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Synchronising Beds24.com with your Flipkey calendar 


Note: Due to the integration process at TripAdvisor these instructions may go out of date quickly. We are trying to keep up with these changes but if you see a problem please let us know.

For details please click here


1 Ical method


  • Beds24.com can export inventory.
  • Beds24 provides a specially constructed calendar file which Flipkey polls for updates at a rate determined by Flipkey.

1.1 Limitations

  • Beds24 can only send a room price. Single and Double price will be ignored.
  • You will need to routinely log in to Flipkey and respond to your enquiries.
  • Bookings can not be imported because Flipkey does not provide an Ical feed.
  • Only dates blocked by Beds24 can be re-opened. Dates blocked from other synced calendars within Flipkey or manually in Flipkey cannot be re-opened.

1.2 Set Up

1.2.1 Beds24.com

1) Enable the Flipkey "Synchronise Inventory" check box for the required rooms.

2) Copy the "Export Calendar (Bookings)" calendar link

1.2.2 Flipkey

1) Log in to Flipkey.

2) Got o the calendar menu "Sync with other calendars".

3) Select calendar type "Other"

4) Give the calendar a name, this is only for your reference.

5) Paste the calendar URL called Import Calendar (Inventory) into Flipkey.

Flipkey do not re-open dates which are blocked in their calendar by other sources.

These dates must be set to "Available" manually in the Flipkey calendar.

If the Sync is working but out of date because of many blocked dates this can be fixed by setting all dates in Flipkey to Available and then doing a "Sync Now" in Flipkey's "Sync with other calendars"

2 XML method (Only available to Flipkey customers with 10 or more listings)

Beds24 supplies XML data which Flipkey periodically read and use to update the Flipkey calendar.

2.1 Capabilities

  • Beds24.com can export listing content
  • Beds24.com can export inventory
  • Beds.com can export prices. The price sent is your Beds24 booking page price.

2.2 Limitations

  • You will need to routinely log in to Flipkey and respond to your enquiries.

2.3 Set Up

A Flipkey listing is a unit in Beds24. The name sent is:

  • For properties with one unit: property name
  • For properties with more than one unit type it consists of property name - room name.

2.4 Beds24

  • Enable the Flipkey "Synchronise Inventory" check box for the required rooms.
  • Note the XML getproperties endpoint shown in the channel manager settings.
  • Note the XML getavailability endpoint for each calendar in the channel manager settings.
  • Go to SETTINGS->CHANNEL MANAGER->HOMEAWAY.COM->CONTENT DATA and check the content information sent to Flipkey is correct.

2.5 Content

2.5.1 Define Bedrooms and Bathrooms

Go SETTING->PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SET UP to define your bedrooms and bathrooms

Bedrooms and bathrooms are configured by feature codes which are entered in the "Features" field.

  • Click on the "Edit " button next to the "Features" field.
  • In the pop up click on "Bedroom" or "Bathroom".
  • Set the type and use the selectors to define the features within each room.
  • If you have multiple bedrooms or bathrooms make sure you define them all. If you have more than 2 rooms click "Close" and SAVE. The system will then automatically add more rooms when you click on the "Edit" button again.
  • Close the pop up and then press SAVE.

You can also manually add bedrooms and bathrooms and amenities. For more information see "All feature codes" below. Flipkey does not support all features Beds24 offers. For a list of all feature codes Flipkey supports see "All feature codes" below.

2.5.2 Features and amenities

Go SETTING->PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SET UP to define your features and amenities

Features and amenities are configured by feature codes which are entered in the "Features" field.

  • Click on the "Edit " button next to the "Features" field.
  • In the pop up click on "Amenities".
  • Tick the amenities you provide.
  • Close the pop up and then press SAVE.

You can also manually add bedrooms and bathrooms and amenities. For more information see "All feature codes" below.

 Flipkey does not support all features Beds24 offers. For a list of all feature codes Flipkey supports see "All feature codes" below.

2.5.3 Prices

A room price per night and minimum stay value will be sent to Flipkey. The price is the same as your booking page price.

2.5.4 Fee

Fees can be entered per property as Upsell Items set to a compulsory value.

3 Activation


3.1 Pictures

The pictures which you have enabled in SETTINGS->BOOKING PAGE->PICTURES.

3.2 Check if data is complete and correct

Go to SETTINGS->CHANNEL MANAGER->FLIPKEY ->CONTENT or click on the "View content sent to Fliipkey" link.

To update the listing content click on the links on this page. and check the information which will be sent to Flipkey is correct and complete.

To update the listing content click on the links on this page.

If you do not meet the minimum requirements Flipkey might reject all data sent.

To check which information is sent to Flipkey click on the "View actual data sent to Flipkey" link. This will show you the raw data.

You can also manually add bedrooms and bathrooms and amenities. For more information see "All feature codes" below.

4 All feature codes

You can also manually add bedrooms and bathrooms and amenities typing the feature codes exactly as listed below into the "Features" field.

Each room feature code can have additional features added to it separated by a space which will list the features within this room. Multiple rooms can be added.
























4.1 Flipkey

  • Send an email to [email protected] with the XML endpoints and the Flipkey listing ID for each and request connecting your calendar to these XML endpoints.
  • Once Flipkey (Tripadvisor) connect you, Flipkey will periodically read the XML endpoint to update your Flipkey calendar.

5 Disconnect

Untick "Inventory". If you have entered a calendar URL in your Flipkey account log into Flipkey and remove the link.