1. After you setup your Beds24 module in Integromat ( showing in this video https://wiki.beds24.com/index.php/Integromat.com#Integromat) set the Google Chrome module.
Picture 1
2. Click on “Add This Chrome” and install the Integromat google chrome plugin.
Picture 2
3. Click on “Add to Chrome” to install the plugin
Picture 3
4. Copy the Registration Code
Picture 4
5. Paste the Registration code on the Chrome module in Integromat
Picture 5
6. Create the message you want to send , you can use the Beds24 Template variables that show in Integromat
Picture 6
7. Once a new booking is created, Intergomat send a notification to your Google Chrome/Account
Picture 7
Picture 8
== Examples ==
=== Set up Push Notifications on Google Chrome ===
[[Media:push1.png|view large]]
2. Click on “Add This Chrome” and install the Integromat google chrome plugin.
[[Media:push2.png|view large]]
3. Click on “Add to Chrome” to install the plugin
[[Media:push3.png|view large]]
4. Copy the Registration Code
5. Paste the Registration code on the Chrome module in Integromat
[[Media:push5.png|view large]]
6. Create the message you want to send , you can use the Beds24 Template variables that show in Integromat
[[Media:push6.png|view large]]
7. Once a new booking is created, Intergomat send a notification to your Google Chrome/Account
[[Media:push7.png|view large]]
Picture 8