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Category:Room Linking and Dependencies

427 bytes added, 12:36, 3 September 2021
[[Category:How to]]
<div class="heading">Dependencies</div>
This page is about the menu {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS > DEPENDENCIES and explains how you can make rooms dependent on each other to sell rooms in different layouts or constellations with shared inventory
If this setting is set to PROPERTY ONLY then rooms in other properties will not be visible to this property.
If this setting allows linking to properties in other accounts, the rooms will be available for linking with the rights set in 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNT >in the top right) -> MANAGE > ACCOUNT >-> MANAGE PROPERTY >> "Make Property Available in Multiple Accounts".
Click on the 'User' icon on the top right and then on 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNT in the top right) then MANAGE > ACCOUNT -> MANAGE PROPERTY where "Make Property Available in Multiple Accounts" allows defining the visibility of the property in the control panel, inventory (price and availability) and bookings independently.
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 200%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Only accounts owning a property can set dependencies so you will need to log into the account which owns a property if you want to set dependencies between rooms in different properties.
<div class="warning">{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} If you are using dependencies please test thoroughly to make sure your set up reflects your rules. If you are connecting one physical room more than once to a booking channel you are risking overbookings. </div>
|You have a room which you only offer if another room is unavailable.
| [[Sell_a_room_only_if_another_room_is_unavailable|Sell a room only if another room isunavailableis unavailable]]


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