;} /* replace XXX with the room ID*/
===Hide column on the dashboard tables===
Change the child number in brackets to the desired column.
Change the child number in brackets to the desired column.
<code> .bookingtable th:nth-child(12) {display:none;} </code>  <code> .bookingtable td:nth-child(12) {display:none;} </code>
=== Hide cancelled bookings in the BOOKINGS Table ===
Change the child number in brackets to the desired column.
<code> .ratetable th:nth-child(9) {display:none;} </code>  <code> .ratetable td:nth-child(9) {display:none;} </code>
== Reports Menu ==
=== Hide the "Delete" button for properties ===
<code>.pagetypeproperties .b24btn_delete{display:none;}</code>
==Booking Popup==
Please note: This will not hide the title column (Vat %). See for yourself if you can live with it.
====Prevent invoice items being deleted====
<code>.tr_invoicee .btn-danger, #groupinvoicebulkaction option[value="1"] {display:none !important;}</code>
====Prevent manual entry of charge items ====
====Hide the 'Assign Invoice Number' button====
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .b24btn_AssignInvoiveNumberb24btn_AssignInvoiceNumber{display:none;}</code>
German control panel:
<code>.pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-guestemail{display:none;}</code>
==Add Booking==
====Prevent price to be changed====
<code>..pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-unitprice, .pagetypeajaxbookedit .menusetting-price { pointer-events: none;}</code>
==Reports ==
<code>.pagetypelogin .b24btn_Login{background-color:#xxxxxx;}</code>
=== Hide the "Make a Charge using Stripe" button ===
=== Hide potential issue "Less than 12 months available"===
<code>.warninglessthan12monthsavailable{ display: none}</code>
=== Hide potential issue "Too many guests in booking xxxxx"===
<code>..warningunitnotassigned{ display: none}</code>
=== Hide 'Template 2' from Guest Management > Booking Templates ===
=== Hide the option to unlock invoices===
<code>.menusetting-invoicelock {display:none;}</code>
===Hide SUPPORT button===
<code>.navbar-top .btngroupdropdown{display: none}</code>
===Hide page help icon on the right===
<code>.opener-right{display: none}</code>
===Change header background color===
<code>.fixed-top {background-color: #cccccc;}</code>


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