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2,036 bytes added, 14:57, 12 September 2022
[[Category:Customise_Control_Panel]]<div class="heading">Dashboard</div> ''This page explains how to use and customise the DASHBOARD'' <span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> If you are using the old version of the dashboard click on the "Try it" link. If you want to change back to the old version click on the {{#fas:lock}} icon and then on "Legacy Dashboard".
The dashboard shows you all relevant information on one screen and allows you to manage bookings and rooms.
==Interactive Front Desk==
===Change or add Information to bookings===
For the components "Arrivals", "Departures" and "Current Guests", "Modified Bookings", "Latest Bookings" you can add "CQ editable" custom question columns. These columns show the questions which are activated in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > BOOKING QUESTIONS and are editable.
If you view one property the column heading will show the name of the custom question. If you select a group or all properties only the custom question number can show because the custom questions could be different in each property.
=== Check guests in and check guests out ===
If you are using the components "Arrivals", "Departures" and "Current Guests" you can manage the check-in and check-out process from the dashboard and see which guests are currently checked-in. This video explains how to check guests in and how to check guests out:
<embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo>
Also you can always check a guest in by opening the booking and setting the info code "Checkin" in the "Info" tab.
In {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES "Check-in Rules" you can limit the check-in function for the Dashboard modules.
==Analytics and Information==
=Customize Dashboard=
== Add components ==
The dashboard is fully customisable. You can choose which content to display, where to display it and set the size of each component on the dashboard.
*To customise the dashboard click on the hamburger menu (&#9776;) on the right and tick "Unlock".   Note: If you are using *To customise the old version of individual component use the dashboard click on menu in the "Try it" link. If you want to change back to the old version click on right corner of the hamburger menu and then on "Original Dashboard"box (&#8942;).
This video explains how to customise the dashboard:
 <embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo>
You can:
=== Add components content ===
You can add components from the selection in the drop down menu. Choose from:
You have the option to select one or all properties (if you have multiple) and choose which columns to see. The order of the columns is also customisable. Some components allow you to perform actions like check a guest in or check a guest out directly from the dashboard.
To change the settings click on the hamburder menu right above the content and click "Unlock". Then change the settings via the menu in the component.
*'''Custom Reports'''
To set them up go to Create the report in REPORTS->CUSTOM REPORTS. If you want to use a custom report on the dashboard set it "Layout" = tabular.
You have the option to select one or all properties (if you have multiple).
To change Select the settings click on the hamburger menu right above Custom report from the content and click "Unlock"list. Then change The display on the settings via Dashboard will show the menu Report Name you entered in the componentREPORTS->CUSTOM REPORTS.
You have the option to select one or all properties (if you have multiple) and the period you want to see.
To *'''Housekeeping'''You can change the settings click on status and add a note if required. The changes you make in this components will reflect in the hamburger menu right above CALENDAR. The default statuses can be changed in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT->PREFERENCES under "Unit Status Presets".  The Housekeeping component "Units" shows you a list of your units. The status of the content and click units is unrelated to bookings.  The Housekeeping component "UnlockBookings". Then change shows a list of your units and the settings via status of the menu in unit related to the componentbookings
*'''Potential Issues'''
You have the option to select one or all properties (if you have multiple).
To change the settings click on the hamburger menu right above the content and click "Unlock". Then change the settings via the menu in the component.
*'''Standard Reports'''
You have the option to select one or all properties (if you have multiple) and the period you want to see. Then change the settings via the menu in the component.
To *'''Statistics'''For most Statistics you can change the settings click period you want to see. *'''Notes'''An editable notes field which allows also to add HTML. You can also use it to embed information from other systems via an Iframe. Some ideas on what to use this option for:*Google doc, sheet or form*calendar*information from the tourist office*weather <span style="color:#007bff;“ >{{#far:question-circle}} </span> The display of many components on one dashboard can affect the performance. Consider using multiple dashboards instead. === External content === You can use the hamburger menu right above "Notes" module on the Dashboard to integrate content and click from an external system (ie. task management, calendars, weather forecast) via an iFrame.  *Click on "Edit"*Click on "Source"*Add the iframe in following format replacing the "" with the URL of the page you want to embed: <code><iframe frameborder="Unlock0"height="500" src="https://myURL. com" style="width: 100%;" scrolling="no" ></iframe></code>
*'''Statistics'''For most Statistics you can change If required also adjust the period you want to see. To change the period click on the hamburger menu right above the content and click "Unlockheight"value.
=== Arrange components content ===
*Drag and drop components to position them where you want.
*Resize component
=== Remove components content ===
Remove components clicking into the right menu of the element and then on "Remove Component".
=== Add/remove columns in a component ===
Click on Component you wish to change, click on the 3 vertical dots, go to 'Columns' and tick/untick the columns you wish to add/remove from your component.
=== Multiple Properties ===
If required you can add a column "Property" to show the property name.
===Multiple dashboards / multiple devices / mobiles use Save changes=== If required <span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Make sure you lock the screen when you can set up multiple screens for example for desktop and mobile view. You can rename each of your dashboards. Cookies are used done by clicking "Unlock" again to remember which dashboard was last viewed on a deviceavoid accidental changes.
=== Save changesRestore Default=== Make sure you lock To restore the screen when you are done by clicking "Unlock" again to avoid accidental changesdefault remove all content then refresh the page.
=== Dashboards in sub accounts===
If you have sub accounts you can use the "Clone" function to make custom dashboards available in other accounts.
== Check guests in and check guests out ==If you are using Click on the 'User' icon on the components "Arrivals", "Departures" top right and "Current Guests" you can manage then on 'Account Management (in the check-old control panel SUB ACCOUNT in and check-out process from the dashboard top right) and see which guests are currently checked-inselect 'Clone Account Settings' button. This video explains how to check guests in and how to check guests out:
<embedvideo service="youtube">https:Multiple dashboards / multiple devices / use</embedvideo> Also If required you can always check a guest in by opening the booking set up multiple screens for example for desktop and setting the info code "Checkin" in the "Info" tabmobile view. You can rename each of your dashboards Note: If you Cookies are using the old version of the used to remember which dashboard click was last viewed on the "Try it" link. If you want to change back to the old version click on the hamburger menu and then on "Original Dashboard"a device.  == Cleaning and housekeeping=Troubleshooting =The component If you are using "UnitsPrivate Mode" shows you an overview on your units. You can change the status browser locking and add a note if required. The changes you make in this component will reflect in unlocking the CALENDAR. The default statuses can be changed in SETTINGS->ACCOUNT->PREFERENCES under "Unit Status Presets"screen might now work.
== Troubleshooting Notes Module - unable to 'edit'.==If Check you are using "Private Mode" have the Notes Module only once. *Multiple same note widgets on your browser locking and unlocking the screen might now wordsame dashboard are not supported.


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