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2 bytes added, 10:00, 13 September 2018
==Common Errors==
Any errors occurring during updates will be emailed to you with the error message as returned by Traveloka. Unfortunately Traveloka does not provide us whith information on what exactly the error is. Known problem to check if you receive error messages:
'''Rate Code''': At the moment Traveloka only allows the rate code "Retail". Check in your channel manager settings, rates and daily prices that no other than "Retail" is mapped".
'''Rate Code''': At the moment Traveloka only allows the rate code "Retail". Check in your channel manager settings, rates and daily prices that no other than "Retail" is mapped".  '''Prices too low or wrong currency''': Check if the prices you are sending comply with your price limit in Traveloka.
If none of these is the case please contact Traveloka support and ask them why exactly you are receiving error messages.
'''Room Codes are not available'''
If not codes are shown check that your Traveloka hotel code is correctly entered and that you have received a confirmation form Traveloka that the connection has benn seet been set up. If both is correct check if you have set up room types in Traveloka and added at least one price for each room
*Unticking "Inventory" and "Prices" and "Bookings" will stop the synchronisation for a room.
*To completely disconnect the channel manager you might need to contact Traveloka and ask them to disconnect you.


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