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Auto Actions

521 bytes added, 19 February
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====Send an Email to guests confirmation for channel bookings - ''Select from Channelsthe predefined template''====
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Booking Souce :-
*Booking Source = All
*Booking Status = All but not cancelledConfirmed
Booking Conditions:-
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====Send Email with Guest Invoice invoice after check-out - PDF attachment- ''Select from the predefined template'' ====
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*Trigger Event = Checkout
*Trigger Time = Immediate+8hrs
*Trigger Window = 1 day
Booking Conditions:
*Group bookings = Trigger all on master
*Booking Status = All but not cancelledConfirmed
Info Codes:
'''Messaging tab:'''
*Send Email = Guest API/Smart Email email - (or one of the other options) If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
*Attachment = Select the Invoice Template from the drop down list. 1
*Subject - enter the subject for your Guests
*Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API
Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests include URL. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
*HTML box - Email will be sent
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====Group check-in - ''Select from predefined templates'' ====
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This requires the master booking to be checked-in via the check-in function.
'''Trigger tab:''' *Trigger Event = Checkin*Trigger Time = immediate*Time Window = 1 day
*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = immediately*Trigger Window = 365conditions:
*Booking Source = All
*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
 *Group bookings" = Trigger all on masterif group
*Info Code = CHECKIN
'''Booking info tab : ''' *Booking Info Code = CHECKIN*Booking Info Text = Group checked in
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====Identify Repeat Guest ====
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====Assign Automatically apply invoice numbersnumber at check-out - ''Select from predefined templates'' ====
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'''Trigger tab:''' 
*Trigger Event = Check-out
*Trigger Time = Immediate
*Time window = 1 day Booking Conditions:*Status = Confirmed Info Codes:*Any Booking Info Code = CHECKOUT (optional only if you use the check-out function, if not leave blank'''Invoice tab:'''
Invoice tab:
*Assign Invoice Number = yes
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====Using Pending Payments as a Payment Reminder====
Booking changes are applied before the mail is sent so that the flag template variable can be reflected in the email.
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====Apply a flag when NO payment is made - ''Select from the predefined template''====
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'''Trigger tab:'''
*Trigger Event = Booking
*Trigger Time = Immediate
*Trigger Window = 1 day
Booking Source:
*Booking Source = All
Booking Conditions:
*Booking Status = All not cancelled
*Invoice Balance = No payment made
'''Booking tab:'''
*Execution = One time only
*Flag Text = Not Paid
*Flag Colour = fee0dd
Go to Settings > Channel Manager > Preferences and set Auto report failed cards = Yes
'''Trigger tab:''' *Trigger Event = After Booking(but not after checkout)
*Trigger Time = Immediate
*Trigger Window = 365999 Booking Source:*Booking Source = Booking Conditions:*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
*Booking Info Code = BOOKINGCOMCARD
'''Booking tab:''' 
*Execution = One time only
*Flag Text = Failed CC reported to


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