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Auto Actions

5,570 bytes added, 12:01, 14 January 2022
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Trigger tab:'''
*Trigger Event = Check-in
*Trigger Time = -2 (the number of days before check-in you want to sent the code or link)
*Trigger Window = 2
Booking Souce :-
*Booking Source = All
*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
Booking Conditions:-
*Group bookings = Trigger all on master
*Info Code = LOCKSTATE_PIN or NUKI_PIN or CHEKIN_URL (select the appropriate Booking Info Code for the service you use)
'''Message Messaging tab:''' For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box.
*Send Message = Booking API/Smart Email
If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
*Email Subject - enter the subject for your Guests - Your access code (your text)
*Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API
Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests include URL. Include these template variables - [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:LOCKSTATE_PIN] or [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:NUKI_PIN] or [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:CHEKIN_PIN] see the list of ALL template variables that can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
*HTML box - Email will be sent
Email Text :- It is possible to use the same details (URL) as in the Plain Text box above. Include these template variables - [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:LOCKSTATE_PIN] or [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:NUKI_PIN] or [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:CHEKIN_PIN] see the list of ALL template variables that can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] </div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Send Email to guests with check-in details 2 days before Check-in, booking paid/no outstanding balance ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> This auto action will be sent only when the Invoice Balance of the booking is zero. This can be used to ensure that the checkin details are only sent when the guest has completed the payments.  '''Trigger tab:''' Time:-*Trigger Event = Check-in*Trigger Time = -2 (the number of days before check-in you want to sent the code or link) *Trigger Window = 2 Booking Source:- *Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All but not cancelled Booking Conditions:- *Group bookings = Trigger all on master*Invoice Balance = Zero '''Messaging tab:''' For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box. *Send Message = Booking API/Smart Email If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. *Subject - enter the subject for your Guests - Your access code (your text) *Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests. This can include any information that is important for the checkin of the guest, for example the Key code for the door, who to contact if there are any issues, template variables can be used, see the list of ALL template variables that can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] *HTML box - Email will be sent Email Text :- Enter the text you wish to send to your guests this can include URLs. Include any information that is important for the checkin of the guest, for example the Key code for the door, who to contact if there are any issues, template variables can be used, see the list of ALL template variables that can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Trigger tab:'''
*Trigger Event = Check-in
*Trigger Time = Immediate
*Trigger Window = 14(the max number of days your guests can stay)
Booking Source:
*Booking Source = All
Booking Conditions:
*Group bookings = Trigger all on master
*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
*Group bookings = Trigger all on masterInfo Codes:
*Any Booking Info Code = CHECKIN
*Exclude Booking Info Code = CHECKOUT
'''Message Messaging tab:''' For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box.
*Send Message = Booking API/Smart Email
If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
*Email Subject - enter the subject for your Guests
*Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
You can send Invoice or Booking Template attachments as an attachment to your Guests.
Setup your Invoice or Booking Template, go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT -> INVOICING or {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT -> BOOKING TEMPLATES
'''Trigger tab:'''
*Any Booking Info Code = CHECKOUT
'''Message Messaging tab:'''
*Send Email = Guest API/Smart Email (or one of the other options)
If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
*Attachment = Select an option the Invoice Template from the drop down list.  *Subject - enter the subject for your Guests *Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests include URL. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] *HTML box - Email will be sent
Email Text :- It is possible to use the same details (URL) as in the Plain Text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] <span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> It is assumed you use the Checkin/Checkout feature in the Dashboard, if not you can either manually add Checkout to your bookings (Booking info tab) or create an auto action to add the Booking Info Codes to the bookings. If you send Emails with pdf attachment (invoice, booking template) to Alias-Email addresses created by channels the channel might block the attachment so it is not delivered to the guest. Ask your channel about their policy regarding this. Other files can not be attached. We recommend you use a link to a file you upload to your web site.</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Send Email with Booking Registration Form - PDF attachment====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> You can send Booking Template attachments to your Guests.  Setup your Booking Template, go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT -> BOOKING TEMPLATES '''Trigger tab:''' Time:*Trigger Event = Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1 day Booking Source:*Booking Source = All (or select the appropriate channel/Direct) Booking Conditions:*Group bookings = Trigger all on master*Booking Status = All but not cancelled '''Messaging tab:'''  *Send Message = Guest API/Smart Email (or one of the other options) If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email . *Attachment = Select Booking Template from the drop down list.  *Subject - enter the subject for your Guests
*Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API
*Template Variable = [UNITSTATUS1] Contains = clean
'''Message Messaging tab: '''
*Send Email = Guest API/Smart Email (or one of the other options)
If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
*Email Subject - enter the subject for your Guests
*Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API
This example uses fixed values that you have entered into {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP > ROOM TEMPLATES and standard Template Variables set in the Property/Rooms, useful way to utilise the template variables and different values rather than duplicating auto actions.
'''Trigger Tab :- '''  Time:
*Trigger Event = Checkin (depending on when you want to notify the guest)
*Trigger Time = -2 days (depending on when you want to notify the guest, in this example 2 days before arrival)
*Trigger Window = 2
Booking Source:
*Booking Source = All
Booking Conditions:
*Group bookings = Trigger all on master
*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
*Group bookings = Trigger all on masterBooking Fields:
*Template Variables = [IFBETWEEN:[VACANTDAYS]:0:3:yes|no|no] equal yes
This template variable tests if there is upto 3 days from previous checkout to check in of current booking.
Message '''Messaging tab :- '''*Send Email Message = Guest API/Smart Email (or one  If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the other options)Email. *EMail Subject = Enter the appropriate details  *Email Plain Text Box = Your text, using the template variables to modify the specific text in the booking.  [IF<=:[VACANTDAYS]:3:Your apartment ([ROOMNAME]), which you booked for [NUMNIGHT] nights from [FIRSTNIGHTSHORT] to [LEAVINGDAYSHORT] is currently available for up to [VACANTDAYS] extra night(s)|]. We are very happy to offer you to extend your stay a [PROPERTYNAME] at the exceptional rate of [ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK] per extra night. If you would like to extend your stay then please send an email to our Reservations team [PROPERTYEMAIL] confirming the number of nights you would like to stay and provide your Booking Reservation Number [BOOKID] and Offer ‘EXTRANIGHTS’ for the special Price.  *HTML Box
[IF<=:[VACANTDAYS]:3:Your apartment ([ROOMNAME]), which you booked for [NUMNIGHT] nights from [FIRSTNIGHTSHORT] to [LEAVINGDAYSHORT] is currently available for up to [VACANTDAYS] extra night(s)|].
We are very happy to offer you to extend your stay a [PROPERTYNAME] at the exceptional rate of [ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK] per extra night. If you would like to extend your stay then please send an email to our Reservations team [PROPERTYEMAIL] confirming the number of nights you would like to stay and provide your Booking Reservation Number [BOOKID] and Offer ‘EXTRANIGHTS’ for the special Price.
'''Booking Info Tab :- Optional'''
*Booking info code = EXTRANIGHTS,
*Booking Info Description = Upsell email sent [CURRENTDATE] :[ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK] per extra night


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