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Setting Prices for Booking Channels

24,677 bytes added, 22 April
[[Category:RatesFixed Prices]]
[[Category:How to]]
<div class="heading">Prices for OTAs</div>
''This page is about the menu PRICES > CHANNEL MAPPING and explains how to set different prices for booking channels''
The system can send =Pricing Models =Each channel has its own capabilities and limitation when it comes to prices to many booking channels. For capabilities please check [[Channel_Manager_Capabilities| this page]]There are general pricing models which are used.
'''Occupancy pricing''' The channel supports prices for different occupancies.  *If you use Fixed Prices 1 person, 2 person and room price will send. Room price will send for specified occupancy. Multiple Fixed Prices with different occupancies can send on same rate plan. Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" and discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of the Fixed Prices can not be sent.*If you use daily prices the daily price will send including occupancy. Multiple occupancy prices can send on each rate plan. Extra person price will send. Examples: Agoda, Expedia '''Occupancy and length of stay pricing''' A price for each occupancy defined in Beds24 and prices for different length of stay can be sent. *If you use Fixed Prices the price for each occupancy defined in Beds24 and prices for different length of stay can be sent.1 person, 2 person and room price will send. Room price will send for specified occupancy. Multiple Fixed Prices with different occupancies can send. Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" and discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of the Fixed Prices can not be sent. *If you use daily prices the daily price will send including occupancy. Multiple occupancy prices can send. Extra person price will send.  <span style="color:#019cde; font-size: 150%;“ >{{#fas:info-circle}} </span> Beds24 sends the price for max. 16 guests. If your property accommodates more than 16 guests use "Per Day" pricing with an extra person price.  Examples: Airbnb, VRBO  '''Per day pricing''' Only ONE price can be sent per date. If you have multiple prices activated for a channel with different minimum stays the system will send the price with the lowest minimum stay. If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a negative value so the price for the full occupancy can send.  Examples: Airbnb,, Ctrip, Homeaway, Hostelworld, HRS, TripadvisorRentals  '''Derived/Linked Prices''' The channel derives form a price sent by Beds24 or links prices. The disadvantage is that you will not be able to control all prices from Beds24.  Examples:, Expedia  Some channels support only one pricing models some support more than one. For specific capabilities please check [[Channel_Manager_Capabilities| this page]]. =Rate Plans or Rate Codes=Some channels support Rate Plans or Rate Codes (i.e Agoda, , Expedia and other hotel-based channels). Often you can have multiple rate plans or rate codes which allows you to sell at different prices.  =Setting Prices=Rates You can see in PRICES > CHANNEL MAPPING where a price is used. If you need to make changes click on the price to edit it. We recommend you use the "Prices in individual columns" view.  ==Using Daily Prices in Beds24 - RECOMMENDED ==Each daily price can be used for any combination of channels and your booking page. Use the tick boxes at PRICES > DAILY PRICE RULES to specify which channels the price can be used for. [[Image:Channel-Manager-Daily-Prices_.png|500px|link=]][[Media:Channel-Manager-Daily-Prices_.png|view large]] If you have multiple rate codes at a channel, you can map different Daily Prices to each by entering the rate code in each of the Daily Price settings.  '''Example: Create a Daily Price for your booking page and a different price for one or more channels.'''  1. Daily Price for your booking page*Tick only "Beds24" under "Enable" in the Daily Price settings (PRICES > DAILY PRICE RULES then click on "Edit")  2. Daily Price for the channels*Tick only the channels for which the price should be used under "Enable" in the Daily Price settings (PRICES > DAILY PRICE RULES then click on "Edit") Then go to the CALENDAR and enter your daily prices there.  <span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" > {{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> By default, daily prices are disabled for all channels. You can disable or enable channels for all prices in a room at the same time. Click on the {{#fas:user}} 'User' icon on the top right and then on 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNT in the top right) then go to MANAGE ACCOUNT > MANAGE PROPERTIES > MANAGE ROOMS "Channels". ==Using Fixed Prices ==Only prices per day can send. In the Summary tab, the setting for "Price per" needs to be set to "Night".  The "Channels" tab of the rate defines Fixed Pricesdefines where a rate Fixed Prices is used.
[[Media:Channel-Manager-Rates.png|view large]]
*If you want to use a Fixed Price only on your own website untick all channels.
*If you want to use a Fixed Price only for channel management untick "Beds24" and "Beds24 Agents".
'''Multiple Rates'''
'''You have the option to create a special rate for Fixed Pricesfor one or each channel and your web site. '''
1. Rate Fixed Prices for your web sitewebsite*Create a rate PRICES > FIXED PRICE clicking on "Add RateFixed Price" in the RATES menu*Go to the "Channels" tab of the rate and make sure "Beds24" is ticked but not the channels you do not want to use the rate price for
2. Rate Fixed Prices for the booking channel*Create a your rate PRICES > FIXED PRICE clicking on "Add RateFixed Price" in the RATES menu
*Only per night prices can be sent to booking channels so make sure "Prices per" is set to "Night"
*Go to the "Channels" tab of the rate price and make sure "Beds24" is unticked and the channels you want to send the rate price to are ticked
Rate Strategy:
You can set three different values:
*Allow lower prices - this is the default and will always apply the lowest price for the guests selection
*Do not allow any other prices - if you use multiple rate codes this blocks all other rate codes
'''Using the Export Price'''  The export price can be used to send a different price to channels than used on your booking page.*Open the rate Fixed Prices and go to the "Channels" tab*Enter the price you want to send to the channels in the filed field "Export Price"
*Set "Channel Management" = "Use Export Price"
[[Media:Channel-Manager-Export-Price.png|view large]]
When you go to RATES PRICES > CHANNEL MAPPING in the top menu you will see a list of all rates prices activated for channels. <span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" > {{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> By default, prices are enabled for all channels. You can disable or enable channels for all prices in a room at the same time. Click on the {{#fas:user}} 'User' icon on the top right and then on 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNT in the top right) then go to MANAGE ACCOUNT > MANAGE PROPERTIES > MANAGE ROOMS "Channels". ==Use Daily Prices in combination with Fixed Prices ==If you use both Daily Prices and Fixed Prices, the system will offer the lowest available price which meets all your rules.  ==How to show/send prices for two years ==<embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo> == Mapping channel rate codes == <span style="color:#019cde; font-size: 150%;“ >{{#fas:info-circle}} </span> If a channel rate code is entered directly in a Daily Price or a Fixed Prices, it will be used with that price. If the rate code field is left empty in the Daily Price or Rate, the rate code entered in the Channel Manager settings for the channel will be used, in this case the offer number of the Daily Price or Fixed Prices determines which rate code will be used. To map the rate codes/rate plans the connection to the channel needs to be established. The set up instructions for each channel explain the procedure. When the connection is established you will be able to access your codes. *Make sure your property and room codes for the channel are correctly saved.*Click on the "Get Code" link next to the rate id setting and a list of rate ids will be retrieved from the channel for that room.*Choose the rate id for this room and click on it. This will normally be the standard rate.*When the correct rate id has copied to the rate id setting, click Save. <embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo>   <span style="color:#019cde; font-size: 150%;“ >{{#fas:info-circle}} </span> Please also see the help the channel help page for specific information for the channel you are setting up.  === If you have multiple Channel rate codes per room ===Some channels support more than one price per room for example to send prices for different occupancies, minimum stays, meal options or refundable and non-refundable prices. The capabilities depend on the channel and are explained on the help page for each channel.  ==== Multiple rate codes using Daily Prices ====Each Daily Price can be mapped to any active channel rate code. Under "Enable" in the Daily Price settings (PRICES ->DAILY PRICE RULES then click on "Edit") then select the appropriate rate code from the 'get codes' list. If this setting is left blank, the rate code defined in the Beds24 channel manager settings for the channel will be used.If the Daily Price should be mapped to an alternative channel rate code, select the appropriate rate code from the 'get codes' list.. <embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo> ==== Multiple rate codes using Fixed Prices====Each Fixed Prices can be mapped to any active channel rate code. On the CHANNEL tab of each Fixed Prices is a setting to enter a channel rate code, select the appropriate rate code from the 'get codes' list. If this setting is left blank, the rate code defined in the channel manager settings for the channel will be used.If the Fixed Prices should be mapped to an alternative channel rate code, select the appropriate rate code from the 'get codes' list. <embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo> If you have linked a Fixed Prices to be used for other offers or rooms use the selector to choose the room you want to map. <embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo>
NOTE: Only price "Per Day" can be sent to OTAs so make sure that "Price Per" is set to "Day" in all rates you want to send to OTAs.
== Price Multiplier ==
For many channels you can add multiplier to your prices, for example because the channel requires a different currency to your Beds24 currencyor you want to add the commission onto your prices.  For some channels we can also convert the prices of bookings imported back to the currency you use in Beds24.
Check the instructions for the channel if this feature is supported. If the instructions do not mention the option to add a multiplier please send us a support ticket (click on HELP in the top right in the channel page in the control panel) and we will see if we can add it.
==Referrer discount ==
You can set a referrer discount in the discounts tab of the rate.
These [[Image:channel-manager-multiplier.png|450px|link=]][[Media:channel-manager-multiplier.png|view large]]  <span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> The prices will only be sent to the channels you have activated in the channel manager settings.  == Overview== <span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Click on the links or go to the channels help pages for detailed information {| class="wikitable"| style="width: 12.5%" | '''Channel''' | style="width: 12.5%" | '''Supported Pricing Model''' | style="width: 12.5%" | '''Rate Codes ''' | style="width: 112.5%" | '''Prices sent when using Daily Prices''' | style="width: 12.5%" | ''' Prices sent when using Fixed Prices''' | style="width: 12.5%" | '''Offer Discounts''' | style="width: 12.5%" | '''Create Promotions''' | style="width: 12.5%" | '''Note'''  |-style="vertical-align:top;"| [[|Agoda]] || Occupancy Prices || Multiple rate plans can be used for different prices based on minimum stay or other restrictions.|| Daily price will send including occupancy. Multiple occupancy prices can send on each rate plan.  Extra person price will send. || 1 person, 2 person and room price will send. Room price will send for specified occupancy. Multiple prices with different occupancies can send on same rate plan. Extra person price and discounts will not send.|| Early bird, last minute and seasonal discounts can be set with standard daily price or rate conditions. Discounts with special conditions can be created with additional daily prices or fixed prices and rate plans. Discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of Fixed Prices can not be sent. || Set in the channels extranet || Agoda will depreciate "Per Day Pricing" shortly.  |-style="vertical-align:top;"| [[AirBnB.com_XML|Airbnb API]] ||Occupancy prices || Not supported||Daily price will send including occupancy. and different length of stay. Extra person price will send. "Max Stay" set in the CALENDAR or daily prices can be sent.  || A price for each occupancy defined in Beds24 and prices for different length of stay can be sent.1 person, 2 person and room price will send. Room price will send for specified occupancy. Multiple fixed prices with different occupancies can send. Extra person and extra child price will not send. "Max Stay" set in the CALENDAR, Daily Prices or Fixed Prices can be sent.  Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" can not be sent. || Early bird, last minute and seasonal discounts can be set with standard Daily Price or Fixed Prices conditions. Discounts set in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER >AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT will be shown as promotions in Airbnb Discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of Fixed Prices can not be sent.|| Set in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT, some promotions directly in the Airbnb Extranet ||  |-style="vertical-align:top;"| [[AirBnB.com_XML|Airbnb API]] ||Per Day Prices|| Not supported|| The price sent is a room price, only ONE price can be sent per date. If you have multiple prices activated for the channel with different minimum stays the system will send the price with the lowest minimum stay. Of the ones with the lowest minimum stay the one with the highest occupancy will be used.  If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a negative value so the price for the full occupancy can send.  || The price sent is a room price, only ONE price can be sent per date. If you have multiple prices activated for the channel with different minimum stays the system will send the price with the lowest minimum stay. Of the ones with the lowest minimum stay the one with the highest occupancy will be used. Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" can not be sent. In {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT you can set*The number of guests for which the price applies.*An extra person price.  || Early bird, last minute and seasonal discounts can be set with standard Daily Price or Fixed Prices conditions. Discounts set in SETTING->CHANNEL MANAGER->AIRBNB XML->SPECIFIC CONTENT will be shown as promotions in Airbnb Discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of Fixed Prices can not be sent.|| Set in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT, some promotions directly in the Airbnb Extranet || |-style="vertical-align:top;"| [[Booking.com_XML:_Synchronise_bookings_prices_availability|]] ||Occupancy Prices || Multiple rate plans can be used for different prices based on minimum stay or other restrictions.|| Daily price will send including occupancy. Multiple occupancy prices can send on each rate plan.  Extra person price will send. || 1 person, 2 person and room price will send. Room price will send for specified occupancy. Multiple fixed prices with different occupancies can send on same rate plan. Extra person price and discounts will not send. Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" can not be sent. || Early bird, last minute and seasonal discounts can be set with standard Daily Price or Fixed Prices conditions. Discounts with special conditions can be created with additional daily prices or fixed prices and rate plans. Discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of Fixed Prices can not be sent. || {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > BOOKING.COM > PROMOTIONS || Pricing model set in needs to match the pricing model selected in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > BOOKING.COM  |-style="vertical-align:top;"| [[Booking.com_XML:_Synchronise_bookings_prices_availability|]] ||Per Day Prices|| Multiple rate plans can be used for different prices based on minimum stay or other restrictions.|| Only one price can be sent per rate code. If you have multiple prices for one rate code which are activated for the channel the system will use the price for the highest occupancy.If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a negative value. This price will send as room price for the full occupancy. || Only one price can be sent per rate code. If you have multiple prices for one rate code which are activated for the channel the system will use the price for the highest occupancy.  || Early bird, last minute and seasonal discounts can be set with standard Daily Price or Fixed Prices conditions. Discounts with special conditions can be created with additional Daily Prices or Fixed Prices and rate plans. Discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of Fixed Prices can not be sent. || {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > BOOKING.COM PROMOTIONS ||   |-style="vertical-align:top;"| [[Ctrip]] ||Per Day Prices|| Multiple rate plans can be used for different prices based on minimum stay or other restrictions.|| Only one price can be sent per rate code. If you have multiple prices for one rate code which are activated for the channel the system will use the price for the highest occupancy. If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a negative value. This price will send as room price for the full occupancy. || Only one price can be sent per rate code. If you have multiple prices for one rate code which are activated for the channel the system will use the price for the highest occupancy. Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" can not be sent.  || Early bird, last minute and seasonal discounts can be set with standard Daily Price or Fixed Prices conditions. Discounts with special conditions can be created with additional Daily Prices or Fixed Prices and rate plans. Discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of fixed prices can not be sent. || Set in the channels extranet ||   |-style="vertical-align:top;"| [[|Expedia]] ||Occupancy Prices || Multiple rate plans can be used for different prices based on minimum stay or other restrictions.|| Daily price will send including occupancy. Multiple occupancy prices can send on each rate plan.  Extra person price will send. || 1 person, 2 person and room price will send. Room price will send for specified occupancy. Multiple fixed prices with different occupancies can send on same rate plan. Extra person price and discounts will not send. Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" can not be sent. || Early bird, last minute and seasonal discounts apply t bookings originating from can be set with standard Daily Price or Fixed Prices conditions. Discounts with special conditions can be created with additional Daily Prices or Fixed Prices and rate plans. Discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of Fixed Prices can not be sent. || Set in the channels extranet || Pricing model set in Expedia needs to match the pricing model selected in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > EXPEDIA |-style="vertical-align:top;"| [[|Expedia]] ||Per Day Prices || Multiple rate plans can be used for different prices based on minimum stay or other restrictions.|| Only one price can be sent per rate code. If you have multiple prices for one rate code which are activated for the channel the system will use the price for the highest occupancy. If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a certain source enegative value. This price will send as room price for the full occupancy. || Only one price can be sent per rate code. If you have multiple prices for one rate code which are activated for the channel the system will use the price for the highest occupancy. Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" can not be sent.g || Early bird, last minute and seasonal discounts can be set with standard Daily Price or Fixed Prices conditions. website Discounts with special conditions can be created with additional Daily Prices or linkFixed Prices and rate plans. You  Discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of Fixed Prices can see not be sent. || Set in the channels extranet || Pricing model set in Expedia needs to match the referrer pricing model selected in {{#fas:cog}} (eSETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > EXPEDIA   |-style="vertical-align:top;"| [[|Homeaway XML]] ||Occupancy prices || Not supported||Daily prices for different occupancies and different length of stay will send. If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices the prices for the different occupancies will be automatically calculated. "Max Stay" set in the CALENDAR or daily prices can be sent.  || A price for each occupancy defined in Beds24 and prices for different length of stay can be sent. 1 person, 2 person and room price will send. Room price will send for specified occupancy. Multiple fixed prices with different occupancies can send.gExtra person price and discounts will not send. iframe  Prices for bookings from an embedded booking page"Extra Person", facebook"Extra child" can not be sent. || Early bird, bookinglast minute and seasonal discounts can be set with standard Daily Price or Fixed Prices conditions.  Discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of Fixed Prices can not be sent. || Homeaway does not support promotions.||   |-style="vertical-align:top;"| [[ |Homeaway XML]] ||Per Day Prices|| Not supported|| The price sent is a room price, only ONE price can be sent per date. If you have multiple prices activated for the channel with different minimum stays the system will send the price with the lowest minimum stay. Of the ones with the lowest minimum stay the one with the highest occupancy will be used. In {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > VRBO > SPECIFIC ROOM CONTENT you can set*The number of guests for which the price applies.*An extra person price. If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a negative value so the price for the full occupancy can send.  || The price sent is a room price, only ONE price can be sent per date. If you have multiple prices activated for the channel with different minimum stays the system will send the price with the lowest minimum stay. Of the ones with the lowest minimum stay the one with the highest occupancy will be used. Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" can not be sent. In {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > VRBO > SPECIFIC ROOM CONTENT you can set*The number of guests for which the price applies.*An extra person price. || Early bird, last minute and seasonal discounts can be set with standard Daily Price or Fixed Prices conditions. You can set other discounts in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER- > VRBO > SPECIFIC ROOM CONTENT. Discounts set in the "ReferrerDiscounts" column tab of rFixed Prices can not be sent. || Homeaway does not support promotions.  |-style="vertical-align:top;"| [[|Hostelworld]] || Per Day Prices|| Multiple rate plans can be used for different prices based on minimum stay or other restrictions.|| For dorms Beds24 checks the prices in this order: 1. single price: 2. double price: if no single price is found the system will look for a double price  3. room price: if no single or double price are found the system will look for a room price  || For dorms Beds24 checks the BOOKINGS listprices in this order: 1. Have single price: 2. double price: if no single price is found the system will look for a double price 3. room price: if no single or double price are found the system will look for a room price. This includes the export price.  Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" can not be sent. || Early bird, last minute and seasonal discounts can be set with standard Daily Price or Fixed Prices conditions. Discounts with special conditions can be created with additional daily prices or Fixed Pricesand rate plans. Discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of Fixed Prices can not be sent. || 'Set in the channels extranet || |-  |-style="vertical-align:top;"| [[Track_BookingsHRS]] || Per Day Prices||hereNot supported|| We can send one price to each HRS room type. For a double you need a price for two guests, a price for extrabed 1 you need a price for 3 guests, for extrabed 2 you need a price for 4 guests.If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a negative value so the price for the full occupancy can send. || We can send one price to each HRS room type. For a double you need a price for two guests, a price for extrabed 1 you need a price for 3 guests, for extrabed 2 you need a price for 4 guests. Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" can not be sent.|| Not supported|| Early bird, last minute and seasonal discounts can be set with standard Daily Price or Fixed Pricesconditions. Discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of Fixed Prices can not be sent.|| Hot Deals have their own availability. To avoid overbookings you can ask HRS to limit the number of rooms bookable with one booking to 1.  |- |-style="vertical-align:top;"| [[Tripadvisor_Rentals|TripadvisorRentals API]] ||Per Day Prices|| Not supported|| The price sent is a room price, only ONE price can be sent per date. If you have multiple prices activated for information on how the channel with different minimum stays the system will send the price with the lowest minimum stay. Of the ones with the lowest minimum stay the one with the highest occupancy will be used. In {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER Y TRIPADVISOR RENTALS ->SPECIFIC CONTENT you can set*The number of guests for which the price applies.*An extra person price. If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a negative value so the price for the full occupancy can send.  || The price sent is a referrer code room price, only ONE price can be sent per date. If you have multiple prices activated for the channel with different minimum stays the system will send the price with the lowest minimum stay. Of the ones with the lowest minimum stay the one with the highest occupancy will be used. Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" can not be sent. In {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > TRIPADVISOR RENTALS > SPECIFIC CONTENT you can set*The number of guests for widgetswhich the price applies.*An extra person price.  || || Early bird, last minute and seasonal discounts can be set with standard Daily Price or Fixed Pricesconditions. You can set other discounts in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER >TRIPADVISOR RENTALS > SPECIFIC CONTENT.
==Daily Prices ==You can specify one price row for channel management and one for your own web site. Go to SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->ROOMS->DAILY PRICES and define which price row is used for channel management. Then Discounts set up your prices in the CALENDAR"Discounts" tab of fixed prices can not be sent.
[[Image:Channel-Manager-Daily-Prices.png|500px|link=]][[Media:Channel-Manager-Daily-PricesTripadvisor does not support promotions.png|view large]]
Daily Prices have limitations when it comes to sending them to the channels. You and either send them or not send them but you can not control which channels you send them to. If you want to send different prices to different channels you need to use rates.
Note|-style="vertical-align:top;"| '''Channel''' || '''Supported Pricing Model''' || '''Rate Codes''' The prices will only be || '''Prices sent to the channels you have activated in the channel manger settings.when using Daily Prices''' || ''' Prices sent when using Fixed Prices''' || '''Offer Discounts''' || '''Create Promotions''' || '''Note'''|-


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